They were xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu. Although they did not join the five element sect, this did not prevent them from being enthusiastic about it.

"Fengzhi sister, you can rest assured that we will help you to guard the pass at that time!" Xianbao'er is full of confidence. "Thank you so much," she said

Xianbao'er, while hiding from Fengzhi's claws, mumbled and said in a vague way: -- Not necessarily... "

Seeing her appearance, everyone couldn't help laughing, that is, Feng Lai, with a smile on her lips.

The next development plan of the five element sect was thus determined.


The next ten years, for the whole fairyland, are extremely busy.

Feng had already made a plan for its development, and then acted in strict accordance with the plan, striving to let all people in the fairyland know the three words "wuxingzong" and what they stand for.

The fairyland is so big that it is not easy to achieve this.

Any immortal would have to rack his brains to achieve such a goal, but for Fengzhi, who has been living on the earth for so long in the information explosion of the 21st century, this is simply not too simple.

When she was on the earth, Feng Zhi was also devoted to cultivation and had no contact with advertising. However, it is said that if she has not eaten pork, can she not see pigs running?

The earth's endless advertising means, Phoenix to do not need to learn all, just take out some at will, it is enough to use in the fairyland.

Therefore, in the past ten years, the immortal people in the fairyland have gained insight.

Under the bombardment advertisement like Fengzhi, she did achieve the goal of spreading the name of wuxingzong all over the fairyland in ten years.

So, what did she do?

Example 1:

somewhere in the fairyland, in a certain session of several major sects jointly held fighting skills competition.

The leaders of several major sects appeared together, and the most potential talented disciples of each sect gathered together. In addition, many immortals watching the war unconsciously created a solemn and solemn atmosphere.

Just when all the students in the competition are thinking about how to make a great contribution to themselves and win the first prize in front of everyone

A piece of red silk falls from the sky. On the red silk is written a few big words: the first wuxingzong cup fighting method competition, wuxingzong, you are worth having.

Everybody's faces are going green, OK?

Especially the head elder of several major sects, don't mention how ugly his face is.

At the beginning, the people of the five element sect came to them, and the implication was that they were willing to take out a pen of immortal stone to fund the fight skill competition, and to fund a treasure for the champion of the fight method competition. While they agreed, they thought that the five element sect people had more immortal stones, so they wanted to sprinkle them all over the world.

But now

They think that they are the real mallet, OK?

A good fighting skills competition was originally held by several of their clans in order to attract popularity and improve their clan reputation. The correct way to open the contest should be that after watching the competition, the many immortal people who watched the competition had yearned for one of the sect gates and joined the sect with admiration.

Can have five element Zong such a after, special meow, all people's attention all concentrate on five element Zong go?

What nonsense five element sect, you are worth having!

The head of several major schools is green.

Example 2:

one year, a new beauty contest was held in Xianjie.

Yes, you are right. The fairyland, which takes strength as its respect, even held a beauty contest.

Needless to say, this is Fengzhi's handwriting of course.

In Feng Zhi's opinion, opposite sex attracts each other, which is derived from instinct, but it will not change because of becoming an immortal. The immortal people in the fairyland usually have no entertainment except practice. In such a case, if you give the immortals a chance to have fun in their spare time, you can easily absorb the attention of the immortals 。

Therefore, there are the first five element Zong Cup Super male immortal and super female immortal.

In this super male and super female immortal competition, do not look at talent, do not look at origin, do not look at anything else, only need to look at one aspect of the line, that is beauty!

Beauty is the most important. As long as you feel that you are beautiful, you can sign up for the competition.

What, I think the name of this competition is a little strange?

Ouch, isn't our focus on the competition itself? What about the name of the competition?

In other people have not yet understood what is called the super male immortal and the super female immortal, Feng Zhi has already planned the competition completely.

In the "super immortal competition area", every male and female immortal who wants to participate in the competition will be able to choose the most ten male and female immortals in the competition area It was awarded by the organizer of the competition, that is, the award provided by wuxingzong... "At that time, when Feng Zhi talked about these rules, everyone else was confused, OK?

They do not understand, how can Feng Zhi come up with such a method?

The most important thing is

Although this super male immortal and super female immortal competition has not officially started, but they have already begun to look forward to it, OK?

They all have such reactions, not to mention other immortals.

It can be imagined that after the competition officially starts, many male and female fairies with self-confidence in their appearance will be attracted to participate, which will attract a large number of fairies who like to look at their faces.

And it turns out that's true.

No matter what level, there are many people who judge people by their appearance. Even if the mainstream of fairyland is strength, there are always some people who can't restrain their appreciation of their beauty, right?

Therefore, after the two major competitions of super male and super female fairies began, the immortal people seemed to be opened a certain door, and from then on entered a new world.

But this, may all be Fengzhi's credit.

This first super male immortal and super female fairy competition set off a crazy trend of beauty love in the whole fairyland.

Just as Feng Zhi thought, the fairyland has a huge population base. Even if only a few fairies want to relax after practice, and only a few of these few people value their appearance, which is enough to attract enough audience for the super male and super female fairies.

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