When the spirits of the immortals were surging, Feng Zhi always had a smile on her face.

The so-called opening ceremony is to show the feathers of the five elements sect to the fairyland and tell the immortals in silence. Come on, the strength of the five elements sect is very strong. You will not regret joining the five elements sect.

If we had changed other sects, we would have expressed this kind of display in a roundabout way, but Fengzhi didn't bother to use those circuitous means. Instead, he directly showed the strength of the five element sect in such a simple and crude but extremely effective way.

Everything in the image just now, of course, is not fake.

Those huge quantities of precious herbs grow in the space of Fengzhi.

When we were in the Xuanwu continent, Fengzhi's space had an almost adverse effect on the growth of miraculous herbs in the Xuanwu continent and the virtual spirit environment. In addition, the time flow rate in the space was faster than that of the outside world. It was just a natural medicine garden.

After coming to the fairyland, Fengzhi has also tried the space for the fairy medicine to have such an adverse effect, but the results are disappointing to Fengzhi.

After planting Fairies in the space, I don't know if the level of the fairies is too high. In short, the growth of these fairies in the space is only a little better than that outside at most, and there is no strong effect of what they used to have when they were on the Xuanwu continent.

Even the velocity of time seems to have slowed down.

In this regard, Feng to that time is a good sigh.

This space has been followed by Feng ever since it was inherited. Before, she did not know how much she helped Feng. Now when she arrived in the fairyland, she almost became a chicken rib. How can Fengzhi not sigh?

Until Feng to from Mo Zhen where the soft and hard to get to a little polyp.

After coming out of the ladder, Fengzhi put the soil in the space.

Xirang originally has a special role in self-growth, and it also has a powerful power to produce all things. When looking for Mo Zhen to ask for xirang, fengzhiben was trying to put it into space.

And the development behind, can be said to be completely beyond Feng Zhi's expectation, gave her incomparable surprise.

Although polyps can grow on their own, the growth rate is extremely slow. Otherwise, as long as a little polyp, a large area will grow in a very short time, which is too adverse to the weather.

Therefore, after putting the soil in the space, Fengzhi actually thinks that if it can bring some good changes to the space after thousands of years, she will be satisfied.

After putting the soil in the medicine garden, Fengzhi also planted some fairy medicine in the medicine garden.

After ten years, Fengzhi was busy with how to promote the wuxingzong, but did not look into the space.

Until a few days ago, it was probably the soul of Fu Zhi. When Feng Zhi was counting the assets of the five element sect, he suddenly came up with the idea of taking a look at the space.

At that time, she was shocked and silly, OK?

Before he ascended to the fairyland, Fengzhi pulled out all the miraculous herbs left in the medicine field and put them in the storehouse of the five element Sect on the Xuanwu continent. After all, those miraculous medicines were of no use in the celestial world, so it was better to leave them all to the people who were still in the Xuanwu continent.

After coming to the fairyland, Fengzhi also consciously collected some seeds of the elixir. Ten years ago, when she put the soil in the space, she planted these seeds in the space.

Therefore, before looking at the space like this, Fengzhi only thought that there should be no big difference between the space and ten years ago. After all, the time velocity of the space has no obvious effect after reaching the fairyland.

Where can you know, she unexpectedly saw a large growth of extremely dense medicine garden!

You know, in this medicine garden, there are all fairies planted by Fengzhi ten years ago.

The growth cycle of the fairy medicine is not sure how much longer it will be compared with the miraculous medicine in the Xuanwu continent. In ten years' time, it is very good that these fairy medicines can sprout. This still takes into account the effect of the time velocity in space!

It will grow as dense as Fengzhi can see

It's unimaginable!

Feng thought of the spot where she put it in the medicine garden at the first time, so she first looked at the place where she had put the polyp. Sure enough, she saw some clues.

Although the herb gardens in the space are very dense, their growth degree is also different, and the fastest growth rate, that is, from the Phoenix to the place where the polyp is placed, the more far away from that place, the growth degree of the fairy medicine will be weakened to a certain extent.

However, even the worst growing elixir is far beyond what it should have been.


Feng to extremely sure, the reason why the fairy medicine in the space will have such a change, must be because of those polyps.

That's amazing.

After that, Feng Zhi discovered that there was only a little bit of the soil she put in the space at first. Originally, she thought that only 10 years had passed since the growth of the polyps had been slow. It was afraid that the polyps would not have any obvious difference with the previous ones.But to her surprise, a large piece of the soil grew out.

Well, it's a little bit from half a nail plate to about one meter in circumference.

It's hard to imagine.

She couldn't understand why there was such an obvious change after the polyp came into the space, but anyway, the change was good.

Therefore, although there was no answer, Feng Zhi still accepted it happily.

Therefore, there is a very dense growth in the image of a variety of fairy medicine garden.

Later, Fengzhi also took the time to collect the fully mature elixir in the medicine garden and refined a batch of pills, which caused the shock of many Dan masters.

Feng Zhi's attainments in refining pills are very high. In addition, there are so many fairies as raw materials. Of course, many high-quality pills can be refined.

This is also a way to show the strength of the five elements sect, isn't it?

Feng Zhi was very satisfied with the effect of such a display, that is, the stupor of the immortals.

The reason why all the immortals have such a reaction is of course not because all of them have not seen good things. Before those ceremonies held by the ancestral clan, there will be more or less such a process of displaying feathers. Therefore, the immortals have not seen good things.

They just didn't think of it.

I didn't expect that a wuxingzong would have so many resources. It is precisely because it is in great contrast with what they think, so it is particularly shocking.

After being shocked, those immortals who had the intention to join the five element sect were undoubtedly more excited.

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