Long Yan didn't feel unhappy because Feng Zhi ignored him.

Although he and Fengzhi haven't been warm-hearted for a long time, as long as he is with Fengzhi and can see Fengzhi all the time, Long Yan is very satisfied. He understands what Fengzhi has done for the wuxingzong. Of course, he will not feel unhappy because Fengzhi is busy with the wuxingzong.

He just had some heartache.

Xintong Fengzhi takes so many responsibilities on her body. In order to make wuxingzong better, she has been busy for ten years.

The palm of his hand caressed Feng Zhi's hair, and Longyan's voice was filled with heartache: "Fengzhi, you've been busy for so long. It's time to have a good rest."

His voice is like warm current general, quickly flow to the heart of Feng to, let her all over the body are flowing a warm sense.

With her eyes closed, she rubbed hard on Long Yan's body, and then showed a big smile at Long Yan. Feng Zhi said, "I'll listen to you. When I'm finished, I'll have a good rest. Then we'll get rid of the others and find a place to live a good two person world for a period of time. Do you agree?"

Long Yan hugs the waist of Yongfeng again.

After a while, Feng Zhi thought of the opening ceremony of the five element sect, and many of her disciples who would be included in the five element sect. She could not help but think of the scene when she established the five element Sect on the Xuanwu continent.

"I don't know..." Feng to slightly squint eyes, "those people on the Xuanwu continent, when can they fly."

Long Yan reached out and patted Feng Zhi on the back. "Everyone has his own creation. Don't worry about them."

Feng Zhi shook her head: "I'm not worried about them. I'm just not satisfied with their performance. We've been soaring for nearly 200 years. When we soared, Mo Li's strength has also reached the out of body period. It's been so long, but they haven't been able to rise. It's really disgraced me!"

Feng Zhi really thinks so.

Her apprentices and her family's companions all have great talents. When the four of Fengzhi ascended, they had already been on the road of cultivation for more than 1000 years. According to the standards of Fengzhi, they should have been promoted for a long time. But up to now, she hasn't received any news from them. Isn't it just that Fengzhi is not satisfied?

Long Yan laughed and shook his head.

Feng to this is to take their own standards to see other people, no wonder no one can meet her requirements.


Is it wrong for Long Yan to blame Feng for others?

Of course not.

Therefore, it is destined that after Mo Li and his followers have risen, they will not be easily spared if they want to come to Fengzhi.

In this regard, Long Yan said that he liked to see and hear, as long as Feng Zhi was happy.

Feng Zhi and Long Yan talked about it for a while. Outside, Cheng Sinian came to report that Xianhe, the leader of Xianshi sect, and his wife, Chu Xuanji, were coming.

So they looked at each other and went out together.

The reason why xianhelai and Chu Xuanji came is that Fengzhi personally sent out the invitation.

The five element sect reopened the Mountain Gate this time. Because of Fengzhi's promotion plan, it made a great stir in the fairyland, and attracted the attention of most fairylands. If Jian Xiao, Qingying and Xiao Xu had followed Feng Zhi's party to yinxianfeng ten years ago and had been sitting here, maybe yinxianfeng would have been coveted by others.


Of course, it was because Fengzhi held various activities in the past ten years, and it was to publicize that she had won 900 million immortal stones in qianmenzong.

Nine hundred million immortal stones, which is undoubtedly an astronomical number. Even if the general force of the whole clan can not bring out so many immortal stones, most of the immortals thought that it was Fengzhi who was using this method to add weight to the little-known five element sect.

But there are also some immortals who have an idea and go to qianmenzong for verification.

Although qianmenzong is a little worried because he has paid out 900 million immortal stones from one person, the people of Qianmen sect are not stupid. For them, this is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity for publicity. Therefore, they are honest and confirm that Fengzhi has won the 900 million immortal stone.

This in the fairyland, no doubt caused a stir.

Nine hundred million immortal stones. Anyone with so many immortal stones in his hand can definitely support the operation of a sect for a long time. In addition, Fengzhi and Longyan, the two gifted figures who successfully climbed the ladder, and the three heavenly kings such as Jianxiao as honorary elders, and the reputation of various activities held by Fengzhi. In short, people who pay attention to the five element sect More and more fairies want to join the five element sect.

Now, even if it is still a year before the opening ceremony of the five elements sect, this large area near Yinxian peak has already been filled with fairies from all over the fairyland.

As a clan, since the opening ceremony was held, it was destined to have a different momentum. Of course, Fengzhi didn't mind making it bigger.Therefore, she wrote the invitation letter early, and asked people to send the invitation to the main gates of the fairyland, and invited the Lords of the major sects to come to yinxianfeng to witness the opening ceremony of the five element sect.

As for the invitation of Feng Zhi, some of them were dismissive of the invitation, so they threw it aside at will, indicating that they would not go there.

Some of them immediately said that they would take time to attend the ceremony.

Xianshizong is the latter.

The reason why xianhelai and Chu Xuanji decided to attend the opening ceremony of wuxingzong with some of Chu Xuanji was not only optimistic about this new sect, but also the reason why the couple missed xianbao'er.

After Feng Lai and xianbao'er revealed their true feelings to each other, they went to xianshizong. Since then, xianbao'er has never returned home. Even though xianhelai and Chu Xuanji have been paying attention to xianbao'er's whereabouts, how can it be more real than seeing xianbao'er's life with their own eyes?


The cranes are still holding their breath when they come here.

Feng to that stinky boy, so silent will be his baby daughter to abduct home, this time to take advantage of this opportunity, we must let him give a statement!

In a word, the reasons of various aspects are accumulated together. Xianhelai and Chu Xuanji come to yinxianfeng together.

Led by an outside disciple, the crane came to look around and said with a straight face: "the five elements sect has made such a big noise in recent years. I think we should encourage ourselves to be strong..."

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