Come to the strange fairyland, Mo Li and others are with some hesitation.

However, as long as the thought of fengzhizao's arrival in the fairyland more than 100 years ago, their hearts would be filled with infinite courage. They all believed that with these times, Fengzhi must have arranged everything.

What else should I worry about?

That's what people think.

They just didn't expect that as soon as they came out of the Shengxian pool, they heard news about Fengzhi and wuxingzong from other immortals. It was only when they heard these news that they realized that the four Fengzhi people had such a wonderful life in the past 100 years.

For a while, Mo Li and others would like to put a pair of wings behind their back, so that they can fly to yinxianfeng faster.

"I don't know what happened to master and Lord Long Yan over the past 100 years..." Mo Li whispered.

After the four people of Fengzhi ascended to the throne, Mo Li, the original leader and elder martial sister, naturally took over the leader of the five element sect. Even though Mo Li was not the one with the highest accomplishments in the five element sect at that time, there was no objection to it just because she was the disciple of Fengzhi.

And Mo Li did not let people down after he took over the five element sect.

Her accomplishments were not the highest, but she was gifted and hardworking. Even when she was working hard and taking care of the affairs of the five elements sect, her accomplishments continued to improve and eventually became a qualified patriarch in everyone's eyes.

It is also because he has been the leader of the five element sect for more than 100 years. Although Mo Li is still extremely gentle, he has a very heavy weight among people.

Hearing her saying this, Fengyue immediately said: "elder martial sister, do you need to worry about the master and Lord Long Yan? No matter where you go, you can live well and live a wonderful life. Didn't you hear all those people's words just now? I have a hunch. After seeing master, we will certainly follow him It's so wonderful... "

When talking, Feng Yue's face is full of longing and worship.

Fengyue was first picked up by Fengzhi from the Mountain Gate of Fenghua sect. Even the name "Fengyue" was also named Fengzhi. Later, it was accepted by Fengzhi as an apprentice. Probably because it was picked up by Fengzhi, Fengyue worshiped Fengzhi most, and even imitated Fengzhi no matter what he did.

Of course, that's not surprising.

Fengzhi has a very high personal charm. There are many disciples in the five element sect who can learn Fengzhi's words and deeds. Fengyue is just one of them.

Mo Li looks at Feng Yue, her eyes are soft.

After Fengzhi feisheng, Mo Li has been taking great care of this little younger martial sister.

Not only their teachers and sisters, but others also yearned for the scene after finding Fengzhi.

Mu Xiu, Ye Yang, and Hong Fu had many stories before they entered the five element sect. Later, they took root in the five element sect, but they gradually cut off contact with the past. They thought they were just disciples of the five element sect.

For the worship of Fengzhi, they are no less than Mo Li and Feng Yue.

"The patriarch is worthy of being the patriarch. Even if she had to start from scratch after she arrived in the fairyland, she could do better than others, and I don't know what kind of excitement our ancestors should be now..." Hongfu road.

Mu Xiu and Ye Yang also agreed.

Feng Qingqing waved, "if you want to know, let's hurry to yinxianfeng. I don't know if Feng will be surprised to see us..."

The other children of Feng family couldn't help laughing.

They all remembered the scene of traveling around the Xuanwu continent with several people from Fengzhi to Longyan. At that time, they were all young, and even had conflicts with Fengzhi before. After traveling together, they began to accept Fengzhi.

In retrospect, these events are as clear as they were yesterday.

For Feng Qingqing's words, Mo Li several people also completely agree.

Therefore, the party unified their opinions. The most important thing for them next was to hurry to the wuxingzong and let Fengzhi several people know that they had risen!

Master, patriarch, Fengzhi, here we are!


Feng is busy at this time.

Since the establishment of the promotion plan for the five elements sect in the past ten years, Fengzhi has been busy.

I can't help it. Even after listening to her plan, other people have never done such a thing before, and have never seen anyone else do it. At the end of the day, Fengzhi has no other person to learn from. Of course, Fengzhi has to undertake most of the work by herself.

Fortunately, no one else is rotten wood. After witnessing how Fengzhi made the wuxingzong popular through the two programs of super male immortal and super female immortal, he roughly found out the context of the five element sect. He did things in the future, which really saved Fengzhi a lot of worry.Now, ten years have passed, and it is only one year before the opening ceremony of wuxingzong. Even if Feng had already handed over the promotion of wuxingzong to other people, she still needed to keep an eye on the affairs of yinxianfeng and the related issues of the ceremony.

Long Yan is not satisfied with this.

Because she was so busy, Feng didn't even sleep at night. Instead, she used meditation instead. Even because she was busy, they had not been alone for a long time.

"Fengzhi..." Long Yan looks at Feng Zhi in some secluded way, and refuses to let Feng Zhi's hand go.

Feng to look back, a look at the Long Yan this pair of appearance, then can't help but smile out.

Although it's not kind to say so, Long Yan's face, which was slightly cold, had this kind of expression similar to that of a woman in the boudoir's resentment, which really made Fengzhi feel a little bit different and cute, OK?

For Long Yan, Feng Zhi is really sorry.

For ten years, Fengzhi has been very busy. As soon as he gets busy, he naturally ignores Long Yan. However, Long Yan never complains. He works hard with her and does everything he can.

It's the first time that I hold my hand like this.

A faint apology welled up in her heart. Feng Zhi's original walking pace slowed down. She held Long Yan's hand tightly and said in a warm voice, "Long Yan, when this period of time is busy, everything is on track. I will accompany you well, OK?"

Long Yan's hands on a force, will Feng to the whole person pulled into his arms.

Feeling the fullness in his arms, Long Yan sniffed the fragrance of Feng Zhi and then breathed out a breath.

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