There was no objection to Feng Zhi's request.

Thus, the next development plan of the five element sect was determined in this way.

After they left with Jian Xiao, Feng Zhi and his party went to their own rooms. On the way, Fengming was still a little unsure of Fengzhi's "advertising" plan, and asked, "Fengzhi, what kind of advertisement are you really useful?"

No wonder he didn't have confidence. After all, they had never heard of such a method before.

Feng to smell speech white Feng Ming one eye, "when do you believe my words?"

Fengming didn't believe Fengzhi's words, but wanted to make Fengzhi speak more clearly.

However, even if Fengzhi can see the idea of Fengming, is she the kind of person who can explain the meaning of Fengming well?

The answer, of course, is No.

"All right, all right. Tomorrow you'll know what's going on. What's the hurry?"

With this sentence to kill Fengming, but also let xianbao'er and Cheng Sinian five people give up the idea of seeking the truth, Fengzhi then took Long Yan back to the room together.

You know, since she entered the ladder, she has never been close to Long Yan. Now she has finally come out of the ladder, and has got the results they want. Of course, she needs to be well preserved.


So the door closed in front of the others.

Fengming because of too close, but also almost closed the door to the nose.

He touched his nose, stepped back a few steps, and looked at each other's eyes at each other's helplessness.

Isn't it helplessness?

Everyone knows how much Fengzhi attaches importance to getting along with Long Yan alone. Who dares to disturb them at this time


The results are definitely not what they want to see.

So, what else can they do?

I'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out the answer.

Under such expectation, the people ushered in the next day.

In the early morning, the sun rises in the East, bringing light and warmth to the earth.

Under the sunlight, the glittering ladder standing between heaven and earth is like having supreme majesty. When people look up, they will subconsciously realize their own insignificance.

On the side of the ladder, on a huge light screen, there was no name of the two hands. Only when the names of Fengzhi and Longyan were added to the top of the ladder, did they break through the name of two hands.

Looking at the ten or so names now, and considering how many names were on the light screen when the ladder was just opened, all the immortals couldn't help feeling. This is probably the real meaning of the big wave gold rush.

Only real gold can withstand the washing of big waves and reveal its true glory.

As for the sand

Maybe it can shine for a while, but it's just a moment, and it will disappear in the long river of time soon.

Under such an idea, when the immortals looked at the names of Fengzhi and Longyan on the screen of light, they didn't know how envious they were.

To be able to enter the ladder means that one must be under ten thousand years old. At such an age, such achievements have been made, and even the throne of Emperor may be won in the future. How can people not be envied?

Speaking of this, since the top of the curtain of light hung by the names of Fengzhi and Longyan yesterday, the speculation about them has never stopped.

All the immortals still remember. Not long ago, the rumor that there would be two emperors in the fairyland in recent years has been rampant. Even, some of the major leapfrog sects in the fairyland, out of the idea of "spreading the net", also jointly held a grand ceremony, trying to see if it was possible to get the legendary future emperor into their own sect.

It can be imagined that for this rumor, the fairyland people are deeply convinced.

This incident did not last long. Under such circumstances, two talented figures, Fengzhi and Longyan, who ascended the ladder together, came out again.

You know, the vast majority of those who have been able to climb the ladder have become emperors in the end. The only exception is mo Zhen, who has no news now.

Of course, this is because the immortals did not know that Mo Zhen had already become the emperor. Otherwise, in the minds of the immortals, it would be an equal sign to be an emperor to be able to climb the ladder.

Therefore, for a while, Fengzhi and Longyan were the next two emperors in the fairyland. This conjecture was passed down from mouth to mouth among the fairies in today's sky realm without a day's effort.

After that, some news about Fengzhi and Longyan also came to the ears of the immortals.

Fengzhi and Longyan have been in the fairyland for more than 100 years. Although they are not high-profile, they do not have a low-key room. Especially when someone provokes them, they will never let those who offend them feel better. There are many people who have suffered losses under their hands in the past 100 years.Once upon a time, because these people were not concentrated, Fengzhi and Longyan were not famous. But now, when the news that they were the two people who climbed the ladder quickly spread around the fairyland, these immortals who had dealt with Fengzhi, after being shocked, naturally gave back the news they knew about Fengzhi and Longyan at a very fast speed.

Therefore, in just one day's Kung Fu, Fengzhi and Longyan were known by all the immortals after they had risen to the fairyland.

After knowing that Fengzhi and Longyan had only been in the fairyland for more than 100 years, they had the strength of the great Luo Jinxian. All the immortals couldn't help but gasp. Because of this, people were not surprised by the fact that Fengzhi and Longyan stayed in the immortal pool for such a long time after they had risen to the heaven. There was even a kind of "it is true" Suddenly.

What's so strange about this? You should know that Fengzhi and Longyan are going to be emperors in the future. How can they be justified if they are not special?

Therefore, when Fengzhi and Longyan didn't know about it, they had already become "people who will become Emperors" among other immortal populations.

Wait for Feng to know these, she can't help but feel a little funny.

Feng Ming said: "look, climbing the top of the ladder is the best advertisement. Now even if you don't make the arrow roar, the fame of you and Long Yan can spread all over the fairyland."

Feng raised her eyebrows.

Naturally, she and Long Yan are well-known, but this does not mean that the five elements sect has much attraction to young immortals who claim to be talented.

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