"No problem." Feng Zhi nodded.

Since there is no problem, the party will not stay here any more. You know, there are so many people out there looking for Fengzhi and Longyan like crazy. They want to see if these two people who can keep pace with the emperor's name have any three heads and six arms. If they stay outside, they will be found by those crazy immortals. Fengzhi and Longyan are sure You can't get out of the crowd.

But after Feng Zhi and his party left, one of several thousand disciples finally couldn't help but breathe.

Another person was puzzled and asked, "elder martial brother, what's the matter with you? We didn't want to play tricks. They should pay for the 900 million immortal stones. What are you so nervous about?"

The disciple of qianmenzong, known as "elder martial brother", looked at his younger martial brother with some resentment and said, "usually, if you look at the celebrity list of fairyland, you will know that you are lazy. Do you know who those people are just now?"

Younger martial brother shook his head foolishly.

All his energy is on how to set the odds ratio so that his family can earn more immortal stones, where he has time to pay attention to the who in the fairyland.

What's more, he keeps watch of the dish mouth every day without going out to know what to do?

Don't say anything. Only by understanding these things can we know who can and can't be provoked. He is a disciple of Qianmen sect. As long as he doesn't try to play tricks, no one else will cheat him.

Qianmenzong is not a sect that can be bullied by others. As long as the disciples of Qianmen sect have a reason, they will never be bullied!

This is what the younger martial brother always thinks.

Seeing him like this, the elder martial brother first kicked him, then lowered his voice and said, "Fengzhi and Longyan are just fine. Although they have climbed the ladder, it will take a long time for them to develop to the level that we are all afraid of. But one of the three elders with them is the God arrow king who has" the first person under the emperor "! ”

God's arrow!

In the fairyland, the name is absolutely awe inspiring.

Even though the teacher didn't pay attention to these words, he didn't even care.

I can't help it. Who called the name of arrow roaring too loud?

What's more important is Jianxiao's temperament, which is not even the emperor's account, let alone their ordinary disciples of thousands of sects. If it is really in his hands, it is his own patriarch who comes forward in person. It is impossible to get good from Jianxiao, and no one can ignore it.

"Fortunately, fortunately, we didn't even want to make this 900 million immortal stone at all..." The younger martial brother was so lucky.

It was not just him, but several others.

Think about the fact that some of them mentioned this before, but they didn't really think so, let alone do it. Otherwise, now they don't know how to die.

Seeing this, the elder martial brother swept his eyes one by one from the faces of several younger martial brothers. He said solemnly, "this is the boundary of the sky. It's not strange to see anyone here, so you should be careful in your words and deeds in the future. If you say anything inappropriate, you will be heard by the people we can't afford. Don't blame the clan for being merciless."

The others nodded.

Then, the younger martial brother was still a little curious: "elder martial brother, you mean there are three elders, who are the other two elders?"

The elder martial brother thought for a while and said his guess: "the other two are very close to master Jianxiao. They should be the immortal couple of master Jianxiao. The last one is spread in the fairyland recently. Tens of thousands of years ago, the Chatian gorge has fallen and reappeared in front of Xiaoxu."

The others gasped.

Arrow Xiao is the first person under the emperor. It can be imagined that his immortal companion's strength will not be lower, and there is a great possibility that he is also the emperor.

And Xiao Xu

Recently, there are a lot of news about Xiao Xu in the fairyland, but one thing is certain, that is, Xiao Xu is also a strong ruler of heaven.

Think of the previous group of Fengzhi, there were only a dozen of them, including three heavenly kings. Among the rest of the younger generation, there were also Fengzhi and Longyan, the peerless genius who could climb the ladder.

It's really

I can't afford it!

For a while, a few disciples of the thousand schools went just to celebrate.

And Feng to a group of people, at this time has returned to the arrow roaring in the sky on the habitat.

At this time, all the talents are able to speak well.

"Fengzhi, Longyan, congratulations." Arrow roar and clear Ying together way.

Xiao Xu, on the other hand, had already noticed something from the attitude of the East emperor. This time, Fengzhi and Longyan succeeded in climbing the ladder. After he knew the news, he didn't have a big accident. Instead, he asked him to confirm his conjecture.

Feng to smell speech shook his head: "it is fluke."She didn't mean to be modest, but she really thought so.

If it wasn't for the three little ones in her body that could only swallow Mo Zhen's power, Mo Zhenshi was so surprised that Mo Zhen started Fengzhi by instinct, which attracted more than the mid-term power of emperor Tianjun and broke the rules first. Fengzhi and Longyan did not have any way to take Mo Zhen.

Although Fengzhi and Longyan could also play the power of Tianjun period at that time, they were no doubt different from Mo Zhen.

After listening to Feng Zhi's words, arrow Xiao shook his head: "luck is also a kind of strength. What's more, you can't always rely on luck to reach the last level. You always have the strength that can match your success. At the beginning, I also participated in the battle of the ladder of heaven, but..."

When I think of the scene when I participated in the struggle for the ladder of heaven, and the last chess miss, arrow Xiao now feels very sorry.

Xiao Xu also nodded when he heard this.

He had also participated in the struggle for the ladder of heaven, but as a result, he was frustrated and returned.

"The test of this ladder is too abnormal!" Xiao Xu still feels resentful. "A young immortal within ten thousand years old can reach the level of Da Luo Jin Xian. He is already a great genius. Even if he is more powerful, at most, it is the early stage of Xianjun. But at last, the test of the ninety-nine level has to fight with Tianjun. Isn't that just a joke? How can people get along with this

After becoming an immortal, every promotion of a great realm has a qualitative difference compared with the previous state, not to mention that the emperor is already the most powerful under the emperor.

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