Considering that there are too many single dogs in this space, it seems immoral to stimulate people all the time. Although Feng Zhi and Long Yan's hands are still not released, they do not continue to fill people with dog food.

After that, it was time for Feng Zhi to speak.

"Today is the day for the official appearance of the five element sect. As the leader of the five element sect, Fengzhi would like to thank you all for coming here. Here, I just want to say one word, that is Feng Zhi said in a solemn manner, "you will never regret joining the five element sect!"

This sentence, Fengzhi said with a loud voice.

At the moment, the voice of the Phoenix was very clear to everyone. However, the voice of the Phoenix was very convincing in every one's ears.

Next, it's time for Fengzhi to show the strength of wuxingzong to so many immortals.

"The reason why the wuxingzong held the opening ceremony is of course to absorb fresh blood as much as possible, so that the wuxingzong is on the right track, which must have been known before you came here." Feng Zhi said, "before joining a sect, what I want to know most is the strength of the sect and what kind of training can be obtained after entering the sect..."

Hearing this, many young immortals who have the intention to join the five element sect can not help but feel refreshed.

They come here from all over the fairyland to join the five element sect?

However, after all, the five element sect is just a new sect. Although the immortals are attracted and have this intention, they are not without hesitation.

And now

The meaning of seeing Fengzhi is to put this question out.

This can be regarded as a new look, you know, those big door can never be such a move.

Even the high-level of xianhelai and other major sects are very concerned about this issue. After all, if the five element sect really grows up, it will compete with them for fresh blood in the future.

For a moment, the whole space was quiet, and all the people raised their ears to hear what Fengzhi said and what kind of strength the five elements sect had.

Feng stopped for a moment, and then went on: "the five element sect is still in its infancy. With me as the leader, there are only about 20 disciples in the inner school..."

Hearing this, all the immortals couldn't help but smoke.

More than 20 people

Is that which is the smallest sect, the number of its disciples is not so small?

The five elements sect has made such a big noise in the past ten years. Now they are told that there are only about 20 people in this sect?

It's really

All the immortals don't know what kind of thoughts they should have at this time.

Of course, Fengzhi didn't let all the immortals keep such an idea for how long, and started the following words.

"However, the lack of people does not mean that the strength of the five elements sect is weak..." Speaking at the same time, Feng to the empty hand extremely domineering wave.

The next moment, people will find that there are some changes in this space.

The original five distinct colors seemed to follow someone's command. They all stepped back, leaving a huge blank in the middle.

And in this blank space, some


The immortals were hesitant for a moment. They didn't know where the image came from, let alone whether it was Xuanguang or how it was projected.

Feng Zhi's voice continued to ring: "these are the assets of our five element sect..."

With the sound of Fengzhi, more and more things began to appear in those images.

There are all kinds of rare medicinal herbs growing in a dense and dense way. Among the immortals, there are many elites. Seeing all kinds of rare and rare medicinal herbs in the image, these Dan masters couldn't help taking a breath one after another.

Of course, what shocked these Dan masters was the number of pills displayed later.

There are also a variety of rare materials for refining utensils. The success of these materials has shocked many of the immortals.

There are also a lot of natural materials and earth treasures, such as the ordinary immortal can not be seen at all, with a variety of effects of fairy fruit fairy liquid

There are all kinds of shining fairy wares, so many of them are piled up at random, and Baoguang will almost blind people's eyes.



It can be said that only these things shown in the image can be compared with the secret library of some large doors.

With so much accumulation, even if the five elements sect received a lot of disciples this time, it would be able to support the cultivation of disciples for a long time in the future.

As long as it can sustain this period of time, then the five elements sect will be able to usher in a healthy development.After all, when the disciples join the sect, they should make contributions to the sect while getting the cultivation of the sect. To some extent, this is also an equivalent exchange.

Massive resources, a pitiful number of disciples

In contrast, if you can join the five element sect at this time, does it mean that you can enjoy this vast amount of resources and be cultivated with all your strength?

What's more, the five elements sect and Fengzhi and Longyan, two people who have successfully reached the top of the ladder, are in

For a moment, the spirits of all the immortals could not help surging.

To be able to come here to participate in the opening ceremony of the five elements sect, I have some ideas about how to join the five elements sect. After being stimulated by Fengzhi's simple and crude use of a large amount of resources, the original idea of only one point has become at least three and five points.

Especially the fairies with children.

It is very hard for the immortal to have children. It can be said that every aborigine born in fairyland is extremely valuable. In such a case, even if the strength of the fairy as parents is not outstanding, they will try their best to let their children get the best they can provide.

For example, choose a good family for them.

Many immortals will bring their children here, completely for the publicity of Fengzhi in the past ten years, and have not made up their mind to let their children into the five element sect, but with a try attitude.

But now

Such an attitude has a tendency unconsciously.

It seems that it's really good to let your children join the five element sect, which is full of potential and has Fengzhi and Longyan?

Many fairy parents are beginning to have this idea.

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