The more men think about it, the more they think it's a good idea.

Although he can't go to yinxianfeng, and he can't see what kind of grand occasion it is, it's also a psychological comfort for him if someone else goes down on his recommendation to watch the excitement, isn't it?

Then, the man went on to advise: "you first came to the fairyland, do not know anything, do not know where your patriarch established the clan door..."

When he said this, the man didn't even want to ask the women what the name of the ancestral gate their patriarch established. He just subconsciously thought that a new immortal who had been flying for less than 200 years now would really let her set up a clan, and they would never have heard of it.

“…… In this case, it's better to go to yinxianfeng to have fun. There are so many people there. It's easier for you to get information, isn't it? What's more, this kind of excitement is not always there. You are also in a good time. As soon as you come to the fairyland, you will have a chance to see the world. When you return to the sect, you can talk to your Lord... "

The man said here, first looked at the woman, and then looked at several people behind her, and said, "what do you say?"

The woman hesitated for a while, as if convinced by the man, nodded gently.

Behind her, several other men and women nodded.

After successfully persuading these people, the man should have been happy, and he was indeed happy. However, in addition to being happy, the man felt a little strange.

How does he feel

These new immortals, their expression, some strange?

The man thought over what he had said before and made sure that there was nothing wrong with him. Therefore, it must not be what he said wrong, but

Well, it was these younger generations who came to the fairyland and didn't understand the situation of the fairyland, so they would have such an expression after listening to him.

It must be.

The man easily convinced himself.

After listening to the man's words, the woman inquired about the location of the five element sect, and then saluted several immortals, saying, "thank you for your advice. We will certainly go to yinxianfeng."

The man nodded, his face full of gratification.

And the woman, after finishing this sentence, then led several companions behind him to say goodbye to several immortals and left.

Until they went far enough to make sure that the immortals couldn't hear themselves and others talking, several young men and women couldn't help laughing. The hearty laughter spread far away and even caused some echoes.

Hearing the laughter of the crowd, the woman who spoke at the beginning was helpless. When the laughter came to an end, she said, "OK, OK, how can it be so funny?"

After listening to her words, one of the others was very beautiful and looked younger than the woman. She couldn't help laughing and said, "elder martial sister Mo Li, it's not funny. The man actually introduced our master's great achievements in front of us. In his words, isn't he just playing daggers in front of Guan Gong? In terms of the familiarity with the master, who can go beyond us in this fairyland? "

As she spoke, the pride on the woman's face almost overflowed.

And the woman who spoke earlier

Yes, she is Fengzhi's apprentice in Xuanwu land, and also Mo Li, the leader of the five elements sect.

And the woman who spoke later was the little apprentice of Fengzhi and Fengyue, the lover of Fengming.

Among the others, Mo Liu, Mo Li's elder sister, Doudou, who was born in Fengzu and was later accepted as an apprentice by Fengzhi. When the wuxingzong opened the mountain to accept apprentices, the three men, Mu Xiu, Ye Yang and Hongfu, whom Fengzhi thought highly of, were all the children of the Feng family.

Fengqingqing, Fengjiao, Fengye, Fenglin, Fengqi, fengshu

Twelve in all.

After all, people on the Xuanwu continent have witnessed the scene of the four people flying to the fairyland.

For the former warriors on the Xuanwu continent, they thought that the martial saint was the top they could reach, and the martial god was just an illusory legend. However, after witnessing the rise of the four people of Fengzhi, they suddenly realized that there was no end to cultivation. Not only was there a higher realm above the martial god, but they could also fly up to it Another place more suitable for practice.

Fairyland, which is a very strange word for the warriors on the Xuanwu continent, but it does not hinder their enthusiasm to fly up to the fairyland.

On this training run, who can have no ambition in mind, do not want to go higher?

After two hundred years of cultivation, the young people who have been practising Xuantan for nearly two hundred years can be said to be very enthusiastic.

And the change is very obvious.Within a hundred years after the rise of Fengzhi four people, the martial saints on the Xuanwu continent appeared one after another like leeks. Once upon a time, wusheng was the top combat power on the Xuanwu continent. But at this time, at most, the martial saint was just a little strange. He was the martial god above the martial saint, which was also common.

Among them, the number of martial saints and martial gods with the largest number is Fengjia.

Within the five elements sect in the Xuanwu continent, for nearly 200 years, relying on the massive cultivation resources left before Fengzhi feisheng, a large number of practitioners of the Wuxing sect were born. Later, the Wuxing sect has become a super sect that no one dares to provoke in Xuanwu land and virtual spirit realm.

Under such circumstances, those who are at the forefront of the practitioners and martial artists are the disciples of Fengzhi and the young companions of Fengzhi's family who have traveled with Fengzhi.

Because of the relationship between Fengzhi and wuxingzong, the people of wuxingzong and fengqingqing have always been very familiar with each other. Mo Li and Feng Qingqing are not less confused. Although their talents are high and low, they are not far from each other, and their strength is very similar. Therefore, even the time to break through to the last step is not too short.

Later, out of the consideration of not knowing the situation of the fairyland and whether they could find Fengzhi at the first time after they arrived in the fairyland, these talents decided to fly together. Those who broke through one step first, just like Fengzhi and Longyan, forcibly suppressed their accomplishments. When the last one succeeded in breaking through, they flew to the fairyland together.

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