But Feng to did not suspect Si Hao's words.

With the previous years of getting along with her, she can also understand Sihao and temperament. Although this person sometimes has some secondary and even more amusing, she will not cheat her with such words.

So, South Emperor

What does his attention mean to himself and Long Yan?

Feng to nature is unable to come up with a reason.

Since she couldn't think of it, she simply didn't think about it. Since the South emperor paid attention to her, and this concern was not hidden from others, she would take the initiative to uncover the answer to this question one day.

As a matter of fact, Feng Zhi thinks that he is just bothering himself.

Although she was lucky to rub the rules in the ladder, she was better than Mo Zhen, who suppressed her cultivation in the middle of the emperor, but she was very clear in her mind. With her current strength, there was absolutely no possibility that she could take advantage of the emperor.

In this case, if the southern emperor had no malice towards her and Longyan, it was natural that everyone would be happy.

If the South emperor is malicious to them

Even if they are doing something now, there is no way?

In that case, it is useless to think about it.

Feng Zhi then looked at Si Hao again, "since you are here, you should be honest. If I find you have any bad ideas, I will hang you to the gate of Yinshen Island, and let the South emperor have a good look at your stupid appearance."

Si Hao couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Fengzhi and Longyan didn't pay any more attention to him. After arranging a residence for him, they left.

At the moment, he looked at Haofeng's back and felt that he was forced to smile The opening ceremony of wuxingzong should be very lively... "

Whether the opening ceremony of wuxingzong is hot or not can not be said by Si Hao.

Now if you stand on the top of Yinxian peak and look around, you can see the black heads everywhere you can see. From this we can see how much the advertising campaign of Fengzhi has played in the past ten years.

In the next year, more and more high-rise families came to yinxianfeng in advance.

I don't know what happened. Some senior officials who didn't look up to the five element sect and said they were dismissive of participating in the opening ceremony of the five element sect, actually went to yinxianfeng one after another in the course of this year. Moreover, they showed great enthusiasm for the leader of the five element sect, which was quite different from their scorn when they received the invitation Comparison of.

The so-called visitors are guests, and this is the first time that the five elements sect has appeared in the fairyland. Fengzhi, the master, will not do such things as driving people out, but will arrange these people very carefully.

In such a busy time, a year has gradually passed. It is only half a month before the opening ceremony of wuxingzong.

By this time, all the busy immortals who wanted to join the five element sect had basically arrived at the bottom of Yinxian peak. The huge black head could almost kill the patients with phobia.

You also know that there are many big people in the five element sect. Although the immortals who come to join in the fun are crowded together, they do not make any big trouble. Sometimes some small troubles are handled by Fengzhi.

Because many things have been arranged early, the closer we get to the opening ceremony, the more free Fengzhi is. She gets bored with Long Yan all day long and scatters dog food crazily in front of single dogs.

Fengming couldn't bear it any more. After seeing that Longyan had fed Fengzhi a fairy fruit, she suddenly stood up and glared at Fengzhi and Longyan: "Fengzhi, Longyan, don't go too far!"

Too much?

Feng to Yang Yang eyebrow, "why, I have been so excessive ah, why do you still say such words?"

Success choked Fengming.

Fengming pointed to Fengzhi, and her fingers trembled slightly. "I tell you, a single dog is also a dog. It's very immoral for you to do so. Don't you fear that some dog lovers will come to criticize you

Feng Zhi was almost amused by him.

"Dog lovers, is there such a man?" She said.

At this time, Feng Zhi and Long Yan looked at each other, and their hearts moved slightly.

Is Fengming, also don't know is to feel what, a heart all mercilessly jumped once.

"What's going on..." Feng Ming murmured to herself.

Fengzhi and Longyan have stood up together.

Others are still puzzled.

Is surprised to see a ray of light from the outside rowed over, to get close, by the Phoenix to a grasp in the hand.

This is a jade Rune widely used in the five elements sect.

The range of yinxianfeng is very large. If you have to fly around every time you send a message, it is undoubtedly too troublesome and also a waste of manpower. Therefore, nowadays, such a communication jade symbol is used to transmit messages on yinxianfeng.The jade symbol in his hand was crushed gently, and Feng Zhi got the news he wanted.

She immediately showed a smile on her face. While she was happy, she also looked at Fengming, "Fengming, it's really you..."


Feng Ming looks confused.

What's wrong with him, let Feng Zhi say such words as "really have you".

What's more, what happened to the inexplicable feeling he felt earlier?

Feng Ming intuitively knows the answer to this question.

Fengzhi did know that, and she didn't plan to hide it from Fengming, so she said: "what's more I just talked about dog lovers, and now your dog lovers are really here. "

Dog lovers coming?

Even if this is said by himself, Fengming is still a face of muddled force at this time.

Feng to now how to speak more and more profound, how can he not understand it?

However, Fenglai was stunned by Fengzhi's words, and then he reflected the meaning of Fengzhi. He also stood up, put his hand on Fengming's head, shook his head, and said with a look of caring for the mentally handicapped: " It's smart to look at you at ordinary times. How can your IQ be exposed at the critical moment? "

Straight gas Fengming gnashing teeth, eager to rush up to bite Phoenix to a bite.

Of course, with xianbao'er around, Fengming naturally can't succeed.

When Fengming is angry, Fengzhi and Longyan have already started to go out. Fenglai also pulls xianbao'er to keep up with Fengming. Although others don't know what happened, they all quickly catch up with Fengzhi. Finally, Fengming is the only one left.

"Well, I said you wait for me..." Feng Ming called and followed.

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