The outer disciple of the guide could not help shaking the corners of his mouth when he heard this.

He knows that his patriarch has extraordinary confidence in the construction of the clan. If the patriarch hears this

Don't say that the crane is just the emperor, even if he is the emperor, the patriarch of his family is afraid to connect with him directly.

As for why it is the disciples of other schools who come out to entertain guests, there is no way. Who says that the five element sect is short of staff now?

Speaking of it, many of the hands of the five element sect are still borrowed from Xianshi sect.

Chu Xuanji, who walked with Xianhe, couldn't help laughing. She had lived with the crane for tens of thousands of years. Of course, Chu Xuanji could see that the crane was insincere when he came to talk. He was very satisfied with the current situation of the five element sect, but he was hard spoken. If the little girl named Fengzhi saw this, she would make fun of her A "dead duck"?

Although Chu Xuanji saw only one side of Feng Zhi, she had no doubt that Feng Zhi had the courage to face the emperor.

If we didn't have such courage, we would not have the five element sect.

Chu Xuanji pushed the elbow of the crane.

The crane came to be seen through by Chu Xuanji, and he coughed to hide his uneasiness.

With this time's Kung Fu, the three have arrived at the top of Yinxian peak, outside the hall of the five element sect.

Feng had been waiting here for a long time. Seeing xianhelai and Chu Xuanji, Fengzhi and Longyan rushed forward to meet him.

"The two elders are here. The five element sect is really brilliant." Feng Zhi said with a smile on her face.

The crane came and snorted coldly: "you smelly girl, with a smile on your face, you are not sure how to scold me. I don't talk to you, my baby?"

Feng couldn't help laughing, "master, you said this can make the younger generation feel ashamed. For the two elders, the younger generation has always had a great respect for it!"

The crane rolled its eyes.

He also has a pair of golden eyes, OK? Even if he didn't get along with Fengzhi very much, he could already see the style of Fengzhi's behavior for a long time. How could he be fooled by the enthusiasm shown by Fengzhi?

Feng to see the situation and quickly said: "two elders don't worry, younger generation has been sent to inform bao'er, she will come soon."

Of course, with xianbao'er, and Feng Lai.

Several people speak Kung Fu, xianbao'er and Fengzhi have already come.

Seeing xianbao'er, the crane's eyes were warm at first. Before the smile on his face could be unfolded, he saw Feng Lai again, and his face immediately pulled down.

The speed of this face changing is absolutely unique.

Feng Zhi can't help laughing at the side.

As soon as xianbao'er saw the crane and Chu Xuanji, her eyes lit up. Then, like a swallow throwing into the forest, she flew towards them.

Xianhelai and Chu Xuanji obviously know something about xianbao'er. One of them, who is very tacit, reaches out and catches xianbao'er.

After putting xianbao'er down, xianhelai and Chu Xuanji look her up and down, and confirm that she's had a good time. Chu Xuanji complains: "Baoer, how dare you still be so rash? How old are you? You're just like a child."

In this regard, xianbao'er wrinkled his nose and said, "mother, you and dad have said that no matter how old I am, are all children in front of you?"

In a word, Chu Xuanji was blocked and he didn't know what to say.

At this time, Chu Xuanji feels that her daughter's mouth has become so sharp since she mixed up with Feng Zhi and Feng Zhi?

I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.

Chu Xuanji shook his head slightly.

Xianbao'er didn't know that one of his words would make Chu Xuanji think so much. He came to chuxuanji and chattered with him, "Dad, mom, you don't know how wonderful I've been in these years. Now, my parents have heard of the super hot super male immortals and super female fairies. I'll tell you, I've played a great role in them ……”

Xianhelai and Chu Xuanji look at each other on hearing the words.

Super male and super female immortals have become so popular in the past ten years. It's hard for them to think that they haven't heard of it.

Hearing xianbao'er say this, they are not good at attacking xianbao'er, so they both nodded and said, "yes, our treasure is really powerful!"

Xianbao'er couldn't hear the insincerity in their words, and immediately stamped his feet with anger.

When she was protected by xianhelai and Chu Xuanji, she was really simple in temperament and could not understand everything. But that was the past, OK?

With so many years of experience, she is no longer the former she, now do not know how capable, how her parents are not willing to believe it?

Xianbao'er turned her head and looked at Feng.

Feng came and coughed, "you two elders, you two really look down on bao'er. In addition to the fact that Feng Zhi planned and presided over the super male immortal and super female immortal, bao'er was responsible for all the following matters..."After hearing the affirmation from Feng, xianbao'er was elated.

That pair of Phoenix to whole-heartedly trust appearance, see the crane to this do father is really toothache.

It is said that female students are not allowed to stay in the University. Now he has realized it.

Chu Xuanji patted xianbao'er on the back and comforted him: "my dear, my parents don't look down on you. I just didn't expect that our bao'er has made such great progress since we left home for so many years. It's just a little surprised at the moment."

At least she was pacified.

The crane and Chu Xuanji lived on the Yinxian peak.

By this time, there were already five heavenly kings on Yinxian peak, including arrow roaring, Qingying, Xiaoxu, xianhelai and Chu Xuanji. After that, as time approached the day of the opening ceremony of wuxingzong, more and more heavenly kings came to Yinxian peak.

Most of these emperors were the Lords of the major sects who had received the invitation from Fengzhi, as well as important figures in the clan. The other part was interested in Fengzhi and Longyan and came uninvited.

Whether it is invited or uninvited, Fengzhi is always welcomed by people.

Now is the critical moment of the five element sect in this world. No matter what aspect, we have to make people speechless.

In fact, Fengzhi was helpless.

This is because she is not strong enough now. If she has enough strength, for example, in the reign of emperor Tianjun, when she joined the main five element sect to hold the opening ceremony, she would not need to send out invitation cards, and all the people who should come would spontaneously gather towards yinxianfeng. Where would she dare not be slack in the face of these heavenly kings.

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