In this way, a group of people went out of the mountain protection array and came to the foot of Yinxian peak.

Before Fengzhi and his party arrived, Mo Li and his party were standing at the foot of the mountain, looking around at yinxianfeng. Not far behind them, there was a black head.

These are the first batch of the immortals who arrived at the bottom of Yinxian peak and occupied the best position.

Fengzhi's little apprentice, Doudou, who was brought back from Fengzhi's family, first looked up at yinxianfeng, which almost rose into the clouds, and then looked at Mo Li excitedly: "elder martial sister, this Yinxian peak is much bigger than Yuming mountain on the Xuanwu continent. Will this be our territory in the future?"

Because of excitement, Doudou's voice is unavoidably loud, and falls into the ears of those immortals sitting or standing not far away.

In order to occupy a good position ahead of time, these immortals came to the foot of yinxianfeng mountain at least two years in advance. After staying here for such a long time, even if they knew that there would be a lot of excitement soon, the immortals still felt that they were almost ready to grow mushrooms.

Therefore, Mo Li and his party had just arrived outside the Yinxian peak, but they still insisted on going outside the gate of the five elements sect. When the five elements sect members could not help but pay attention to them.

In fact, these immortals have seen this situation many times.

One of the most important purposes of the opening ceremony of the five elements sect is to take advantage of this opportunity to recruit more disciples so as to expand the scale of the five element sect.

This point, Phoenix to this decade's advertising can not be less mentioned, of course, the immortals will not be unaware.

Because of this, young immortals have come to yinxianfeng from time to time in recent years, hoping to join the five element sect before the grand ceremony.

However, these people were declined.

Since Fengzhi has decided to hold the ceremony, he has already sent out a message that he will accept disciples after the ceremony. Of course, he will not break this rule because of the initiative of these people.


In order to open the mountain ceremony, Fengzhi can be said to have worked hard. More sure, this ceremony will enable all the immortals who arrive at yinxianfeng to have a correct assessment of the strength of the five elements sect.

In this case, of course, we have to wait for the opening ceremony before we can receive more excellent people.

After all, Fengzhi didn't plan to accept people when they met. The number of disciples of yinxianfeng was also limited. Of course, this limited number should be given to more excellent talents.

Because of Fengzhi's plan, I don't know how many immortals have hit the wall outside Yinxian peak in recent years.

Those immortals who were paying attention to Mo Li and his party in the distance came straight to the door of the five element sect, one by one, they were waiting to see the joke.

Waiting days are boring. It's good to have such a little fun, isn't it?

Only, let them down.

I don't know what these young men and women said to the people of yinxianfeng. Instead of being expelled back, the disciples of yinxianfeng who guarded the gate sent a letter to yinxianfeng?

All the fairies waiting to see the excitement were surprised.

So, who are these immortals who look so young?

And what makes them even more shocked is still behind.

As we all know, the leader of the five elements sect was Fengzhi, who succeeded in climbing the ladder ten years ago. No one in the fairyland knows what it means to be able to climb the ladder successfully. Even if this does not mean that Fengzhi will become an emperor in the future, her talent is surprisingly good, which no one can doubt.

It is also because of this, even when Feng Zhi is invited to come to the high-level doors of yinxianfeng, they are extremely enthusiastic when they see Feng Zhi.

In recent years, only when the high-level officials of the major Gates who received the invitation arrived at yinxianfeng, could Fengzhi and Longyan meet at the foot of the mountain.

But now

Are they wrong? They are just young people who want to join the five element sect. How can they not only not be expelled, but also let Fengzhi come out to meet them in person?

Don't mention these idle and boring immortals, Feng Zhi and his party have already arrived at the Yinxian peak, looking at Mo Li and his party.

Nearly two hundred years ago, her apprentices and her companions seem to have no change when they fly up.

Feng couldn't help smiling.

And Mo Li and his party could not help screaming at the sight of Feng Zhi and Long Yan.


"Fengzhi, Longyan..."

Then, a group of people couldn't resist the excitement in their hearts, and they flew to Fengzhi and Longyan.

Feng couldn't help rolling her eyes.

If she was attacked by them, the dignity of the patriarch she had managed to establish would be destroyed in front of so many people.

Therefore, before being attacked by Mo Li and others, Feng Zhi pulls the Dragon Yan to one side.However, Fenglai and Fengming, who are walking behind Fengzhi and Longyan, were blocked by the body shape of Fengzhi and Longyan. Before they could see what was going on in front of them, Mo Li and others rushed on their heads.

Feng Lai's heart was already prepared, so he escaped in time, but Fengming was a tragedy.

Before he could see it clearly, the whole person was thrown to the ground. He didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. Fengyue happened to be the first one. She first knocked down Fengming, and then other people piled on her and Fengming one by one.

There are Fengzhi and Longyan at the foot of Yinxian peak. Before Fengming, Fengming didn't think he would encounter any danger here, so he didn't have any precautions. He felt dizzy for a while when he was rushed down one by one.

Finally, Feng Ming pushed the people who were pressing on him to the outside, and said in a very angry way: -- I think you are so tired of it that you dare to plot against me on the territory of wuxingzong... "

Before he had finished speaking, he saw the magnified smile which was very close to him.

That face

Does it belong to Fengyue?

Fengming is a Leng first, and then immediately will come over.

So, this is the dog lover in Feng Zhi's mouth?

Then, his eyes go up again, and the people who are piled up on him are Mo Li, Mo Liu, Dou Dou Phoenix green, Phoenix proud

After that, all the people's eyes gradually showed a big smile.

These people do not like to pretend to be deep, now after nearly 200 years to see their old friends, how can they resist the excitement in their hearts and cry out like crazy people.

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