In addition to these high-level people from various major sectors, there are still some people who are not as powerful as these high-level people, but when they come to yinxianfeng, they are completely destroyed.

That is, in the last ten years, because of the various competitions held by Fengzhi, the fairyland idols have emerged.

These fairyland idols are all the immortals of the younger generation, and their strength is not good. In the past, although they have a distinctive face, they can only live with their tails in their hands because of their low strength. They have to worry about whether their beauty will attract the salivation of others. But now it is different. They have become popular idols, and there are countless people chasing after them Behind them, there are countless people willing to protect them.

Although there is less free time, it's much better than before, isn't it?

Because of this, these fairyland idols are very grateful for their achievements directly or indirectly.

Now Fengzhi's wuxingzong is about to hold a ceremony to open the mountain. Some of these idols, who are nostalgic, are naturally obliged to come to yinxianfeng to contribute to Fengzhi's five element sect.

These idols were sought after by all the immortals, and their move naturally led their huge fan groups to follow yinxianfeng

In addition to those immortals who would like to join the five element sect, we can imagine what kind of situation yinxianfeng is today.

At first, when more and more people gathered at yinxianfeng, everyone was happy, because what they worried most was whether everything they had done could not achieve the effect, and in the end, no one paid for it. Now it is hard to see the effect. How can we not be happy?

However, with more and more people, people's happiness turns into worry.

Many people are good, but too many people can only be regarded as a disaster.

It's OK for these immortals to stay outside the Yinxian peak, but when the opening ceremony begins, these people will all come to Yinxian peak. At that time, even if the hidden fairy peak is large, how many people can it accommodate?

Can't people have already come, but because the place is too small and shut people out?

If this is the case, the five element sect will undoubtedly become a joke.

"Fengzhi..." Feng Ming slightly wrung her eyebrows, "there are more and more people, and there will always be people coming back from behind. At that time, can we hold so many people in yinxianfeng?"

Others are also with such questions to see Feng to.

Feng as for is white one eye, "really if wait until you all found the problem to solve, we this opening ceremony probably can only become a fairy joke."

The crowd was stunned.

"Well, you don't have to worry about this. I had expected this situation for a long time, so I'm ready. No matter how many people come, I won't turn them away." Feng Zhi Dao.

This is still her inspiration after she came out of the ladder.

The space outside the ladder is attached to the ladder. Before the ladder is opened, the space will be formed spontaneously according to certain rules, and will vary according to the number of people entering it. Therefore, no matter how many immortals will be attracted to watch the battle, the space has never been enough.

Feng noticed this at that time and had a vague idea in her heart.

Later, he realized that the opening ceremony of the five elements sect would surely attract many immortals. Fengzhi had already considered whether yinxianfeng could not accommodate so many people. Therefore, according to his understanding outside the sky ladder at that time, combined with his own control of the space rules, he successfully opened up such a space.

Of course, the space developed by Fengzhi can't be compared with the space outside the ladder, but there is no problem in dealing with the opening ceremony.

Listening to Feng Zhi's explanation, all the people were relieved.

Now that the matter is settled, that's fine.

After that, they exchanged views on some of the existing problems one by one, and solved their own problems in the process of communication.

For ten years, they have been so efficient in solving problems.

It has been less than a year since the opening ceremony, and there are fewer and fewer problems. Therefore, people are much more relaxed than before.

Just after this short meeting, Feng Zhi was about to let everyone go. She saw that she came in with a tangled face.

"My lord..." Shili road.

Her expression attracted Feng Zhi's attention.

"What's the matter?" Feng Zhi asked.

Shi'er didn't answer Feng Zhi's question in a hurry. Instead, he took a look at Long Yan and said, "Lord, Lord Long Yan, there's a man from yinxianfeng who says he's an old friend of the patriarch, and he'll meet him..."

If it's just like this, Shier won't be so tangled.

As a matter of fact, the man outside was a young man. When he arrived at the foot of Yinxian peak, he made an outsider disciple who was greeting the guests below in an extremely arrogant manner.Now the opening ceremony has not started yet. These foreign disciples do not entertain ordinary immortals. Only those senior officials of the major sects who have been invited by Fengzhi and the idols of fairyland who have a certain influence in the fairyland now need their hospitality.

Therefore, when he saw the man, the outside disciples who guarded the door did not take him seriously, nor did they inform him as the man said.

How could I have imagined that the man looked very gentle. As soon as he got such a result, he suddenly changed his face and threw the man out with the collar of the outer disciple.

Then, he again stressed to the outside disciples that he was the "old lady" of Fengzhi. If Fengzhi knew he was coming, he would meet him.

In this way, where can those outside disciples be masters, so they send the information to Yinxian peak and spread it to shi'er.

The reason why shi'er is so tangled is that the man claims to be the "old lady" of Fengzhi.

You know, the patriarch of his family has long Yan. They are more loving than all the fairies that Shi Er has ever seen. How could the patriarch have any "old lady"?

If you ask Lord Long Yan to know, I'm afraid there will be another trouble.

Over the years, shi'er and others have long known how much Longyan attaches importance to Fengzhi.

Although shi'er didn't describe the scene at that time, he qiminrui, the perception of Long Yan, noticed that there was something strange in shi'er's eyes when he looked at him, and immediately said in a deep voice: " Who is the comer? You can say that. "

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