When Fengzhi and others came to the foot of the mountain, it was the beginning of the day. The fiery red sun would jump out from the other end of the mountain and sprinkle the light and heat selflessly to the earth. The golden sunlight was watching with a special sense of holiness.

Under the Yinxian peak, at this time has been quietly waiting for the number of immortals.

Some of these immortals are pure visitors, some want to join the five element sect, and some come with their own children.

As I said earlier, Fengzhi is more optimistic about the aborigines who were born in the fairyland and haven't had time to start practicing.

Compared with the immortal who has a certain strength, the plasticity of these children is undoubtedly stronger.

What's more, these children have not begun to practice, so if they enter the five element sect, Fengzhi can pass down the five element sect's "chaos formula".

This is the most authentic skill of the five elements sect.

Can absorb so many immortals with their own children, from which we can see the effect of Feng Zhi's advertising campaign in the past ten years.

All the immortals have been waiting for a long time under the Yinxian peak, some of them have even been waiting for several years. Now the opening ceremony of the five element sect is about to start, and their expressions will inevitably fluctuate.

That is to say, in their emotional fluctuations, people saw the color light slowly floating down from the Yinxian peak.


The crowd was startled in their hearts and then took a close look.

I saw that a large cloud was floating down from the Yinxian peak. On the cloud, there was a continuous color of light changing. The color was so rich that it seemed to capture all the colors in the world. When these colorful lights were constantly changing, people who saw this scene only thought that they had arrived at something beautiful In the dreamland.

Of course, they're not in an illusion.

The immortals then woke up, and when they saw Fengzhi and other people of the five element sect, they were suddenly surprised.

The five element sect's person, appeared!

When he noticed the flames that Feng Zhi and others were stepping on, some of the wise immortal couldn't help but take a breath.

This is

What is this? The immortals have not recognized it for a long time.

However, the shape of the flame always makes these immortals feel a faint sense of familiarity, as if they had seen or heard of it. Some of them did not know what they thought of. Their faces suddenly changed dramatically, and then they saw ghosts on their faces, as if they had seen something impossible.

In this atmosphere, although there are more than ten million immortals standing below, there is no sound in the vast space under the Yinxian peak.

It's like something invisible is pressing on their mind.

Having noticed this, he still stayed on the Yinxian peak, and the high-level officials of various major sects who were looking at the performance of Fengzhi and others could not help but feel much higher about the younger generation of Fengzhi.

The crane came and whispered to Chu Xuanji with his divine sense: "this phoenix is a demon. I don't know what it is. How can you do this at a young age? Will you let the elder live?"

Although it's just an appearance, it's just because Fengzhi can face each other face-to-face that it forms such pressure in the hearts of the immortals, which means that Fengzhi has begun to have its own prestige.

On other immortals, this can be done at least until the reign of emperor.

And Fengzhi, she is just the strength of Dara Jinxian in the middle period. It is incomprehensible to be able to do this.

There is also the flame under the feet of the five elements sect. If he is not mistaken, it should be the nirvana fire that has not existed for many years?

Even in the Phoenix family, this is also the legendary divine fire. Now it is used by Fengzhi to support her face. The key is that she can control the nirvana fire from her heart. Even if she is a powerful emperor like xianhelai, she can't help but want to capture Fengzhi and study it well.

Chu Xuanji couldn't help laughing.

She knew that the crane was just hard of mouth.

Before the official appearance of Fengzhi and others, she could see clearly that the crane didn't say anything. In fact, she was worried about Fengzhi.

In the past ten years, Fengzhi's action is really too high-profile. While letting the five elements sect be known by the fairyland immortals, it undoubtedly raises the expectations of the five elements sect.

If the appearance of Fengzhi and others today is not in line with this expectation, then the opening ceremony of wuxingzong will undoubtedly fail half of the time.

In fact, the crane is very optimistic about Fengzhi. Otherwise, he would not worry about her like this.

After noticing the meaning of Chu Xuanji's smile, xianhelai was a little annoyed, and said, "madam, I'm not worried about the girl. I just think that since our Baoer has identified Fenglai, if Fengzhi's five elements sect can be stronger, our Baoer will not be wronged in the future, isn't it?"Xuanji smiles again.

She knows, how she doesn't understand, dead duck's mouth is hard!

The crane came to Chu Xuanji's face was a little hot with laughter. He simply stopped talking and continued to pay attention to the situation under the Yinxian peak.

Under yinxianfeng, Fengzhi and other people's way of appearance attracted all the people's eyes.

After a pause, Fengzhi began to speak and said, "today is the day for the opening ceremony of wuxingzong. All the fairies can spare no time to come here. Fengzhi Thank you


These two words from the Phoenix to their own mouth, it has a powerful force.

"I don't want to talk much about it. The opening ceremony will be held soon. Ladies and gentlemen, please..."

The word "please" was only exported. Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, Fengzhi took out a simple and gray brocade bag, opened it in front of everyone, and then threw it into the sky.

It seems that the brocade bag is rising in the wind. However, after a few breaths, it has become larger. I don't know how many times. In the end, the brocade bag is completely opened, forming a hole that looks like the entrance of some place.

This is

Fengzhi then explained: "in order to let all the fairies have a better experience, we specially prepared a space to hold the ceremony, which is also used to entertain all the fairies. After the entrance is opened, all the fairies who want to participate in the opening ceremony just need to gather a group of immortal spirit in their hands, and then they can get the introduction of space..."

This naturally caused an uproar.

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