For these immortals, they initially wanted to join the five element sect, or because they were optimistic about the potential of the five element sect. After all, the leader of the five element sect was Fengzhi!

For this potential, even if they know that they will probably have a hard time in the initial period of joining the five element sect, they are willing to.

Where can you think of

They just want a tree. Fengzhi, it's like a forest to them!

Such a potential and real strength of the five elements sect, if they do not hurry to join in, they will be in the brain!

As a result, the young fairies could not help looking left and right, and everyone felt like their competitors.

Anyone can think that even if the five elements sect opens the gate to accept disciples, it is absolutely impossible to accept them when they meet people. In this way, are not other people their competitors?

For a moment, the atmosphere in this space became tense.

To this, Feng Zhi certainly is to see in the eye.

The reason why Fengzhi showed the soft power of wuxingzong to so many people was to attract those young immortals. Therefore, this situation is the intention of Fengzhi.

Looking at all the young immortals between the appearance of the hidden hostility, Feng to eyes flash some satisfied smile.

By this time, today's Tianshan ceremony has been regarded as the first step of success.


Of course, the grand opening ceremony will not be just like this.

There is no doubt that we should show more to the young than to the young ones.

If the five elements sect wants to establish its foothold in the fairyland, it is not enough to just take more disciples today. After all, it will take a long time for the five elements sect to grow up enough to be the pillar of the sect. Before that, the Wuxing sect must stand firmly among all the sects. It must not be as easy as the previous five element sect It broke down.

It's not that Feng Zhi is worrying about things.

For many schools, Fengzhi has made the five elements sect stronger, which undoubtedly means that they have more competitors, not only for talents, but also for resources.

Think about it, no matter what you do in the future, there will always be one more competitor, and this competitor is just a rookie. I'm afraid that many fans will think about how to push the competitors who are not completely climate into one side.

Feng Zhi does not allow such things to happen.

Therefore, it is necessary to take advantage of the opportunity of the first appearance of the five elements sect in the fairyland today to show the strength of the five elements sect to all the sects.

It's only when the high-level officials of Dafeng mountain are invited to attend the ceremony.

Therefore, Feng to stretch out a hand to do a slightly downward pressure action.

The next moment, the whole space will be quiet down.

It's not that Fengzhi has such a powerful aura. With such a trivial action, so many people can be quiet consciously.

It's about

All the immortals looked at each other inexplicably. At the same time when Fengzhi made this action, they felt the pressure of not knowing where to play. Even if they were talking happily with others at the previous moment, they all immediately gave up the idea of continuing to speak, as if at this moment, calming down is the thing they should do.

There is no doubt that this is a bit odd.

And the fairy with the quick brain thought about why.

Here, but Fengzhi opened up the space.

Before that, although the immortals knew this, they didn't care much about it. Even if Fengzhi opened up this space, most of them relied on some other people's treasures, so their control of this space would not be strong.

But now

The immortals did not think so.

Only with such an action can make this space quiet according to its own meaning. It can be said that Fengzhi's control of this space is completely solid.

This point, the high-level of each clan has already known, but other immortals have just realized it.

For a while, the immortals had a new understanding of Fengzhi's strength.

At the same time, all the immortals felt that Fengzhi appeared in front of them just like some strange fairy fruit in the fairyland, with layers of skin. Only by tearing off the skin layer by layer can we find out what kind of heaven and earth is inside.

Fengzhi didn't know that the immortals had such an idea in their hearts. If she knew, she would think that the strange fairy fruit described by the immortals was probably the onion on the earth.

Seeing that the space was completely quiet, Fengzhi nodded with satisfaction, and then raised her voice: "in order to thank you for your time to attend the ceremony of wuxingzong, we have prepared some small programs to cheer you up. I hope you can have a good time..."Show, cheer up?

Those ordinary immortal's faces immediately showed interest and wanted to discuss with the people around them what kind of programs they would have. But now there is pressure from Fengzhi in this space. Even if the immortals want to speak, they can't open their mouths, so they have to stop and look forward to the entertaining little programs mentioned by Fengzhi.

Although it is a small program to boost the fun in Fengzhi's words, I think there will be no lack of wonderful, right?

Relative to the ordinary immortal's exuberance, sitting in the front of the high-rise of the door, but at the same time in the heart of a secret: come!

In fact, the reason why the senior officials of these clans were invited to come here is such a link.

Every newly established sect will have a process to show its strength to other sects, so as not to let other sects despise or even attempt to annex themselves because they are latecomers.

Therefore, the opening of the ceremony has always been the focus of attention.

The high-level of the zongmen also want to have a look. What's the difference between Fengzhi's sect and Fengzhi's sect.

If this new five element sect really has the power to make people shine in front of their eyes, then no matter how reluctant they are, they can only accept the fact that there will be a competitor.

But if the strength of wuxingzong is not consistent with the high-profile of Fengzhi before

So, it is conceivable that these clans will never let go of such an opportunity to encroach on others and strengthen themselves.

As for who is the object of the encroachment?

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