If we reduce the whole fairyland into a picture, and then overlook this picture, we can surely find that the huge number of immortals are converging in the direction of the five elements sect, just like a torrent.

This is actually a very spectacular sight.

It's just that very few people can see it.


When many immortals gathered together in the direction of the five element sect.

The eastern part of fairyland, Shengxian pool.

A few young men and women are curious to come out of the pool, which makes the master of each sect standing outside the pool to attract these new immortals into the fairyland slightly stunned.

Only because these young men and women not only come out together, but also talk and laugh with each other. It is obvious that they know each other.

And these people just came out of the pool, that is to say

They knew each other before they flew up?

This is even more strange.

You know, there are innumerable small worlds under the fairyland. Although there are innumerable practitioners in each small world, there are very few who can really fly into the fairyland. It has never happened before that a small world can fly so many people at the same time.

Now this thing, which had not been done before, is happening in front of the heads of every sect.

After a moment's stupidity, the leaders of these clans gathered around the new immortals one after another. Anyway, their purpose of staying here is to absorb fresh blood for the clan. Now that we meet new people, we should try our best to pull people to our own families.

Suddenly surrounded by so many people, those new immortals first froze, then quickly put on a defensive posture, look at the meaning, but if the masters of these sects have any bad behavior, they should first take the initiative.

This makes the masters of each sect unable to help themselves.

The immortals who have just ascended to the fairyland, even if they come out of the pool of immortals, are the weakest after they become immortals. These new immortals are now the strength of human immortals, which can't be compared with them. What gives them the courage to fight against them?

However, we should make it clear.

Among the principal officials, a white bearded old man with a white face and an extremely kind-hearted old man even said, "don't be nervous. We don't mean anything. We just want to ask if some of you have the intention to join our sect. If so, we can be trained by our sect. You are new to the fairyland, and you don't know anything about the fairyland, It's an excellent choice to join the clan rather than run into a wall all over the place. "

The others nodded.

They will be sent here to recruit disciples. Generally speaking, they are good-natured immortals who do not have much hope in training.

It's not hard to understand.

If you are not good-natured, you can't easily blow your beard and stare at the new immortals. You have to scare them away.

If you have outstanding talent, you can go a long way on the road of cultivation. Naturally, you will put all your energy into practice. Why do you want to stay idle outside the pool of immortals?

Because of this, these immortals did not give them some color to see at the first time when they saw the guards on their faces, but just talked to each other.

Hearing this, the young men and women realized that they were too sensitive to wait for someone else, so they relaxed again.

One of the most outstanding looking women hugged the old man and said with apology: "the younger generation are new here. They don't understand the situation in the fairyland, so they are inevitably over nervous. They didn't mean to offend some elders. Please forgive us for our mistakes..."

The old man and several others felt comfortable when he heard the speech.

Although they will not be angry with these younger generation, but the other party is so humble, they will always feel better than many, right?

"There's nothing to forgive or not to forgive," the old man said with a wave and a smile. "It's good to be alert when you're new."

Then the old man brought the topic back.

“…… Do you have any idea of joining the clan? " He asked.

Other people are also staring at a few young men and women, to see what they look like, as long as they say the word "have", these people will fight for the ownership of these people.

In this regard, the woman who spoke earlier laughed and shook her head, and said with some apology in her voice: "several elders, I'm sorry, we all come from the same sect. The elders of the sect have already established a sect in the fairyland, so we..."

Hearing this, several people in charge were disappointed.

In the past ten years, the fairyland has become more and more lively than before. They have always focused on exchanging news about the five elements sect with other people in the sect. As a result, they did not even notice when these people flew into the immortal pool. Therefore, there is no accurate assessment of the potential of these people.However, out of some strange intuition, they all have the knowledge that these people's talents are not low.

It is because of this that they would like to pull people to their own homes no matter what.

It's a pity

But these people already have a family.

Sighing and shaking his head, the old man said, "that's a pity, but you don't have to feel sorry. In this case, you have to go directly to find your own family. It's a great blessing that you can get the protection of your elders as soon as you enter the fairyland."

It is.

Those who can ascend to the fairyland are all outstanding figures in the lower realms. However, apart from the aborigines born in the fairyland, everyone in the fairyland can be said to be such a figure. Therefore, it is not surprising that no matter what kind of genius they are, they will become after they arrive in the fairyland.

But when they first flew to the fairyland, the strength of the immortal people was really weak. If they couldn't find a way to spend this period of weak time safely, it would not be a big deal to die half way on the road of cultivating immortals.

Therefore, in this weakest stage, there are clan elders to protect, which is really the envy of the good luck.

Listen to the old man said, these young men and women are proud.

The woman also said with you Rong Yan: "it's really our luck. Our patriarch is so powerful. She has been soaring for nearly 200 years. Now she must have established a clan gate for us to join us!"

The old man and others immediately laughed.

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