All the immortals are interested in her and Longyan, but this does not make the five element sect more competitive among the numerous sects. After all, after knowing the past of the five element sect, probably no one will look down on the sect which flourished because of one person, and then declined because of one person.

What's more, the five element sect has been in decline for a long time. The whole sect is a shell with nothing but yinxianfeng.

Why do immortals join the sect?

In addition to the benefit of the sect, it is the resource support that can be obtained from the sect after joining the sect.

None of these can be given to the five element sect.

In such a case, even if the five element sect has Fengzhi as its leader, it is impossible for people to want to join it.

Fengzhi and Longyan are very likely to become emperors, but that is also the future. Now they only have the strength of Daluo Jinxian. No matter how gifted they are, they still have a very long time to become emperors. The immortals don't have so much time to wait for the growth of Fengzhi and Longyan. At that time, Fengzhi and Longyan are growing up, but what are they What's the use of this?

It is because of this point that Feng Zhi can't help but think about bringing Jianxiao three people to wuxingzong to be honorary elders, and to make an advertisement at such a good time when the ladder disappears.

In fact, Fengzhi knows very well that Jianxiao and Qingying are very grateful to her, and Xiao Xu is inexplicably close to her and Long Yan. If she opens her mouth, let alone ask them to be honorary elders of the Wuxing sect, they will not refuse to join them.

It's just

Feng Zhi also has her pride.

She is the leader of the five elements sect, and it is what she should do when she promised to take over the five elements sect. In order to achieve this goal, she can give full play to all her advantages, but she can't force the three people to arrow for this purpose.

After all, as the emperor of heaven, and also known for a long time, I want to know that Jianxiao three people are not willing to be bound by the clan.

To their strength, the clan can no longer provide them with any help. Instead, their existence will enhance their competitiveness among the numerous clans.

It is harmful but not profitable for them to join the clan.

Therefore, ask arrow Xiao three people to become honorary elders of the five element sect, which is the limit that Feng Zhi can do.

Of course, if Jianxiao and the other three join the five element Sect on their own, Fengzhi will welcome them with both hands and feet.

Feng to early in the morning led a group of people to the outside of the ladder.

Although the battle for the ladder of heaven ended yesterday, there were no fewer people around it. Now, everyone looks up at the ladder standing between heaven and earth.

On the screen of light, the names of Fengzhi and Longyan are so striking behind those emperors.

On the other hand, the word "wuxingzong" is more powerful than some other major doors.

From time to time, some immortals will look up to the light curtain, and stay for a long time on the Phoenix dragon Yan and the five elements sect.

In fact, up to now, even if the facts are clear, many immortals still can't believe what they have seen. How can two unknown young immortals, a down-to-earth sect that almost no one knows, can suppress so many talented people and become the final winner in the battle for the ladder of heaven?

These people don't understand.

However, they also know that even if they and others do not understand, the fact is the fact.

Feng Zhi's divine sense was very strong. Although she was not crowded in the crowd, she only needed to glance at what the immortals were thinking.

For the idea of all the immortals, Phoenix to is not put in the heart.

In the end, no matter how she won't pass the test, she won't be able to pass the test?

At this time, the sun has completely risen, and the ladder is more dazzling because of the golden sunshine.

The arrow roared suddenly: "coming."

When Feng arrived, her expression was coagulated.

She knew, of course, that the roar of arrows meant that the ladder was about to disappear.

Almost at the same time when the arrow roared to the ground, everyone could not help looking up at the sky, and saw that the sky ladder, which was originally like a pillar supporting the heaven and earth, flowed faster after the sun had completely risen, as if the golden sunlight had been completely absorbed.

"Move, move, move!"

Someone in the crowd yelled.

The ladder did move.

I saw that the originally stable ladder began to vibrate slightly. When the vibration became more and more obvious, the space that existed due to the ladder even began to vibrate, so that people standing in this space could not help shaking.Without waiting for the immortals to stabilize their bodies, the crowd began to sound a continuous pumping sound.

This is because, at this time, the huge ladder and the light tower suddenly rose from the ground. After bringing a violent vibration to this space, the whole light tower flew up into the sky in the eyes of all people, and then flew farther and farther in the direction of the sun, but for a moment, it could no longer be seen.

When the ladder completely disappeared, without the huge ladder, the space suddenly seemed empty.


I don't know why, all the immortals feel empty in their hearts. After sighing, they are ready to leave here.

Without the ladder, it's useless to stay here.

At this time, Feng Zhi looked back at the crowd and said, "Hey, look at all of you. How do advertisements work? I'll give you a demonstration today..."

After that, Feng took a step forward.

They are now standing in the sky in the space beyond the ladder, or with the arrow roaring three people, Feng Zhi and his party were able to stay in the air, because they were stepping on a cloud, so they could see the situation below, but the people below did not find their trace.

Feng to this step out, the whole person will stand on the edge of the cloud, as long as one is not careful, it will fall from the cloud.

Everyone looked at Feng Zhi and wanted to see how she did the advertisement.

Feng had no time to care about other people's thoughts. She stretched out her hands and drew a circle in the air at a very slow speed. Then she stretched her palms straight ahead, just like pushing something out.

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