Despite this period of time, the five element sect has been entertaining the senior officials of the Zhongzong sect, and the senior officials of the Zhongzong sect have fully accepted such hospitality. However, this does not mean that they will not be a bit impatient when they make the decision to annex the five element sect.

The top management of zhongzongmen didn't feel that there was any problem with their ideas.

The fairyland is originally a place where the weak and the strong eat. If a clan wants to have a foothold in the fairyland, what they need most is strength. If they are not strong enough to act in such a high profile, they will put their own resources in front of others' eyes. They should accept the preparation that will be swallowed by people at any time.

The high-level of the zongmen thought that Feng Zhi, she was afraid that she had already had such a consciousness.


They all said they would wait and see.

For all the people in this space, Fengzhi of course has long predicted, especially those high-level families, their ideas are not to guess all know.

Because if she changed the position of her own card opponent, she would make the same choice.

The survival of the fittest is the only law in the fairyland.

The strong, naturally can move forward all the way, and as the weak is not wrong, but clearly the weak still have to put themselves to others, then you can not blame others as an appetizer.


Is the five element sect weak?

Feng to raise eyebrows, she felt that the following small programs, can tell all concerned about this answer.

Without too much delay, Feng Zhi raised her hand and gently stroked in the air. The light of the five elements that had been flashing in the space changed in an instant, and then it seemed to have been controlled and retreated to the distance.

After the five kinds of light completely disappeared, people suddenly found that Fengzhi and Longyan had disappeared on the high platform in the middle, and they were replaced by another figure.

This is

Most of the immortals don't know the man standing upright in the middle of the platform, but there are also a few who know him. Seeing the bow on the back of the man who can't help but look at the ordinary bow, the hearts of these people can't help shivering.

"God's arrow!"

Someone exclaimed.

Because Feng to have let go of the repression of the public, so heard this exclamation, the whole space immediately sounded an uproar.

This is the God arrow king!

The emperor is so high that ordinary people don't want to see each other all their life, but it doesn't mean that the emperor will be easy to see. The ordinary emperor is OK to say, but it has the reputation of "the first person under the emperor" and always acts very low-key arrow roar, but it is also not easy to see.

Everyone knows that there is such a strong emperor in the fairyland. As long as the bow and arrow are in hand, it is not empty to God. But there are very few people who have actually seen the arrow roaring.

And now

This "very little" has finally become not so few.

For the appearance of arrow roar, not only those ordinary immortals, even the high-level of each sect, it is also very surprised.

After all, Jianxiao doesn't like to be busy. She always studies archery skills to improve herself. In the previous years, I heard that Jianxiao was closed. Later, there was a saying that arrow Xiao closed the dead gate to seek a breakthrough, so that he could get out of the pass.

Now, when Jianxiao really appears in front of himself and others, and still appears in the opening ceremony of the five elements sect, it is really necessary to make the high-level of the sect wonder what is the relationship between Jianxiao and wuxingzong, or Fengzhi.

You know, Jian Xiao is not a warm-hearted person. In the past years, it was the grand ceremony held by several super sects in fairyland. If you want to send an invitation to him, you don't know where to send it, let alone invite Jian Xiao to attend.

This unprecedented event happened today in the opening ceremony of wuxingzong.

How can people not be surprised?

This also makes the evaluation of the five elements sect in the mind of the high-level of the Zong clan.

In any case, it is enough to show the strength of the five element sect if you can invite arrow roar to appear on this grand ceremony.

As for

What is the relationship between Jianxiao, wuxingzong and Fengzhi, and how close the relationship is? These are the things that need to be explored in the follow-up. Now, let's take a look at how Jianxiao will start this so-called entertaining performance.

As a result, the high-level people of the clan are staring at the arrow roaring with an unprecedented concentration.

Being noticed by so many people, arrow roar still has a taut face. There is no smile on the face. Otherwise, the immortals know that this is the most powerful person in the whole fairyland under the emperor. I'm afraid they will think that Fengzhi is threatening the arrow with something.

Of course, no one will take it seriously.

If the arrow roar would be threatened, Fengzhi and wuxingzong would not have to spend the previous ten years.Therefore, it must be that arrow Xiao did not know how and Phoenix to have what intersection is.

And the arrow roared, just under the attention of so many pairs of eyes, the hand slightly extended to the back, and grasped the very common bow that had been carried behind.

Everyone knows that the weapon used by the God arrow king is an ordinary bow.

When the moment of holding the upper bow, the whole person's temperament changes instantly.

The previous roar of the arrow was just to be silent, but there was nothing to fear. But at this moment, with a bow in his hand, the arrow roared like a peerless sword that suddenly came out of its sheath. An incomparable sharpness was released from him. Even if he did nothing, the sharpness of the external release also made the immortal subconsciously close his eyes.

It's like

If they don't protect themselves in this way, their eyes will be hurt by the sharp spirit.

This is undoubtedly extremely terrible.

You know, there are hundreds of millions of immortals in this space, and the strength of these immortals is also high and low, from the human immortal to the emperor, so many people can be intimidated by their own momentum at the same time, but also so understatement, without any deliberate to do this, we can imagine how terrible the arrow roar has strength.

In fact, arrow roar has done nothing.

He just took his bow.

If he did nothing, he had such a terrible prestige. If he did something

For a moment, the eyes of the high-level people of the ancestral clan were complicated.

God's arrow king is worthy of his reputation. It seems that they have begun to understand why the arrow roar is so famous.

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