"Why, why are you so angry?" Si Hao flashed to the side, but he didn't forget to take the words to anger Longyan. "I didn't say anything wrong. I had a good time with Fengzhi. It seems that there's nothing wrong with saying" Lao Xiang Hao ", but it's just talking. What do you do so mean?"

“…… Too stingy man, be careful not to look up to Phoenix

I don't know why the man spoke so fast. He said such a series of words in a very short time. However, he spoke so fast that he could hear every word and sentence clearly.

Feng to subconsciously think of the original time on earth, a "China's good tongue" said the host.

Thinking like this, Feng Zhi couldn't help laughing.

Seeing Feng Zhi's smile, Si Hao was more energetic. "Look, look, Feng Zhi all laughed. It seems that she agrees with me. So, Long Yan, if you want to catch Fengzhi's heart, you should learn to be more generous..."

Long Yan didn't speak, and his fist strength was increased.

At the beginning, under the attack of Long Yan, Si Hao could be regarded as skillful. However, as long Yan became more and more angry and his fist power became more and more powerful, he began to face the attack of Long Yan with difficulty.


Swept by Long Yan's fist style, the extremely expensive immortal clothes on Si Hao's body can be seen directly through a big cut. The fist strength penetrates the protection of the immortal clothes and leaves a large bruise on Si Hao's body.

"Hiss..." Si Hao cries out with pain, "Long Yan, are you eating gunpowder?"

Long Yan still ignored him and continued to hit people with fists.

Seeing Si Hao suffer under Long Yan's hand, xianbao'er couldn't help gloating and saying, "ha ha, now you know what disaster comes from your mouth? Don't you feel ashamed and flustered, Si hao? How old are you? How old are you? How old is brother Long Yan? You can't beat brother Long Yan. You're so blind... "

She originally wanted to say "blind your identity as the son of the emperor", but when the words were about to be exported, she suddenly thought that this was the most taboo of Si Hao, so she stopped.

Si Hao is a famous waste material in the fairyland. After so many years, he has the strength of Da Luo Jinxian. It seems that he has lost the face of the southern emperor. However, he is also the son of the emperor. He has many rare treasures on his body. If he is really angry, he will definitely be invincible with these treasures.

Therefore, xianbao'er thinks it's better not to stimulate him.

Although xianbao'er didn't finish his words, Si Hao obviously received the meaning that xianbao'er wanted to express, so his face sank in an instant, and the whole body was shrouded in a kind of depression, which made people who saw him involuntarily become in a bad mood.

Feng to see here, can not help but slightly twist eyebrows.

This Sihao

Although the name of Si Hao's waste materials has been spread all over the fairyland, there are countless immortals who feel sorry for having their own children for such big people as the southern emperor. However, Fengzhi always thinks that the name of Sihao's waste materials is probably some moisture.

When Feng Zhi was on the Xuanwu continent, she was also known as a waste material, so she could not understand the difference between real waste material and fake waste material.

And this si Hao, with Feng Zhi's eyes, no matter how you look at it, she doesn't think Si Hao will be such a waste material figure.

What's more

Feng Zhi can still remember clearly how the ancient style disappeared after it was "killed". At that time, she also made a guess, guessing that the ancient style was not a real person at all, but a puppet formed by Si Hao with secret methods.

It's too simple for her to guess.

"Si Hao..." Feng said in a low voice, "maybe you can not blind his identity at all, but in..."

Play a pig and eat a tiger.

Feng Zhi thought so.

This is a rotten trick she used at the beginning. Now it's a very novel experience to see such a trick made by others.

After a while, the battle between Long Yan and Si Hao will be decided.

Long Yan gets more and more angry, and there are more and more holes in the immortal clothes that Si Hao is wearing. A good immortal clothes just makes him wear a beggar's clothes. Without the protection of immortal clothes, Si Hao's wounds are also increasing.

What a terrible word.

Probably also aware that he is not long Yan's opponent, Si Hao dodged and begged for mercy: "OK, OK, I'm wrong. Fengzhi has nothing to do with me. She's Longyan, you're alone, OK?"

Until hearing this, Long Yan finally stopped.

Si Hao jumped to one side and took another one. Looking at the same expensive fairy clothes, he muttered: "it's a big vinegar jar. I don't know how Fengzhi can stand you..."

His appearance, however, was not at all in line with the image of an evil and elegant young master he had shown before.Xianbao'er didn't hide her schadenfreude about Si Hao's embarrassment. Until the truce was over, she was still clapping hands and jumping feet and said, "brother Long Yan, good fight, come on..."

Si Hao is very much want to give Xianbao some color to see to see, can't clean up Long Yan, but he clean up Xianbao son or not.


Looking at the Fenglai who protected xianbao'er tightly, and then looking at the action of Fenglai's hand gently pressing on Fenglai's bow, Si Hao turned his lips and had to give up this attractive idea.

A good archer can't be easily provoked, especially when the Archer has also got the inheritance from the God's arrow.

Think about it, the reason why Fenglai was able to get the inheritance of the divine arrow emperor at that time was that Si Hao, who was walking with Fengzhi and his party in the ancient style, pushed one of them.

As long as the thought of this, Si Hao can not help but some egg pain.

He felt as if he was carrying a stone and hitting himself in the foot.

"I really don't know how to be grateful. If I hadn't provided the information, where would you go to find the inheritance of the God arrow King..." Si Hao such chant, can't help but also rolled a white eye.

In this regard, Fenglai did not have any feelings.

In any case, if you want to move the person he is protecting, you have to pass him first!

Realizing that Feng Zhi and his party would not tell themselves about their past friendship, Si Hao finally became honest. He spread out his hands and said helplessly, "OK, I'm afraid of you, OK?"

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