Two hundred years of rapid rise?

Building a clan?

They also said how powerful the clan of these people was. How could they think that their so-called clan gate was just that they didn't know whether there was a sect built in the less than 200 years since their patriarch had risen?

Looking at the proud faces of several young men and women, the old man could not help but give them such an evaluation.

It's silly, it's naive.

You know, flying to the fairyland doesn't mean that you are on a good road.

On the contrary, it's just a beginning, and it's not a very good beginning.

Think about it, these new immortals who have risen from the lower world are all outstanding figures from all walks of life. In the lower bound, they are the big people that people in the world can look up to.

However, such a big man, flying up to the fairyland, has become an ordinary member of the fairyland.

After flying, I will find that in this fairyland, there are too many people with better talent than themselves.

If you can't bear the gap, you can't accept it. It will even affect the mentality of future practice and even delay the progress of practice.

Even if you can accept such a gap, you can also adjust your mind and put your energy into practice. However, as an immortal, it takes a lot of time to improve every small realm, even the lowest level of human immortality is no exception.

Under such circumstances

In front of these children, the "patriarch" in their mouth has risen to the fairyland for less than 200 years. They even think that their patriarch has the strength to establish a clan?

What a joke.

Even if there were 200 years, their patriarch did not know whether they had cultivated to the stage of Dixian!

As a result, the interest of several principals in these young men and women suddenly greatly reduced.

They nodded to several young men and women at random, and then sat back to one side. Because they were idle and boring, they even talked about the most popular topic in fairyland recently.

Although they have to stay outside the Shengxian pool, they can't run all over the fairyland, but they also keep in touch with other sect members all the time, and follow up on the new things in the fairyland, OK?

This also fully shows that as long as you have a heart yearning for gossip, even if you live in a remote place, you can certainly join the army of gossip.

One of the fairies, who was a little younger, sighed suddenly, and then looked forward to saying, "well, I just feel that it's really meaningless for us to stay here. If we don't stay here, we can go to the five element sect. We don't know how the patriarch of the five element sect was born. How could there be so many people thinking about it What about new ideas you can't think of? "

Other people nodded repeatedly, even the old people who seemed not to be interested in them were all in agreement.

In the past ten years, there have been legends about the five elements sect and the legendary patriarch of the five elements sect in every corner of the fairyland. With so much news, I naturally want to see the real face of the Lord of the five elements sect. These immortals who guard outside the Shengxian pool are like this, as are those who have rushed to yinxianfeng from all over the fairyland 。

Another fairy said: "we haven't had such a person in the fairyland. When I contacted my younger martial sister a few days ago, my younger martial sister also said that she would rush to yinxianfeng for fun. My younger martial sister said that the opening ceremony of the five elements sect would be unprecedented. The male Fairies and fairies who had made their debut in various competitions initiated by Fengzhi would like to express their gratitude to Fengzhi If you know what you've met, you don't need to invite me to express congratulations in person to yinxianfeng. At that time, it's just these Well, what did Fengzhi say? Oh, by the way, these idols and immortals would never be less. In addition, everyone's fans of these idol immortals... "

Several immortals then all look forward to.

“…… I really want to go. " Another said.

Want to go?

Who doesn't want to go there, but who told them to take over the task of guarding the Shengxian pool early. So, even if the itching in their hearts is like a cat scratching at it, they have to be patient.

"Fortunately, I told my younger martial sister that we must record the great events on yinxianfeng with Xuanguang technique, and I will exchange things with her!" When the young fairy said this, he was embarrassed again I don't know if Yunguang fairy will come this time. I'm a big fan of her... "

The others rolled their eyes.

It's a show off, absolutely a show off.

However, listening to the young immortal said, other people also had the idea of asking people to record the scene on yinxianfeng with Xuanguang.

They can't go there in person. It's a comfort to see the grand occasion with the dark light technique.

Well, that's it!

While these immortals were discussing about Fengzhi and wuxingzong, the new immortals who were going to leave Shengxian pool suddenly stopped after hearing the words "Fengzhi" and "wuxingzong".After several people looked at each other, it was the woman who had spoken before. She took a few steps towards the immortals. First, she saluted them, and then she said curiously, "some seniors, what kind of place are you talking about the five element sect and Yin Xianfeng? Listen to a few elders say, there It seems very lively? "

Some immortals stay in the Shengxian pool all year round, and they can't meet a few new immortals who come out of the pool all year round. Even if they know any new news, they have no chance to tell others except to talk to each other. Therefore, when asked by a woman at this time, they are almost scratched.

The young immortal slapped his hand on his knee, and his face turned red with excitement. He said, "Hey, this fairy, you're asking the right person. I'll tell you, the five element sect It's the Phoenix... "

Come on, come on

After talking for a long time, he told the news of Fengzhi and wuxingzong from the beginning to the end. That year's young immortal was still in a state of incompleteness and said in a way that The opening ceremony of wuxingzong is about to start in a year. This time, it's afraid that the Yinxian peak will be crowded by fairies from all over the fairyland, but it's a pity that we can't join in the excitement... "

It's a pity to talk.

However, when looking at the woman and her several companions, the man's eyes were suddenly bright: "by the way, we can't go, but you can go!"

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