
"Ah ah..."

"Ah, ah..."

Only such a higher than one scream can express the joy and excitement of people's hearts completely.

While screaming, the crowd also pulled Fengming up from the ground, and then jumped and laughed with shoulder to shoulder. The joy of reunion was expressed incisively and vividly.

Of course, Fengzhi and Longyan couldn't be pulled together by them. Even Fenglai couldn't escape. Fenglin pulled her from xianbao'er.

Xianbao'er looked at the smile on Feng Lai's face and was surprised.

You know, Fenglai has always been a very introverted person. If he was not really very happy, he would not appear in such a smile.


Who are these people?

Xianbao'er looks at Fengzhi and Longyan and wants to get the answer from them.

Feng to but not in a hurry to explain to the public, but wait until Mo Li and his party will be excited in the heart vent, this just waved to them, "OK, come here."

At this time, Mo Li and others finally let out some of their excitement. When they got the words of Fengzhi, they immediately strode to the front of Fengzhi.

Then, Mo Li and other members of the five element sect all bent down together.



And Feng Qingqing and other Phoenix family members, relatively speaking, should be more relaxed. They all greet Feng Zhi one after another.

Feng Zhi smiles at them. First, she looks at the accomplishments of the people, and then she is satisfied with them. She says, "I'm sorry Thanks to you, you will fly up, otherwise... "

So the scalp of all the people was numb.

No matter in the wuxingzong or Fengjia, Fengzhi has always had the absolute right to speak. Therefore, people have no doubt that if they fail to fly up in time, what kind of unforgettable punishment they will get from Fengzhi when they fly up.

In fact, Fengzhi just wanted to frighten Mo Li and others, so at the next moment, she also showed a big smile and stretched out her hands to the people: "I'm afraid that you can't do it Welcome. "

They all smile and open their hands and embrace Fengzhi and Longyan.

When the old story was over, Feng Zhi turned to Yin Xianfeng and said, "look, this is our five element sect."

At the beginning, Fengzhi said that she and long Yanfeng would come to Fengming and fly to the fairyland first. Before other people soared, they would establish a place in the fairyland that could accommodate them after they soared.

Now, she did.

Mo Li and others also look forward to yinxianfeng.

They came to the fairyland just a year ago. Before they found Fengzhi and others, they did not come across anything. Therefore, they felt that if there was no root in this fairyland, they would feel like duckweed.

And now, they have roots.

This is their five element sect.

When they had seen enough, Fengzhi said with a smile: "since you've seen enough, you can go up with me. It's more beautiful."

I can't be here all the time. I'll be watching them as monkeys all the time.

Then they all nodded, and then followed the Phoenix to enter yinxianfeng.

Behind them, those immortals who are paying attention to them are all astonished. In recent years, they have never seen the figure of Feng Zhi except when the high-level people of some major gate arrive. Even if it is the high-level personages who welcome the main gate, Fengzhi's attitude is only polite and just right enthusiasm. How ever have they seen it Did Guo Feng show such a totally defenseless smile?

All the immortals are confused. Who are these people?

Of course, no one will answer their questions.

Within the scope of yinxianfeng, Fengzhi and others did not control their swords, but chose to walk slowly up the mountain. As they walked, they exchanged their recent situation in the past two hundred years.

Mo Li and other people's recent situation actually has nothing to say. Since the four people of Fengzhi have risen, all their energy has been put on the cultivation, and then they have risen to the fairyland together.

And Phoenix to them

At the same time, their experience will be so wonderful.

Listening to Fengming tell us all kinds of experiences in the past two hundred years, Mo Li and others will occasionally give out such exclamations as "ah" and "wow". At the same time, they are still sorry why they did not fly earlier. If they fly to the fairyland earlier, they can participate in the wonderful work of Fengzhi.


Now they are also flying up. When Fengzhi goes, they will follow them. When they think about the wonderful life in the future, Mo Li and others are looking forward to it.

For this, Long Yan only snickered.

Phoenix to Fengming, these big light bulbs always follow also even if, now there are so many oil tankers want to follow them, really beautiful them!It seems that when he and Feng have to get rid of these people and live a good life in their own world.

Long Yan calculated this way.

Of course, Mo Li and others will not know what Longyan is planning now. After separated from Fengzhi for more than 100 years, seeing Fengzhi again is like a lost child who has finally seen his parents again, not to mention how attached he is.

If it wasn't for Long Yan's cold face, I'm afraid Mo Lifeng Yue would all come to sleep with Feng Zhi.

Finally, he glared at Mo Li with a cold eye. Long Yan held Feng Zhi in his arms and said, "Fengzhi, there are so many people to divide your attention..."

Don't be aggrieved.

Feng Zhi couldn't help laughing.

Only in front of her can long Yan show such a child like side.

She rubbed hard in Long Yan's arms, then said with a smile: "Long Yan, don't worry. No matter what, you are the only one in my heart. As for other people, it's all floating clouds!"

This can't be more firm.

Hearing Feng Zhi say this, even if he knows that this is Fengzhi's talk to coax him, Long Yan can't help but show a faint smile.

He usually has no expression on his face, and because of this, when he smiles like this, the whole person seems to be shining, which makes people hardly move their eyes.

Feng Zhi couldn't help standing on tiptoe, holding Long Yan's face in both hands and reborn for a while, and then said with a smile: "Long Yan, you are really smiling. If you smile at me like this every day, where can I see other people in my eyes?"

After a long time, he nodded to Feng solemnly: "OK, I'll smile every day."

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