Although it is only ten years, Fengzhi's strength has undoubtedly made great progress compared with the time when he entered the ladder.

Most of this progress is due to the trip to the sky ladder.

For the immortal, if you want to make progress, actual combat is essential. If you have actual combat, you can let the immortal find your own short board, so as to make up for your shortcomings more targeted, and then comprehensively enhance your strength.

After entering the sky ladder, Fengzhi really fought all the way up. The process of fighting was from easy to difficult. Even Fengzhi felt great pressure in those layers behind.

In particular, after the last 90 layers, each layer is undoubtedly challenging its own limits. Every successful landing on a level is a challenge to its own limits.

Under such circumstances, Fengzhi will certainly make great progress.

Of course, the most important thing for Fengzhi to make such progress today is to fight against Mo Zhen on the 99th floor.

Although Feng got all her strength in that fight, she couldn't use all her strength to win.

But after coming out of the ladder, Feng Zhi also learned valuable experience from Mo Zhen in this battle.

Then, the fire of Nirvana, the law of space, and the control of their own momentum, are undoubtedly a big step forward.

For example

It was very difficult for Fengzhi to control the fire of Nirvana when she was in the ladder of heaven. But now, she can summon the fire of Nirvana at will, and can perfectly suppress the power contained in the fire of nirvana.

If not, except for her and Long Yan, others would have been burned to ashes by the fire of nirvana.

It is not only the manipulation of Nirvana fire, but also the understanding of the laws of space.

The brocade bag presented this time is a space developed by Fengzhi in the past ten years. Based on the experience of using absolute field in the sky ladder, Fengzhi also applied some characteristics of absolute field to this space. To a certain extent, as long as one idea of Fengzhi is in this space, it can become a rule.

Of course, because the space is too large, and there will be so many people in it, Fengzhi will not be as comfortable in controlling the space as he is in the absolute field, but it is enough to cope with the opening ceremony.

The reason why the immortals are in uproar is that they realize what Fengzhi said.

With so many people, this space can not only fully accommodate them, but also take the initiative to draw people in. This shows that Fengzhi's understanding of the space law has far exceeded that of many fairyland predecessors.


In the past ten years, Fengzhi's experience since she was promoted has been dug out. It is not a secret that she has been handed down from the void old man. With such a thought, the immortals will have some understanding.

So, according to the guidance of Fengzhi, all the immortals tried to condense a group of immortal Qi in their hands.

Even the high-rise of each sect waiting on Yinxian peak is no exception.

The high-level strength of these sects is at least above the Xianjun, and the heavenly king is not uncommon. Naturally, their movements are much faster than those of the immortals under the Yinxian peak. They can only say it only when the Phoenix arrives, and the immortal spirit in their hands has been condensed and formed.

Then, people just feel that from the opening hole of the brocade bag, a very precise traction comes, thinking of what Fengzhi said, everyone has no resistance.

The next moment, they found themselves in a completely strange space.

The situation in this space was totally different from what they had imagined.

When people want to come here, what will be held here is the opening ceremony of the five elements sect. Since Fengzhi has specially made such a space, it should be decorated with flowers and flowers.

In fact, if this space is really arranged like this, there will be no accident on the high-rise of zhongzongmen.

In their capacity, they have had many similar experiences, which is really unexpected.

But Fengzhi did not.

This space is very large. If we don't release the divine consciousness, the high-level eyes of the clan can't reach the end of this space. However, thinking that this space is to accommodate so many immortals outside, people are relieved.

What surprised them was that there was no beautiful scene in the space. There were only five colors.

White, green, black, red, yellow.

The five colors are divided into five distinct blocks, which completely occupy the whole space. What is more striking is that when the five colors cross each other, there is a sense of mutual generation.

This is

"Five elements?" Chu Xuanji couldn't help speaking.

Chu Xuanji was born in tianjizong and was particularly sensitive to them.

Hearing Chu Xuanji's voice, others nodded in succession, expressing their approval of Chu Xuanji's words.White green, black, red and yellow, this is the color of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

People have noticed that the order of the five colors flashing is also very particular, starting from white, followed by black, green, red, yellow, and then to white, which coincides with the meaning of the five elements.

This goes back and forth.

Every time there is such a cycle, the high-level of the clan can clearly feel that the vitality of the whole space is growing. Although such a change should be extremely subtle, the strength of the people is extremely extraordinary. Naturally, the subtle change can not be concealed from them.

Some of the high-level people can't help but stop at the level of power.

Any world must have enough vitality to survive, but there is no such vitality in the space that has been opened up.

Unless, the person who opens up space has an extraordinary understanding of the laws of space.

The space opened up by Fengzhi has not only the vitality of life, but also the growth of the five elements. So

Maybe one day, when this life is strong enough, this space may be transformed into a small world independent of the fairyland.

And Fengzhi, who owns this small world

She was no doubt the master of the little world.

Although it will take a long time to reach such a level in terms of the speed of the growth of vitality, how can people not be shocked?

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