You know, any immortal who controls a small world is absolutely a great power.

And those great powers, they are at least to the realm of the emperor to achieve such a degree, Fengzhi, she is just a big Luo Jinxian.

For a moment, all the high-level people felt dizzy.

This Phoenix to

Where the hell is she from?

All of them had the same question as the previous crane.

However, this question is doomed to be unanswered.

Unknowingly, people's evaluation of Fengzhi has risen a lot. Especially among the senior leaders of these clans, some of them didn't think much of Yu Fengzhi. They thought that Fengzhi had great potential and her strength was below her. Of course, there was no need to pay much attention to her.


Feng to let people understand that some people are born to attack people.

As a result, those people completely put away the slight in their hearts and became more cautious about the opening ceremony of the five element sect held by Fengzhi.

Even, they are looking forward to it.

At the beginning, people were so surprised. What could be unexpected about the opening ceremony?

When the high-level of zhongzongmen thought like this, they found that they had been led by the five elements from the space to a high platform.

This high platform is located at the intersection of the five elements. It is a huge stone platform. Under the stone platform, there are extremely complex and simple patterns. It makes people feel that there is a bit of mystery in the stone platform.

Around the stone platform, there are dense seats, which are obviously prepared for the immortals who come to participate in the opening ceremony of the mountain, and the seats on the top of the zhongzongmen are closest to the stone platform.

It can be said that this is the seat with the best view.

As for the seats in the back

Because of the particularity of the space, although those seats in the back are far away, they can also ignore the distance of the space and see clearly on the high platform.

For their own and others to get such preferential treatment, from the high-level heart of the clan is also satisfied.

People fight for breath, trees fight for a piece of skin, their status is extraordinary, naturally can not be a treatment with ordinary immortal.

With such an idea, the high-level of zhongzongmen sat down in their seats.

Almost after they sat down, the figures began to appear in the seats behind them. At first, there were only a few seats in the dense seats. As time went by, the number of people entering the space was increasing at a terrible speed, and so many seats began to be taken one by one fill.

At the end of the day, the huge number of seats were almost full. Looking at the past, we could not see that the space was full of black heads. It was really shocking.

In fact, for Feng to still set up a chair in the space, all the immortals still have some novelty.

As you know, there are many activities like the opening ceremony of the five elements sect in the fairyland. If there is an important event in each major gate, such a celebration will also be held.

However, although there are no restrictions on people to participate in those celebrations, in addition to those who have status, other fairies who want to join the fun want to sit down, which is just a dream.

Only with this, Fengzhi won the favor of many immortals.

Of course, Fengzhi at this time did not care about this.

When those chairs are basically sitting on the people, Feng to this just slightly relieved.

The chairs in this space were set up by her estimation of the number of people outside. Now there are enough chairs and there is no trouble. Of course, it is the best thing.

The reason why the site of the grand ceremony is located in this space is not only because there is not such a large place for yinxianfeng to accommodate so many people, but also because Fengzhi is worried about what will happen outside.

And it's different in this space.

This space was opened up by Feng Zhi. To a certain extent, Fengzhi is the only God in this space, and any of her ideas is the law in this space.

Therefore, in this, even if there are people with higher strength than Fengzhi, as long as their strength does not reach the emperor, Fengzhi can always suppress them to a certain extent.

In this way, even if these people want to do bad, Fengzhi can easily cope with it.

If in the outside, Feng to can not be a bit sure.

So many people gather in this space, even if this space has the blessing of Fengzhi's law, it will not seem crowded, but if there are more people, it will feel that it is inevitable to make noise.

Make sure that there is no one out there who still wants to come in, Feng Zhi also follows into the space.

Her heart moved slightly, filled with the whole space, and the five colors representing the five elements suddenly began to flash alternately. In this way, the five colors complement each other, making people have a very harmonious feeling at the same time.In a moment, the whole space can only see these five colors.

Seeing such a change, the space becomes quiet, and the five colors flash in everyone's eyes, and everyone can feel the change of the five elements in the space.


The young immortal, who had the ability to react faster and some lacked, could not help but close his eyes and began to realize it with his heart.

The five elements are indispensable to each other, and each immortal's cultivation has its own attributes. Many people want to know how to realize the mutual generation and mutual restraint of the five elements, so that their own skills can be improved faster.

Now, Fengzhi told them the change of the five elements.

After a long time, the flicker of those five colors stopped completely. Almost at the same time, the changes of the five elements that can bring the human body to understand also stopped. All the young immortals opened their eyes with a little regret.

If it took a little longer, they would have learned more.

However, people also know that today is the opening ceremony of the five elements sect. It is impossible for the five elements sect to put everything aside and let them realize the meaning of mutual generation and mutual restraint of the five elements here. That is too unreasonable.

With such an idea, the immortals had more expectations for the upcoming opening ceremony of the five elements sect.

Seeing such a scene, Feng Zhi nodded with satisfaction.

Other members of the five element sect also looked at Feng Zhi and waited for her next action.

The opening ceremony of wuxingzong is coming soon!

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