When he spoke, Long Yan was already fulfilling his promise, with the tenderness that seemed to drown people on his face, and the focus that could only see Fengzhi in his eyes.

When he looks at him like this, it's easy to get drunk in his eyes.

Feng to holding the hands of Longyan slightly forced, extremely overbearing way: "later can only smile at me alone!"

If you smile at others like this, you can't suck people's souls. Feng Zhi doesn't want to have more people fighting with her for Longyan. Even if she's absolutely sure that Longyan won't be taken away by others, it's easy to be in a bad mood.

Listening to Feng Zhi's words with this slight jealousy, Long Yan couldn't help but smile, then lowered his head, gently pressed his forehead against Feng Zhi's forehead, and said, "OK, I'll listen to you."

The two then looked at each other with a smile.

Don't mention how warm the atmosphere is.

In the next half month, Mo Li and others who had just found Fengzhi were obviously not used to it, for fear that they were just dreaming. They had to stay in front of Fengzhi for a long time before they could find a sense of security. Long Yan did not know how many times he had to stare at them every day, and he could not help but throw them out every time they went to Longyan, Finally, I left on my own initiative.

In this process, time passed quickly. It seemed that in a flash, it was the day when wuxingzong held the opening ceremony.

Early in the morning, people on yinxianfeng had already opened their eyes.

In addition to Fengzhi and Longyan, others are more or less nervous. After all, this is the first time that the five elements sect officially appeared in the fairyland. We can imagine the importance of the five elements sect. If something goes wrong today, I'm afraid that Fengzhi's efforts in the past ten years will be wasted.

Pooh, Pooh, Pooh!

Realizing that such an idea is not auspicious, people can not help but feel in their hearts, and even three times.

Seeing them so, Feng Zhi laughed and said, "it seems that you all need to work hard, but it's just the grand ceremony. Don't say we've made so much preparation that there won't be any problems. Even if there's a problem, it's nothing. It's a big deal to start all over again. What's so nervous about?"

Listening to Feng Zhi's saying, people felt that it was really the case, so the original tense mood was relaxed with it.

At the end of the day, Feng added a sentence What's more, you just need to pester at the bottom, and you don't need to do anything. It's me who really wants to appear. I'm not nervous, and I don't know how nervous you are

There was a moment of silence.

They looked at each other and thought they were really stupid.

Feng Zhi said nothing wrong, they do not need to appear in front of so many people, and no one will pay attention to them. What are they nervous about?

At this time, the tension in people's hearts was completely gone.

Feng to see the situation and said: "don't worry, I have paid a full ten years of time and efforts, of course, will not allow today's opening ceremony will be any accident!"

This word, Feng Zhi says to throw the ground to have a voice, extremely firm.

She doesn't like to do useless work. Since she has paid, she should get her due reward. The opening ceremony of wuxingzong can be said to be the most serious thing Fengzhi has done since she came to the fairyland. In this case, how can she allow someone to destroy it?

So they all nodded.

Feng to see people are no longer nervous, this just stood up, "that Let's go

They also take a deep breath and walk outside after Feng Zhi and Long Yan.

Outside, the rest of the five element sect, including all the disciples of the outer sect, stood in perfect order, waiting for the appearance of Fengzhi and others.

At that time, they were not willing to stay in such a small sect with no future as the five elements sect. They always thought about how to escape from the five elements sect.

It is not surprising that they will not be able to see this in the eyes of Xianmen.

More importantly

There is also a patriarch such as Fengzhi.

Climbing the ladder, when I knew the news, these disciples were going crazy, OK?

It was also after that that that the restless heart of these outer disciples was calmed down.

Although their original sect was a little stronger than the five element sect, it was also very limited. Otherwise, they would not have made the idea of the five element sect. Compared with the original sect, of course, the five element sect with Fengzhi as its leader had more potential.

So, it doesn't have to say how to choose.

Later, these outer disciples felt that they were wise in this matter more than once. Compared with the talents who came from all over the fairyland and wanted to join the Wuxing sect, they could join the Wuxing sect without any test. Even if they were only the outer disciples, they were not enough hands of the original five element sect, OK?With this understanding, the disciples of other schools will certainly do their best when they do things.

Let alone, they have contributed a lot in the past ten years.

Because of this, Fengzhi didn't clean these people out, and even gave them hope that as long as their strength can be raised to a certain extent, they can give priority to becoming inner disciples.

This is more like fighting chicken blood, every day in addition to completing the task assigned by Fengzhi, that is to practice and practice again.

At this time, when Feng Zhi led his party out, especially Mo Li, who had been accepted as disciples by Fengzhi as soon as he came to wuxingzong, the disciples of other schools did not mention how envious they were.

However, they also know that Mo Li's disciples are the disciples of their own patriarch when they are in the lower bound. Naturally, they can't compare with each other.

Want to be an inner disciple

It depends on their own efforts.

In this way, when the disciples of other schools saw Feng Zhi again, their eyes were full of fire.

Fengzhi went to the front of everyone and stood side by side with Long Yan. Looking at the foot of yinxianfeng mountain, which was almost surrounded by people's heads, Fengzhi took a deep breath and said, "today is the day when the five elements sect officially appeared in the fairyland, and it was also the day when the five element sect set sail. As I said at the beginning, to let the fairyland know the existence of our five element sect, I did it!"

Everyone looked at Feng Zhi with great reverence.

In the past ten years, although Fengzhi has carried out every step of the way, only those who are really involved in it know that Fengzhi is not as relaxed as it seems on the surface.

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