People were puzzled when they heard the words.

As we all know, outstanding talent does not necessarily mean that you can go on the road of cultivating immortals for a long time, but at least it has more opportunities than those with poor talent. Therefore, when recruiting disciples, the first thing that every sect pays attention to is talent.

After all, if we want to cultivate talents, we have to cultivate one who is easy to achieve, right?

And Fengzhi

She obviously didn't think so.

So, why?

Feng Zhi didn't give up on people's doubts, and then explained, "there are always things like diligence that can make up for the clumsy and the clumsy birds fly first. Talent just represents more opportunities, not to say that if the talent is not so high, there must be no achievement..."

Hearing this, arrow roars to nod first.

Jianxiao's original talent was not high, but with Qingying's help and his own hard work, he became the first person under the emperor. Therefore, Jianxiao always sneered at the theory of talent.

Other people also felt that there was some truth in Feng Zhi's words.

Feng Zhi then said, "since talent can't determine how far a person can go on the road of cultivating immortals, naturally I won't take talent as the only standard for recruiting students. To be exact, I attach more importance to a person's conduct than talent."


People, especially Cheng Sinian's five, were thoughtful.

"Take the original five element sect for example," Feng Zhi said. "Once upon a time when the patriarch made his name in the fairyland, how many talented and talented people flocked to yinxianfeng, even if they broke their heads, they wanted to join the five element sect. How lively was the five element sect at that time? But later, with the fall of the patriarch, those who came fast also walked quickly. Later, I was afraid that they wanted to find an excuse to leave the five element sect, because the excuses were almost thought over by those who left in front of them... "

Everyone was silent.

Cheng Sinian's five people think of the situation in which they were forced to stay in yinxianfeng these years, and their eyes are somewhat astringent. They really don't want to recall the days when they were almost completely despairing.

Fortunately, they met the current patriarch.

Cheng Sinian's five people are very happy.

Seeing that all the people were thinking about their own words, Feng Zhi stopped for a moment and then said, "those people can enter the five element sect. I think their talent will never be bad. But after the fall of the patriarch, who has done anything beneficial to the clan? No, they just took the clan as a burden and were anxious to throw it out, and they did

"So, no matter how many such disciples are, what is the use of coming?" Feng Zhi asked.

What she wants is the disciples of the five elements sect. She doesn't want to protect herself when she encounters something. Even if she throws away the resources in her hands, she is not willing to train such students who only want to benefit from the sect.

No one answered.

Because, they have no answer.

Joining the sect is to seek the protection of the sect, and the cultivation of the sect will make it easier for people to go further. At the same time, while enjoying the protection and cultivation of the sect, students also need to maintain their own sect and do what they can when necessary.

However, those disciples who joined the five element sect and left on the way

They are obviously only willing to enjoy the resources and training of the five elements sect, and do not want to make their own contribution to the five element sect.

Such a disciple

It's no use coming.

People understand the meaning of Fengzhi.

Feng Zhi also made a final conclusion: "with such a lesson, when we recruit students, we should not only look at talent, more importantly, a person's character. In fact, compared with these so-called talents who have already had their own ideas, I prefer to recruit those who have just been born. This kind of children who have lived in the clan since childhood are more tolerant Yi regards zongmen as his own home, but it's a pity... "

Unfortunately, there are not many aborigines in fairyland.

It is very difficult for an immortal to have his own offspring. Therefore, every child born in the fairyland is the treasure of his parents. Under such circumstances, it is afraid that few immortals will send their young children to the five element sect.

Feng Zhi feels sorry because of this.

"In short, in order to receive as many disciples as possible, we have to cast a wide net this time. We can always catch some fish, don't we?" Feng Zhi Dao.

Even the people nodded.

"Of course, in order to let more people come to our five element sect and let us have the opportunity to select, in the next ten years, our advertisements will be extremely important, such as the names of the three predecessors, such as..." Feng Zhi smiles slightly We won 900 million immortal stones from qianmenzong. "

At this time, people looked to Feng, and their eyes were more admired.

I don't know how Feng Zhi was born with a pair of exquisite heart. How can she always think of these things first?We should know that the strength of zongmen is shown in several aspects, such as the strength of zongmen masters, the amount of resources of zongmen, and the location of zongmen mountain


The five elements sect is a down and out sect, with the names of arrow and roar. It has great absorption for many people, but it is not attractive to more people, because no one believes that such a down and down sect can cultivate students.

You should know that it takes a lot of resources to train a disciple.

But now, if Fengzhi publicizes the fact that the Wuxing sect won 900 million immortal stones from the Qianmen sect, no one will doubt whether the five element sect has enough resources to cultivate its disciples.

There can't be so many 900 million immortal stones in the storehouses of middle-sized families.

Therefore, with the names of arrow roaring, enough immortal stones, Fengzhi and Longyan, the two peerless talents who have just reached the top of the ladder, the five element sect is undoubtedly more attractive to the immortals.

At least, those immortals who want to join the sect are always willing to give it a try, don't they?

As for whether these people are willing to stay after they try

Feng Zhi Ao Jiao's face said that even if these people want to stay, they still have to pass her test. She is not what people are willing to accept.

After listening to Feng Zhi's statement, everyone was excited.

Fengming are all disciples of the five element sect. Thinking that there will be so many people competing to be their younger martial brothers and sisters, Fengming has already begun to think about how to make it difficult.

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