If Feng Zhi and others know the idea of Si Hao now, they will give him a look.

Old love?

Is there such a thing between them?

Until now, Fengzhi and others can still remember the things that they used the ancient style to approach their Si Hao and bring them to the pit. It's good not to settle accounts with him. Where can there be any old love?

Seeing Si Hao still murmuring there, Feng can't bear to go around with him again, and directly asked, "say it, what's your idea to come here this time?"

The others looked at him warily.

They do not believe that Si Hao can have any good intentions, since they have come, they must want to do something bad.

Si Hao white phoenix to one eye, "I said you can't think of people to the good point, I was just doing such a thing, how to let you always remember hate in the heart? No, it's not doing you any harm? "

The latter half sentence, Si Hao said very quietly.

However, no matter how quiet, they were heard by Feng Zhi and his party.

"What do you say?" Feng narrowed her eyes slightly.

Si Haolian said, "nothing, nothing."

This appearance, with his original appearance of evil and noble childe, how can there be any resemblance?

Feng has been a little impatient.

The reason why he was able to talk so much with Si Hao is that although the original Si Hao took them to the pit, he didn't have any bad heart to them after careful consideration. At most, he was mentally ill. He wanted to see how Fengzhi and Longyan would react in the face of crisis.

Second, come on

How can he say that he is also the son of the emperor, as long as he does not really harm himself and others, Fengzhi naturally tries to avoid fighting with him.

Of course, this does not mean that Fengzhi will be worried about his status as the son of the emperor. If he really wants to annoy Fengzhi, she will not care whether Sihao is the son of the emperor.

Anyway, now Si Hao is not her opponent, isn't it?


Think about the idea that gushed out in the heart before, Feng to squint again.

How did Si Hao get along with Fengzhi and his party for a long time at first. Seeing the appearance of Fengzhi, he immediately knew that Fengzhi was going to act seriously. So he spread out his hands and said, "Fengzhi, we used to say that we were also companions. Now your clan is holding a grand ceremony. Can't I join in the fun?"

Speaking of this, Gu Feng still felt a little aggrieved, and muttered to him: " You don't mean to see so many people coming from outside. It's unfair that I get angry at me when I come. "

Feng Zhihui gave him a "ha ha".

Those people outside are here, but they don't open their mouth and say it's Fengzhi's old lady.

"Want to know why you are so unpopular?" Feng Zhi asked.

Si Hao nodded again and again.

"Ha ha..." Feng to skin smile meat does not smile tunnel, "because the mouth is cheap, must be treated."

Si Hao was choked and speechless.

For the arrival of Si Hao, everyone said that they were not welcome, especially xianbao'er. If she had not known that she was not the opponent of Si Hao, she would have thrown Si Hao far away.

However, Fengzhi didn't know what the reason was. He not only didn't drive Si Hao out, but also invited him to Yinxian peak politely. People who knew something about Fengzhi's temperament were extremely surprised.

According to their understanding of Fengzhi, Fengzhi has always been a person who can't tolerate sand. Although, as Si Hao said, what he did at the beginning did not do any harm to Fengzhi and his party, as long as Fengzhi stands opposite to her, she will never regard this person as a friend.

Now, although Fengzhi doesn't look like she wants to treat Si Hao as a friend, she invites him to Yinxian peak

This is the only treatment that those high-level officials of various major sectors receive invitation.


In addition to Long Yan, others are more or less confused.

However, as everyone knows, Fengzhi has always been very methodical, so even if he has doubts in his heart, no one doubts anything, and Si Hao is able to enter the house.

Looking at his somewhat complacent appearance, xianbao'er was so disgusted that he could hardly go up to scratch his face.

After taking Si Hao to Yin Xian Feng, Feng Zhi waved and let everyone disperse.

When everyone left, only Fengzhi Longyan and Si Haozhi were left. Fengzhi raised her eyebrows and said to Si Hao, "there is no one else now. You don't have to hide and tuck in any more. Tell me, what's the purpose of your coming to yinxianfeng this time?"

Did not wait for Si Hao to open mouth, Feng to first one step way: "you also don't take what words to prevaricate me, I will not believe."

On Si Hao's face, the complacency of looking at some of the blame for beating gradually converged, and the whole person's temperament suddenly changed, and then returned to the original Phoenix to see, that kind of cool with some evil spirit."Fengzhi..." It took him a long time to sigh, and his eyes were full of admiration

Feng to two hands in front of the chest, "if you don't say, I will really throw you out."

Si Hao smile, no longer before the hanging son langdang.

"I'm here to yinxianfeng..." He said slowly, "first, of course, I want to see how my old friend has been doing over the years. Second, no one knows the opening ceremony of the five element sect in the fairyland in the past ten years. Compared with several super sects in the fairyland, even my old man They are all concerned. "

My old man

Can let Si Hao crown with such a title, of course, only South emperor Jun Si Nantian.

Meaning to Si Hao's meaning, Feng Zhi's eyebrows slightly wrung up, "you mean, the South emperor also pays attention to me this small five element Zong's movement?"

Si Hao first nodded and then shook his head. "It should be said that the old man in my family is not concerned about the five elements sect, but you and Long Yan."

Feng Zhi's eyebrows are tightening.

If you change someone else, you will feel happy when you know that the emperor is so concerned about yourself.

After all, it is the supreme existence of the celestial monarch, can get the attention of the emperor, that does not mean that he has something extraordinary?

But Fengzhi didn't think so.

At the same time, she didn't feel happy at all.

According to the law, no matter how powerful she has been making these years, in the eyes of big people like emperor, they are just children playing with each other. Since this is the case, how can the South emperor always pay attention to her?

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