Arrow roars three people to look at one eye, finally can't help but slightly exhale a breath.

They are already the emperor of heaven, and arrow roar is the first person under the emperor. However, in the matter of climbing the ladder, the arrow roar and Xiao Xu that have experienced personally have to put the word "Fu" on the path of Fengzhi and Longyan.

At least, at the age of Fengzhi and Longyan, they couldn't do it.

After saying what happened in the ladder, arrow Xiao asked Feng Zhi's next plan, "Fengzhi, what are you going to do next?"

"Next..." Feng to raise eyebrows, a pair of high spirited appearance, "not easy to make a name in the fairyland, while the heat is high enough now, of course, to make a good advertisement!"


Everyone was very puzzled.

Fengzhi didn't explain in detail. Even if he did, people would not understand it. It's better to let them experience it in person.

She said mysteriously, "just wait."

Then, Feng Zhi asked, "master Xiao Xu, how long will the ladder disappear after the battle over the ladder is over?"

Xiao Xu pondered for a while and said, "it usually disappears one day after the battle over the ladder."

"So..." Feng Zhi asked, "are those people outside the ladder going to leave after the ladder disappears?"

Xiao Xu nodded.

Many of the immortals came to the sky not far away, but for the sake of the ladder. Naturally, they would not leave until the ladder disappeared. Anyway, it was only a day or two.

"So..." Feng Zhi nodded thoughtfully.

People don't know what Feng Zhi is planning, but they will know the answer tomorrow at most.

Feng Zhi has always done something unexpected. What does she want to do this time? Unconsciously, people are looking forward to what will happen tomorrow.

But Fengzhi, in the public's expectation, suddenly put her eyes on Jianxiao, Xiaoxu and Qingying. Her eyes are extremely divine, and even can be said to have a God to shine. Coupled with that pair of eyes with the can not be mistaken desire and expectation, Jianxiao three people are looked at by her, at the same time, there is a kind of pressure that does not know where to come from.

It's like

If you can't meet her expectations, you'll be so embarrassed.

I have to say, with a look to let the three heavenly kings have such an idea, Fengzhi is also the best in the fairyland.

Xiaoxu and Fengzhi stay longer. Just looking at the appearance of Fengzhi, we can see that Fengzhi must have some wrong ideas. In order to stop worrying about what to be calculated this time, Xiao Xu simply said to the point: "Fengzhi, don't look at us like this. If you can tell us what you can do, we will not refuse. ”

represented by Xiao Xu, Jianxiao and Qingying agreed with each other.

Fengzhi had great kindness to Jianxiao and Qingying. If it hadn't been for the xianjiancao provided by Fengzhi and helped refine ninghun pill, Qingying would have been so scared that people can't find any trace of her existence in any place. Therefore, Jianxiao and Qingying's gratitude to Fengzhi can't be described in words, let alone can't be rewarded casually Come on.

Therefore, as Xiao Xu said, no matter what kind of request Fengzhi puts forward, as long as it is within the scope of their ability, they will not refuse.

And they are the heavenly king. In the fairyland, when the three heavenly kings join hands, there are not many things that can't be done.

The arrow roared and nodded to Feng Zhi.

Feng Zhi said with a smile, "three elders, you don't have to be nervous. I won't ask for anything wrong. At most, I want you to do me a little favor..."

At the same time, Feng Zhi also pinches the tail finger with the thumb, compares a "one loses loses" the movement.

Xiao Xu winked at the sight.

"All right, all right, just say it." He said.

I don't know what I'll hear next, but it's not good at all.

Feng as for is also no longer a matter of concern, she said: "three elders, this is really a help, I want you to help."

Three people all nodded, waiting for Feng to the following.

Feng Zhi then went on to say: "the three elders all know that I have taken over the five element sect, and now the five element sect plus me is only nine people. Since I have already taken over, of course, I can't tolerate the five element sect all the time. It's a down and out sect. So we have to find a way to make the five element sect develop?"

Arrow roar three people all nodded.

They are all the same people. If you do something, you should do it well.

At the same time, the three people also have a guess, Fengzhi want them to help, must be related to the development of the five elements.

Seeing the three nodding, Fengzhi continued: "now the names of Longyan and I, as well as the five element sect, are hanging at the top of the light curtain. With so many people watching, the reputation of the five element sect is not what it used to be. It can be imagined that after the TIANTI battle is completely over, many people will come to Wuxing sect and want to worship it."Others agreed.

The first five elements sect attracted so many people just because Zhou Changyu alone shook the fairyland.

However, the five elements sect flourished because of the rise of Zhou Changyu, and also declined because of Zhou Changyu's fall. This is also helpless.

Now, Fengzhi and Longyan have succeeded in climbing the sky ladder. Their names are hanging high above the light curtain, which makes people unable to ignore them. In addition, with the three words "wuxingzong" hanging high above the light screen, it can be imagined that many immortals will find the wuxingzong with the idea of "what kind of sect can produce such two monsters".

When they come up here, they can't find a place where they can't go down.

And Fengzhi and Longyan

They are now famous, but if they want to let all kinds of talents decide to stay, it is still a little bit less.

Therefore, Feng to just open mouth to arrow Xiao three people ask for help.

She will ask for help, and she has the confidence. As long as she adds some help, those talented people who come to yinxianfeng will be left by her.

As for the rest

How to manage these good and bad disciples, how to let the clan develop in such a situation, that is what Fengzhi, the patriarch, needs to consider.

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