Seeing Jian Xiao's three people had no objection, Fengzhi said his purpose directly. "Three elders, although the names of Longyan and wuxingzong are very famous now, I still want to make this fame bigger. Therefore, we need to borrow the fame of the three predecessors, hehe..."

Speaking of later, Feng can't help rubbing her hands, a very embarrassed look.

However, her face that smile, looking at where there is a little embarrassed appearance?

Use fame?

Arrow roar three people looked at one eye, and then arrow roared: "you say."

They are not very concerned about their own fame, compared to fame, they are more concerned about their own strength, if there is no strength to lay the bottom, no matter how high the fame is empty.

Feng Zhi then said, "so, I mean to ask three elders to be the honorary elders of the five element sect. The three elders can rest assured that the so-called honorary elder is just a name, and will not impose any restrictions on the three elders. This is also a bonus to the five element sect, isn't it

Honorary elder?

Arrow Xiao and others have never heard such a statement before.

If Feng Zhi knew what they thought, she would turn her lips in secret. If it was on the earth in the 21st century, it would not be uncommon. If there were not a few famous honorary professors and honorary experts, it would be hard to see people!

She is just using other people's practices to add kwagawa to the five element sect. It will not surprise people to put it on the earth, OK?

At this point, Jian Xiao's three people certainly will not have any opinions. Let alone borrow their fame, they will certainly not refuse to make any specific demands.

As for

Feng to will borrow their fame to do anything bad, arrow Xiao three people will not have any worry.

He nodded his head and agreed to Feng Zhi's request. Arrow Xiao was a little curious, so he asked, "Fengzhi, what do you want to do, why don't you just talk to us about it?"

Listen to her so cover half say half, make people in the heart have some itching, OK?

Feng zhidu had already said this, of course, there was no intention to hide it. So she showed some complacent look on her face and said, "master, didn't I say it before? I want to take this opportunity to make a good advertisement..."


The word was heard again.

Long Yanfeng came to Fengming, and the three of them had lived with Feng Zhi for more than 1000 years. Of course, they had heard this saying, but the others were different, so they were all puzzled.

"The so-called advertisement means to advertise, that is, to think of some ways to make your reputation spread to more people." After a brief explanation, Fengzhi explained the specific implementation method of this time. "Elder Xiao Xu, didn't you say that the ladder will disappear in a day. At that time, everyone will pay great attention to the trend of the ladder. This is the best time for us to advertise. Think about it, at the moment when the ladder disappeared, Fengzhi and Longyan, who successfully climbed the top, let all of them People all know that the Wuxing sect where they live is going to open up a large number of mountains and accept apprentices. In this previously unknown Wuxing sect, there are three heavenly masters, namely, arrow roaring, Xiaoxu and Qingying, as honorary elders... "

People all follow the description of Feng Zhi.

After they thought about it for a while, Feng Zhi continued: "think about it. If you just want to join a sect to seek refuge, and you see such an advertisement at this time, would you want to go to the five element sect and have a try?"

The people thought about it and all nodded at the same time.

It has to be said that these described by Fengzhi are undoubtedly very attractive to the immortal who has the idea of joining the sect.

First of all, if you climb the top of the ladder, you will have a great chance to become the emperor as long as you don't fall down early in the future. Fengzhi and Longyan are all members of this five element sect, which means that the Wuxing sect cannot always be as famous as it is now.

In fact, when the word "wuxingzong" pressed down on a large number of doors and hung at the top of the light curtain, the wuxingzong was no longer as obscure as before.

Secondly, there are three heavenly kings in the five element sect as honorary elders.

Of course, the immortals don't know what the honorary elder means, but they can always recognize the word "elder". Among the three heavenly kings as elders, one of them still has the arrow roar of "the first person under the emperor"

If this news spreads out, it will definitely make many people scream in the fairyland, OK?

Since Jianxiao has such a big name, of course, his fans are not few. I don't know how many immortal people who study bow and arrow want to see him in dream. If you can get some advice from him, it will be even more lucky like burning incense.

However, in the past, arrow roar had no interest in showing his face. He was only accompanied by Qingying and focused on improving his archery skills. Therefore, no one has ever been lucky to get the guidance of arrow roar.Maybe, we can't say that.

If you really want to say, Fenglai is such a person.

He not only got the inheritance of Jianxiao, but also spared no effort to instruct Fenglai because of his gratitude to Fengzhi.

If not, Fenglai could not have gone so far in the ladder with the strength of the early days of the celestial being.

If Fenglai's treatment was known by those immortal who also practiced archery skills, he would be torn to pieces by those immortals whose eyes were green with envy.

Under such circumstances, it suddenly came out that the five element sect invited the arrow to roar as an honorary elder. These people were afraid that they could not boil like boiling water.

Of course, it is not impossible to gather in the five element sect.

Not to mention, Xiao Xu and Qingying also have a lot of appeal in the fairyland.

Only with the three of them, they can withstand the popularity of Fengzhi and Longyan.

After a long time, the arrow roared and said: "well So, this is called advertising? "

Feng Zhi nods heavily.

"Well, you can just let it go and say what we need to do." The arrow roared.

Feng Zhi's face immediately laughed like a flower. She was not polite to arrow Xiao at all. "In this case, I'm not polite. After tomorrow, I'd like to invite three elders to go with me to wuxingzong..."

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