People's eyes were wide open, and their eyes were fixed on Feng Zhi.

Although it seems that there is nothing in front of her, Feng Zhi's push forward movement is undoubtedly somewhat laborious, as if she is pushing some heavy weight in her hand.

At the same time when Fengzhi finished this action, many of the immortals who had seen the last shadow of the ladder were all staring at each other.

"What is that?" Someone exclaimed.

At this time, the huge words in the sky suddenly disappeared.

When you see the first few words clearly, all the immortals are confused.

"Five elements Zongfu"?

What is this?


Seeing only the three words "wuxingzong", all the immortals guessed vaguely that this should have something to do with the Wuxing sect where Fengzhi and Longyan lived.

The immortals read down with a mist.

The more they read, the more queer their faces look.

This is an article to praise the five elements sect. The article uses the most gorgeous words to boast that the five elements sect is rare in the sky and unparalleled on the earth. After reading it, many immortals can't help but scold those who want to join the sect.

How can Fengzhi have so many flowery intestines.

Even though the old Feng was dissatisfied with the content of the article, he could only see a word in his heart.

After that, it naturally caused more exclamations.

At the end of the five element Zong Fu, it is written like this.

Do you want to know Fengzhi and Longyan who successfully climbed the ladder? Five element sect, please.

Would you like to hear from Fengzhi and Longyan about the experience of climbing the ladder? Five element sect, please.

Do you want to know how Fengzhi and Longyan have the power of Daluo Jinxian after more than one hundred years? We still have to come to the five element sect.

Want to get the first person under the emperor's Magic Arrow, the emperor's arrow roaring, the emperor Xiaoxu, Qingying's hand to point out? The five elements sect can satisfy your wishes.


Wuxingzong, this is a magical place, you are worth having.

The last part is


When the immortals see the last paragraph of the lyrics, it is very strange, just like someone has sung a song in their heads, let them look at the lyrics and can't help but hum along.

My door is always open to accommodate the world

Welcome to wuxingzong, open the sky and chop the earth for you


Welcome to wuxingzong. Everyone is great if you have a dream

Because there were so many people humming at the same time, a chorus formed. The only sound that could be heard in the whole sky ladder space was the voice of the people singing the song.

Then, the immortals were shocked by the chorus, and then stopped with a burst of red and white faces.

This song

It's poisonous!

How could they unconsciously sing along with it? What a shame!

When the immortals stopped singing and tried to pretend that they had never sung the song, they saw the last paragraph.

Ten years later, on Yinxian peak, the opening ceremony of wuxingzong will give you a good look!

By this time, all the immortals finally understood what Fengzhi was doing for. She wanted to expand the five elements sect, so she made a name for it.

However, the immortals also have to admit that the Phoenix to this move is really good.

Now there are more than 100 million immortals in this space. So many people have read the advertisement of fengzhisai from the beginning to the end. In addition, these people will spread their own knowledge. It will not be long before many people in the fairyland will know the opening ceremony of yinxianfeng.


Three of the five elders who wanted to join Tianfeng would like to join Tianfeng.

I have to say, Fengzhi's move is really high!

After the immortals want to understand, they can't help but look at each other.

If they have brains, why can't they think of these methods? If you look at those big people who have passed the test of the ladder, they didn't want to take such an opportunity to promote anything.

It's really

The immortals couldn't help shaking their heads.

However, no matter what, Fengzhi's goal is to achieve it. After such a visit, all the immortals here are deeply impressed by the opening ceremony of the five elements sect, so deep that they can't forget it. Even when they close their eyes, they will still have a melody like "welcome to the five elements sect" in their minds!

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