Above the clouds, others read the words in the air and the reactions of the immortals below.

As a matter of fact, Fengzhi has always been very secretive about how she wants to make this advertisement. Therefore, people did not know her specific practice until just now. Only when they saw the reaction of the immortals below, they understood that Fengzhi's advertisement should be a great success.

At least, the immortals here will not forget the word "wuxingzong" for a long time in the future.

Well, especially the enchanting melody of the five elements sect

It's poisonous!

Xiao Xu couldn't help but hold a fist and put it to his mouth to cough.

But for his strong self-control, he would have sung along, OK?

For a moment, people looked at Feng to the eyes, with some praise.

How does Feng Zhi's brain grow in the end? How can there be so many unique ideas that others can't think of?

If they really ask, Feng Zhi will probably answer, as long as they all go to the earth of the 21st century information explosion.

Looking at his patriarch with adoration, shi'er almost clasped his hands and put it on his chest to make a fool of a flower Master, you are so good. From today on, the name of our five element sect will be spread in the fairyland. I can imagine how many talented people will join us in the grand ceremony ten years later... "

Such a scene was once besieged on the Yinxian peak by those who did not enter the stream, and they did not dare to come out. They never imagined it.

Think about it. How long after Fengzhi took over wuxingzong, zongmen had already shown a new look. It was not too much to say that they were trapped in yinxianfeng at that time.

Cheng Sinian's five people all look at Feng Zhi, with gratitude and reverence in their eyes.

They all felt that it was the wisest thing they had ever done in their life to rely on Feng Zhi's behavior.

Listen to pick up son to say so, Feng to face but did not have any color, she shook her head: "this just where to where, I still have after move!"


People are first a Leng, and then all look to Feng, waiting for her explanation.

Feng Zhi didn't hide it at this time, and said, "advertising is not a one hammer business, but a continuous process. Don't think that there are so many people below. It's enough to let them know the name of the five elements sect. Think about how many immortals there are in the whole fairyland. Compared with the whole fairyland, these immortals are nothing, So, our goal is the star sea. Oh, no, our goal is to let the fairyland know the five elements sect. Do you understand

Let the fairyland know the five elements sect?

Hearing this, people first felt that the goal of Fengzhi was too broad. However, when they carefully tasted this sentence, they could not help but feel some boldness in their hearts.

Since Fengzhi said yes, it must be!

They just need to do what Fengzhi said!

People think so.

Seeing that her words had successfully aroused the enthusiasm of the people, Fengzhi was very satisfied: "so, I have left this ten years of time, not to prepare for the opening ceremony, but to set aside time for the news of the five elements sect to spread in the fairyland. To achieve this goal, we can still be busy..."

Everyone nodded, so it is.


Practicing Hongyu was puzzled. She asked, "Fengzhi, you want to make the five element sect more famous. We can understand this. But only today, many of these people will come to the five element sect and even many people will have the intention to join the five element sect. You will continue to spread the reputation of the five element sect in the fairyland There are too many people coming and too many people want to join the five element sect. The five element sect Can we accommodate so many people? "

Although the scope of yinxianfeng is large, it can only be regarded as medium-sized among all the sects, and how many disciples can it accommodate?

More importantly

Although Fengzhi now has a large number of immortal stones and a lot of resources, if too many apprentices are recruited, all kinds of resources must be consumed in a short time. At that time, can the immortal stones and resources in Fengzhi's hands be consumed at a speed comparable to that of rebirth?

This is a big problem.

Other people at this time obviously also thought of this, so are full of doubts to see to Feng.

They believe that Fengzhi couldn't have thought about this. In this case, what does Fengzhi think of his insistence on letting more people in the fairyland know that the wuxingzong is going to hold a grand ceremony to accept disciples?

Feng to this time a smile.

She said: "of course, I have some ideas about this issue. You think that the reason why I do this is to recruit more disciples and send those who have talent to us, right?"

In addition to the arrow whistling, Xu Qingying three people, the others all nodded, they really think so.If it wasn't for this, what did Feng Zhi Fei do so hard for?

You know, just below them, those young immortals who participated in the struggle for the ladder of heaven have not left yet. Even if the immortals who can be confident to participate in the struggle for the ladder of heaven are no matter how bad they are, there are always a few of them. If these gifted immortals are really received by the five element sect, when these people have grown up, the number of five element sect will be small Someone dares to provoke.

Of course, it takes a long time.

See everybody nods, Feng to smile again, she raises index finger to shake gently: "wrong!"


People are more confused.

Fengzhi didn't sell the key, and then he solved the confusion for the people. "You're right. The five elements sect really needs fresh blood now, but my vision is very high. It's not that anyone who wants to join us can join us."


"So, I want to attract more people, and then we can select some qualified people from them. Even if the proportion of people who meet my requirements is very small, when the base number of these people is large, they will receive many disciples, right?" Feng Zhi Dao.

Feng Ming asked at this time, "so the conditions you selected are not based on talent, are they?"

Everyone agrees with Fengming.

After all, if you simply accept students according to their talent, the young immortals below are the most suitable. Fengzhi doesn't need to do the following actions.

Feng Zhi nodded, indicating that it was indeed so.

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