For Xiao Xu, even arrow roar is quite agree.

They all took part in not only one battle of the ladder, but also nearly 10000 years old when they took part in the last time. But at that time, their strength was at most only Daluo Jinxian. They had no chance to win against the heavenly king. Finally, they were defeated with full of regret.

Looking back on their powerlessness in the sky ladder at that time, it was really a kind of unspeakable suffocation.

Speaking of this, Xiao Xu is a little curious about the situation of Fengzhi and Longyan crossing the border in the sky ladder.

“…… At that time, every time we passed the test of one layer, we could get a star. It is said that if we could collect 99 stars, it would be of great use, but we can't know what it is. The enemy in the ninety ninth layer has the strength of the emperor. It's just insane! " Xiao Xu fragmentary read, "by the way, Feng Zhi, what is your appearance this time?"

As a matter of fact, Xiao Xu has already asked again.

What's more, Fengzhi also said it again.

When Xiao Xu asked again, Feng couldn't help but say it again, "master Xiao Xu, I've already said before. We collect one little star every time we pass through one layer. What's the benefit of collecting 99 stars? It's still unknown. However, we know one thing..."

One thing?

Everyone was curious.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Xu asked.

Everyone else was listening.

"Three elders, you should have heard of Mo Zhen?" Feng Zhi asked.

Mo Zhen.

Of course, Xiao Xu has heard of this name. Not only they, but also Fenglai have heard of it.

No way, the name is now hanging high on the top of the light curtain outside the sky ladder, which makes it impossible for them to hear about it or not.

At this time, when Feng Zhi mentioned the name Mo Zhen, the arrow roared suddenly with an association You mean, the man who guards the gate in the ladder is Mo Zhen? "

At the sound of the arrow, the others couldn't help but stare round.

The reason why the ladder is called the ladder of heaven is that it can be used to ascend the sky step by step. However, most of the people who have successfully passed all the tests of the ladder have become the supreme emperor, and the only difference is mo Zhen.

It is also because of this, although Mo Zhen has no news since climbing the ladder, but the popularity of this name is no lower than the existing several emperors.

As for why Mo Zhen didn't get news later, people naturally have their own guesses. Some people guess that he fell down early before he grew up, some guess whether he has found some seclusion place to live in seclusion, and others guess whether he is trying to break through to the realm of emperor

But no one has ever guessed that he was actually in the ladder and became the watchman of the ladder.

Mo Zhen passed the battle over the ladder more than 100000 years ago. Since then, it was more than 100000 years ago. After tens of thousands of years, arrow roar and Xiao xucai have become famous in the celestial world. They can not help but recall the scene when they first broke through the ladder. On the first 63 floors, all they can see is a black shadow. When they get to the back, they can see the shadow clearly The real face, but none of them knew who it was.

So, that is

Mo Zhen.

It suddenly occurred to everyone.

What makes arrow Xiao and Xiao Xu care most is another thing.

"Fengzhi..." Xiao Xu asked, "well, what about Mo Zhen's strength?"

Feng Zhi took a look at Xiao Xu. "Master Xiao Xu, you should add the word" master "after the word" Mo Zhen. "

Xiao Xu was stunned.

After meeting the meaning of Feng Zhi's words, he stammered because he was shocked.

"He, he, he..."

He couldn't say the next thing for a while.

The arrow roars next Xiao Xu's words, "Mo Zhen elder, has he already become the emperor?"

Feng Zhi nods.

At this time, Xiao Xu took a breath. He sighed and said with some emotion: "therefore, there are not only four emperors in the fairyland now, but five."

It's just that this fifth person has never been known by anyone.

Now, of course, all of them here already know.

Recalling the information inferred from Mo Zhen's words at that time, Fengzhi said: "I'm afraid that master Mo Zhen had been promoted to the power of emperor many thousands of years ago. In a word, master Mo Zhen became an emperor even earlier than several existing emperors. Later, he entered the heaven ladder for a reason that he didn't know what it was and became the gatekeeper in the ladder, Until now. "

Probably, it was just because he entered the ladder and became the gatekeeper that Mo Zhen would have no news from then on.

After listening to Feng Zhi's words, people were more in awe of the ladder.

Think about it, even Mo Zhen, a powerful monarch, volunteered to be the gatekeeper in the ladder. What kind of secret is there in the ladder? It's hard to imagine.Speaking of Mo Zhen, Feng Zhi couldn't help complaining again This elder Mo Zhen is really disrespectful to the old man. After seeing Long Yan and I, we changed our minds temporarily. We should use the strength of the emperor in the middle period to deal with the two of us. Later, we even took out some magical objects like xirang. It's just plain bullying people! "

Think of her and Long Yan in the ladder in the struggle, Feng to now can not help but want to hold a bitter tears ah.

Hearing Feng Zhi say so, arrow Xiao and Xiao Xu can't help but look at each other.

In the middle of the test, Long Feng and Mo Zhen

You know, when they participated in the struggle for the ladder, the opponents they met were just the strength of the emperor in the early days. Even so, they failed to pass.

But Fengzhi and Longyan, in the face of the mid-term strength of the emperor Mo Zhen, finally succeeded in climbing to the top, which is not described by the word "fluke".

At the sight of Mo Zhen and Xiao Xu's eyes, Fengzhi knew what they were thinking, so he spread out his hands: "don't think long Yan and I can be so powerful. At that time, we were all about to give up. How could we know that there was a little accident later..."

She explained the situation at that time.

“…… If it wasn't for the surprise of master Mo Zhen that he couldn't control it and used his strength beyond the mid-term of Tianjun, we could only hope to make a comeback when the next ladder was opened. " Feng Zhi Dao.

Hearing Feng Zhi say so, arrow Xiao and Xiao Xu have not changed their own ideas.

In any case, they can force arrow roar against their original intention, using more than the mid-term strength of the emperor, which is extremely remarkable.

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