Feng Zhi didn't delay, and was closely linked with Long Yan. The next moment, they appeared in the center of this space, that is, on the high platform.

At this moment, they easily attracted the attention of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of immortals in this space.

Being looked at by so many pairs of eyes, if the psychological bearing capacity is poor, you will feel the pressure is great. However, Feng Zhi and Long Yan have no other emotions and no tension.

It's been ten years of hard preparation. It's only for this moment that they will be nervous.


However, if you are watched by others, at most, there are more people watching. What's the matter? If you look good, you're not afraid to be seen, right?

This is Fengzhi's idea of being a bachelor.

Even with so many eyes, Feng Zhi and Long Yan have never let go of their hands.

After all, today is the opening ceremony of the five element sect. The most important thing to stand here is Fengzhi, who has worked hard for ten years to prepare for this moment. But Fengzhi just pulled Longyan here.

"We agreed to go forward together at any time." This is the original words of Fengzhi.

When Feng Zhi said this, Long Yan naturally did not mean to oppose.

So, two people appeared on this stone platform, shoulder to shoulder, with a gesture of hand in hand to meet everyone's attention.

In the past ten years, because of her high-profile, her appearance is no secret to many immortals who pay close attention to the five elements sect, so many young immortals below recognize the identity of Fengzhi at a glance.

Of course, even if they don't know Feng Zhi, who will be the woman who can appear here at this time, just think about it.

But Long Yan is different.

Although Long Yan has been with Fengzhi all the time in the past ten years and has helped Fengzhi with many things, the frequency of his appearance is far less than that of Fengzhi. Therefore, even if many immortals have heard of Longyan's name, it is the first time to see his true face.


This and Feng to hand in hand, a look to know what the relationship between the two men, he is playing where to come out?

Many immortals thought of it in a little irritable way.

Over the past ten years, Fengzhi's influence in fairyland has been increasing day by day, which has led to her unconsciously attracting many fans, even as many as any idol immortal in the fairyland entertainment circle.

After all, Fengzhi's appearance is rare in this fairyland. In addition, she successfully ascended the ladder, and almost created the present fairyland entertainment circle. It is normal for such a person to be noticed.

Among the young immortals below, many of them have been paying close attention to Fengzhi and regard Fengzhi as their idols.

Now seeing Feng Zhi and Long Yan appear in such a close attitude in front of the public, how can these people accept that their idols have long been a fairy couple?

After all, it's hard to believe that climbing the ladder of immortals and immortals is the same as that of the two immortals?

Such demons once appear two also just, or a pair, that is to let people can't live.

Therefore, for such a statement, the immortals are not very believe.

But now

They had to believe it.

Because, Feng to open mouth.

Standing on the high platform, Feng Zhi's eyes swept around the bottom. When the immortals were completely quiet, what she said was not the opening ceremony of the five element sect, but raised her hand tightly clasped with Long Yan.

"I am Fengzhi, the leader of the five elements sect." Feng Zhi raised her hand and let her and Longyan's hands clasped together to meet everyone's eyes. "He is Long Yan, my husband."


There was an uproar below.

Suddenly was fed such a large mouthful of dog food, the immortals, especially those who regard Phoenix as the idol of the young immortal, they feel some can not accept, OK?

I like this kind of idol, but what my idol likes is the feeling of others. How should these young immortals accept it?

In the past, even if they knew clearly that they could not get in touch with Fengzhi, let alone what happened with Fengzhi, they could still secretly poke in their hearts and think about such a scene, wouldn't they?

But now, Fengzhi has so clearly pointed out the relationship between himself and Long Yan. How can people deceive themselves?

If Long Yan is not so good, there are always young fairies who think they are good enough to be worthy of Fengzhi. But now, it is Longyan who stands with Fengzhi.Long Yan, the name, has spread to everyone in the fairyland in the past ten years.

There is no way. The ladder has only been opened once a thousand years. Climbing the ladder means stepping on a road leading to the emperor. As such, it is difficult for Long Yan to be known.

Such a person and Feng to stand together, even if the blind can not disobey the heart to say he and Fengzhi do not deserve.

It's just

It's depressing!

For a moment, the atmosphere in the whole space was painful.

This scene, however, is called the crane to come, Chu Xuanji and other older immortals feel funny.

They think that the fairyland today is much more energetic than before, which is obviously a good thing, and it is Fengzhi and Longyan who stand on the high platform to bring about such changes.

Fengzhi and Longyan looked at each other with a smile after Fengzhi finished the sentence which meant declaration.

Even the blind can see the sweetness.

This undoubtedly inserted a knife in Fengzhi's many fans.

Feng Zhi didn't pay attention to these people's ideas.

She and Long Yan had already agreed that they would walk hand in hand in this fairyland on the long road of cultivating immortals. Naturally, they should share the glory of each other's life.

Like now.

This is a long way to go. No matter how long the road ahead is, as long as we know that they are still with each other, we will not feel lonely when we go on.

For Fengzhi and Longyan, this is undoubtedly extremely important.

They looked at each other with a smile, and held up their hands with ten fingers clasped, and held them more tightly.

They are the glory of each other's hearts.

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