It can be said that the first super male and super female fairies held by Fengzhi are absolutely a great success.

Countless fairies crowded into the city where the top ten competition areas are located to register. After each competition, there are countless fairies who come to watch and vote for the most beautiful Fairies in their hearts. If Fengzhi didn't follow his own understanding of the space rules, he opened up an independent space in each competition area, which was specially used as the competition venue The city where the competition area is located will be crowded by the immortals.

From this, we can see how popular the super male and super female fairies are.

Later, when the final result of the competition was revealed, Fengzhi did reward the immortals who won the title of super male immortal and super female immortal according to her promise.

Don't say that Fengzhi is not only an immortal stone, but also a treasure and a loss of effort. It doesn't exist.

Can Feng Zhi do something that loses money?

Of course not. Even if she did it to enhance the reputation of the five elements sect among the fairyland immortals, she would not make a loss.

For example, the super male immortal and super female immortal competition.

Fengzhi did invest a lot of Xianshi in it. You should know that the publicity and manpower input, as well as the maintenance of order during the competition, are not a small number, especially the manpower. The five element sect only has three or two kittens. If xianbao'er did not borrow a lot of manpower from xianshizong later, he was afraid that Fengzhi's plan would be due to people There are too few hands to run aground.

In short, holding the event, Fengzhi spent a lot of fairy stones.

At the beginning, people were worried that if so many immortal stones were smashed into it, it would be a pity if they were finally washed away?

But then no one thought that.

Just by collecting tickets, Fengzhi doesn't know how many times she has made, not to mention, every game, if the audience wants to vote for the immortal they like, they need to exchange the immortal stone for the vote.

In this way, with the votes, Fengzhi made a lot of money.

In the end, Feng didn't elaborate on how much he made, and the public did not ask in detail. But I think it must be a huge number.

Compared with this, what are the immortal stones scattered out?

At the same time, with the fierce competition between super male and super female immortals, the name of wuxingzong has been spread to all parts of the fairyland. It can be said by Fengzhi that the goal of wuxingzong is known to the whole fairyland.

To achieve this goal

Fengzhi only took five years.

In the next five years, various activities sponsored by the wuxingzong, or even the activities sponsored by the wuxingzong for the first time, blossomed everywhere in the fairyland.

As for the five element sect, the immortals from all over the fairyland were unfamiliar at the beginning, and then their ears were cocooned.

With the popularity of the five elements sect, the opening ceremony of the five elements sect is naturally well known. At the same time, more and more fairies who want to join the sect also begin to take the Wuxing sect as one of their goals.

The five element sect is no longer the one that only reminds people of the word "down and out".

What's more, because Fengzhi specially emphasized in the propaganda that there are various resources for the Xianjie aborigines who have not yet started their formal practice. Many parents who are not strong enough have begun to consider sending their children to the five element sect.

In short, what happened in recent years is between the fingers of Fengzhi.

This decade is almost the performance time of wuxingzong.

With the rise of the popularity and influence of the five elements sect, other sects realized that the publicity method was much better than their traditional propaganda method, so they began to imitate the five element sect one after another, and various fairyland entertainment activities were also blooming everywhere.


For those immortals who love to watch the excitement, this decade is the happiest ten years they have experienced. No matter when there is a lively scene to watch, isn't this the happiest one?

And these entertainment activities have really created a number of famous stars and immortals.

These immortals are not necessarily good in talent and strength, but they all have one thing in common, that is, they are all very good-looking, and they can be seen at a glance in fairyland without ugly men and women.

After participating in these competitions, these natural generation of celestial idols have many loyal fans. With the support of fans, they no longer have to worry about the lack of resources for cultivation.

However, as the leader and pioneer of Xianjie entertainment circle, wuxingzong still stands at the top of the industry. No matter what other sects make flowers out of various activities, they just imitate Wuxing sect, but they can not shake the status of wuxingzong in Xianjie entertainment circle.

And Fengzhi

With such a time, she has become the fairy world entertainment circle everyone recognized as the originator class.For Feng Zhi, this is something she didn't expect.

She just thought of a way to beat out the name of the five elements sect, so that more immortals could join the five element sect alone, so that she could select more disciples who met her standards. How could she become the ancestor of the entertainment circle in the fairyland?

I have to say, this is really an accident.

In the bustle of fairyland, ten years will soon come.

The opening ceremony of wuxingzong, which has attracted the attention of the whole fairyland, is about to begin.

The other sects all know what position wuxingzong has in the entertainment circle of the fairyland now. They all know that if they and others are engaged in any activities at this time, they are bound to give way to the five element sect. So they simply push back all the entertainment activities and do not give them any chance to crush themselves.

As a result, the fairyland, which has been busy for ten years, ushered in the empty window period of entertainment activities.

However, even those immortals who had a lot of sex in the sky were not disappointed, because the opening ceremony of the five elements sect, which had been expected by the whole fairyland for ten years, was about to begin.

Although this is the opening ceremony, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with entertainment activities. However, in the eyes of all the immortals, the five element sect has created the first entertainment circle in the fairyland. Therefore, no matter how serious it is, the opening ceremony of the five element sect should be much more interesting than the grand ceremony of other sects Right?

With this expectation, there is still a year to go before the opening ceremony of wuxingzong. The immortals all over the fairyland have already begun to flow towards the direction of wuxingzong.

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