Before that, all the immortals had already known that Fengzhi claimed that there were three heavenly kings who were honorary elders in this new five element sect, and two of them were arrow roaring and his immortal companion Qingying.

For this matter, there was a great disturbance in the fairyland at that time.

However, even if Fengzhi made such a high-profile announcement when the ladder disappeared, the immortals had always been extremely suspicious of the authenticity of the matter.

In the eyes of these immortals, it must have been Fengzhi's intention to impress the five elements sect in their hearts. Who knows that the divine arrow heavenly king is an indifferent temperament. If he doesn't want to, let alone just a small master of the five elements sect, he may not be able to shout at him.

Will such a person become an honorary elder of the five elements sect?

The immortals sneered at it.

So, after entering this space, I saw so many high-rise buildings of the sect, but I didn't see the arrow roaring, which was called the honorary elder of the five elements sect. Some of the immortals did not laugh at Feng Zhi and put gold on their faces.

But now

All the immortals would like to swallow all those ideas back.

The five elements sect can really invite the God arrow king!

For a moment, the immortals looked at the roar of arrows on the high platform, and then thought about Feng Zhi, who had no idea where to go. They all felt that the world seemed to be beyond their comprehension.

For other people's ideas, arrow roar is not at all concerned.

The reason why he appeared here is not what Feng Zhi asked, but what he put forward on his own initiative.

Fengzhi not only provides xianjiancao, but also refines Ning soul pill, which gives him the opportunity to continue to accompany Qingying. Jianxiao is always grateful for this.

He is not a person who can say empty words, so in addition to the first to the Phoenix to thank, other times, arrow Xiao mouth did not say a "thank you".

But, do not say, does not represent forgetting.

Jian Xiao has always kept this gratitude firmly in mind, and is always paying attention to whether there is any chance for him to do something for Fengzhi, until Fengzhi takes over the wuxingzong and holds the opening ceremony of wuxingzong.

At the first time when he knew this, Jianxiao took the initiative to put forward to Fengzhi, and then he would appear at the grand ceremony.

Although he promised to be the honorary elder of the five elements sect, he could not really stay in the five elements sect for a long time, let alone do much for the five elements sect. However, arrow Xiao was very happy to let his appearance bring some deterrent power to the outside world.

Compared with Fengzhi's great favor to himself and Qingying, it is really nothing.

Therefore, since the arrow roar appears on the high platform, it appears particularly serious.

Since we want to form a deterrent to other sects, we should give full play to it.

It's the idea of a roaring arrow.

Therefore, holding the bow, the expression of arrow roaring becomes extremely serious.

The bow in his hand is the essence of pure and translucent. It can be said that he is interlinked with his heart. When he feels the roar of arrows, the bow also trembles slightly.

The next moment, the arrow roars, holding the bow with one hand and the string with one finger.

Even if there is no arrow on the string, all the immortals follow their hearts.

They did not wait for them to come back from such heart tremor, then saw the arrow roar suddenly raised the bow to aim at the sky above their head.

And then


Everyone heard such a sound that seemed to ring in their hearts.

Then, I saw the fingers of the arrow whistling on the bow string, and it was clear that there was no arrow on that string. Such an action should not have brought any deterrent force to people. However, the immortals who witnessed this moment did not relax at all. On the contrary, the immortals became more nervous.

It's like

What is invisibly rushing towards them, and will bring them great harm.

What is it?

Before the immortals thought about it, they knew the answer.

I saw that the originally empty sky was quiet for a moment after the arrow roared and loosened the bowstring. Then, there were tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of light from the sky. Once it appeared, it rushed towards everyone in the space with the incomparable momentum of women scattering flowers.

Although it is just light, it does not see the entity, but when the light falls down like this, it brings out the shrill whistling sound that can shatter the human diaphragm.

Because the speed is too fast, the immortals, let alone Dodge, can not even close their eyes, can only watch the light flying straight towards themselves.

It's over!

All the immortals had such a consciousness in their hearts.

They vaguely realized that if the light really hit them, they would have to account for it this time.

At the same time, when the immortals had such an idea, the light was already close. Then, when all the immortals were in despair, the light suddenly changed from extreme motion to extreme stillness, thus hanging in the center of the fairies' eyebrows.Only a fraction of a millionth, that light will not enter the hearts of the fairies.

No one felt that this was due to the inability of the light. Even if they stopped, they could feel the terrible power carried by the light, which made people unable to resist at all.


This is to be controlled by the God's arrow to the top!

The most important thing is that this kind of light is not one or two, nor a hundred or a thousand, but as long as the people in this space, except for those in the five element sect, there is such a light in the eyebrows of other people, even the high-level of those major doors, even the emperor of heaven.

Aware of this, a series of pumping sounds were heard in this space.

Does this mean that as long as the God arrow emperor wishes, he can harvest all the lives of people here in a short time?

Such an idea is undoubtedly a little too terrible, but the fact is placed in front of the immortals, they can not help but believe it.

God's arrow

Where is his strength?

Legend has it that the God arrow king had been closed to death all these years in order to break through to that new realm. Now it seems that even if the breakthrough is not successful, the strength of the God arrow emperor is no longer limited to the level of the emperor.

The high-level people, especially the high-level ones, were shocked.

Since the birth of fairyland, there is only emperor above the emperor.

However, all the immortals feel that from today on, there will be another level above and below the emperor.

That is

God arrow king!

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