Shi Er hesitated for a moment, but he still repeated all the words in the following newspaper The man was very confident, and his strength was not low. Some of his disciples were not sure about his ideas, so he got the information about the incident... "

When talking, Shi Er secretly scolds those outside disciples for not knowing how to change.

Who doesn't know that the patriarch and Lord Long Yan have always been the most loving. There can be no third person among them. These people don't know how to take care of themselves flexibly, so they should throw that person out directly!

As for the problem of the lack of strength of those outside disciples

It's yinxianfeng here. Can't we deal with an outsider as long as we say hello?

Now it's all right. Let Lord Long Yan know that there is such a thing. He doesn't know what will happen because of his importance to the patriarch.

She thought in her heart.

And things are just like what shi'er thought. After listening to shi'er's words, Long Yan's face suddenly becomes heavy like water, and the clouds are surging in his eyes.

Anyone can get it. How angry is Long Yan for the man who suddenly appears and claims to be Fengzhi's "good old man".

Feng Zhi raised her eyebrows: "how can I not know When will I have an old man? "

No one answered.

We are all confused about this issue.

At this time, Long Yan suppressed his anger again. With a gesture of declaring ownership, he took Fengzhi into his arms and looked down at Fengzhi: "let's go out and have a look?"

He also wanted to know who was the man who dared to claim to be the old lady of Fengzhi.

Feng Zhifeng nodded.

So they hugged each other and went out.

The others look at each other, and they all follow Feng Zhi and Long Yan.

However, after a short time, they went out of the mountain protection array and came to the outside of Yinxian peak.

As soon as they left the battle line, they saw a man in a purple fairy robe standing with his hands and back facing them. The figure was so strange that they could not think of when they had seen this man.

Only Fengzhi.

See this figure, she is first willow eyebrow slightly a Yang, and then the light flashed in her eyes.

It turns out that

It's him!

Long Yan also sensed the idea of Feng Zhi's heart, and a pair of sword eyebrows also rose.

"Is it you?" Feng Zhi Dao.

Hearing the voice of Feng Zhi, the man turned around.

This is a very excellent face. Compared with those immortal idols who are now in the limelight, this face is undoubtedly more distinctive, especially the eyes that seem to be raised up at any time, and the lips that are slightly picked up. It makes people feel that this person has a kind of evil spirit.

After listening to Feng Zhi's words, he saw the man's face clearly. Other people had doubts in their eyes, especially Fenglai and Fengming.

They flew up together with Fengzhi and Longyan. Since they flew to the fairyland, the four of them have hardly been separated. It is unreasonable that Fengzhi and Longyan do not know the people they know.


Who is the man who looks at some evil spirits in front of you?

It seems to know the doubts in Fenglai and Fengming's heart. Feng Zhi smiles and says, "you know this man, but it's only today that I saw his true face for the first time. He's Si Hao, and he's also the ancient style that we've been getting along with for a long time."

Si hao?

All eyes were wide eyed.

One of the most surprising is xianbao'er.

Xianbao'er used to go to Yinshen island with Xianhe and Chu Xuanji. He not only met Si Hao, but also suffered a loss in his hand. Therefore, he hated Si Hao so much.


Now appeared in front of xianbao'er Si Hao, no doubt with her memory that person has no similarity.

Is her memory wrong, or she saw before that Si Hao, is not Si Hao at all?

However, if the person she saw before was not Si Hao, how could she appear in Yinshen island and dare to bully her like that?

What the hell is going on here?

Xianbao'er is full of doubts and looks at Feng Zhi.

Feng Zhi smiles at xianbao'er, "if I'm not wrong, Si Hao should have practiced some specific skill. There are many faces in front of people. Maybe the face that appeared in front of bao'er is not the one now."

Xianbao'er suddenly realized.

She said, if the one she had seen before was not Si Hao, how dare she be reckless on Yinshen island?

Thinking of this, xianbao'er glared at Si Hao: "Si Hao, you dare to appear in front of me!"

A pair of at any time to rush up to bite Si Hao several mouth appearance.

In this regard, Si Hao only returned with a slightly sinister smile: "it turned out to be Xiao bao'er. I missed you very much when I left that day. Now it seems that you miss me too, bao'er. This is really a gratifying thing...""Who missed you, you rascal, you..."

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't think of any language to attack Si Hao. Xianbao'er looked at Feng with a look of grievance and said to Feng He bullied me

Si Hao saw the appearance of a pair of teeth acid, "Yo, so many years have not seen, the original Baoer also knows to act coquetry at people?"

To this, baoxian'er stood by your shoulder to protect it Is it Sihao? "

Si Hao looked at the Phoenix, but did not say anything, but shrugged his shoulders and looked at the Phoenix again.

"Fengzhi, I haven't seen you for a long time. Have you missed me?"

Speaking at the same time, Si Hao blinked. How do you look at those slanting upward eyes? It's just that people can't help but feel attracted by this evil spirit.


The people who were affected by him did not include Feng Zhi.

Before Feng Zhi had time to speak, Long Yan stood in front of her, stopped Si Hao's eyes, and then narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "I'm sorry Si Hao, you talk Be careful

Si Hao smell speech a pair of extremely unexpected appearance: "Oh? What if I'm not careful? "

This is red fruit's provocation.

In this regard, Long Yan's expression remained unchanged, but there was no ambiguity when he started. Almost as soon as Si Hao's last word "he" came out, he had turned into a golden lightning bolt and gave a full blow to Si Hao.

Even if it's just a talk, Long Yan will never allow anyone to make fun of Feng Zhi in front of him.

The smile on Si Hao's face did not change. For Long Yan's attack, he seemed to have anticipated it. Therefore, even if Long Yan's fist came very quickly, he also hid in time.

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