Beyond the emperor, but not yet the emperor, standing on a whole level with the posture of a person.

This is the God arrow king.

The immortals could not help but take a breath.

So, in this piece of space, even a uniform sound of pumping sound, as if all the fairy about the general.

But of course, this will not be all the immortals have agreed, it can only be said that the shock of the God arrow heavenly king to all the immortals is too inexplicable.

For all the immortal's reaction, as well as for the effect of his arrow just now, the arrow roar is satisfied, and his eyes take a slight smile.

However, at this time, all the immortals were still in shock, but no one found his smile.

At the beginning, in order to get a chance to save Qingying, Jian Xiaoming knew that he was lack of strength, but decided to close the gate to seek a breakthrough with an indomitable attitude.

For the arrow whistling at that time, if he succeeded in breaking through, he would have the power to save Qingying.

If you can't break through

He was also willing to accept the price of the failure of breakthrough, and even prepared to disappear from the fairyland together with Qingying. He just didn't expect that Qingying would rather fight for the price of her own destruction at that critical time, but also to block that for him.

If Fengzhi hadn't refined the soul calming pill at this time, Jianxiao felt that even if he didn't die after Qingying left, he would only become a walking corpse.

And it is not without benefit for arrow roar that so many years have been closed.

At least, he felt that his strength had gone a step further, even though he still had a long way to go, but compared with the emperor, he had made a big step forward.

Therefore, what the immortals thought, arrow roar stood on a level alone, which was not wrong.

Now the arrow roar, but is not separated from the emperor, and does not belong to the emperor of such a existence.

However, there are hundreds of millions of immortals in this space. It is extremely difficult to achieve this even for the current roar of arrows to form a fatal threat to so many immortals at the same time, and it is only a threat, and it can't really end who will be.


Only the emperor can do this with a light weight.

But the arrow roared, after releasing the previous arrow, there was also a feeling of being hollowed out. The whole person felt very weak. If he was not a very serious person, people would not dare to look at his face when he was holding a face. In addition, the immortals are still in fear, otherwise he would be found that he was slightly pale.

Gently exhaled a breath, the immortal Qi in the body ran at the fastest speed for a circle, until the feeling of fatigue was reduced a lot, arrow roared, and then nodded to the side.

"Phoenix to, fortunately not dishonor." The arrow roared like this.

Beside him, Fengzhi and Longyan have no idea when they will appear.

And hear arrow roar to say such a word, all immortal can't help but pour a cold breath.

This Feng Zhi, what kind of ability does she have in the end that can make the divine arrow emperor treat her so politely?

Is it difficult to

Feng shangsheng saved the whole fairyland in her life?

Of course, Fengzhi didn't save the whole fairyland. It was just that she successfully refined the soul coagulating pill and saved Qingying.

For arrow roar, Qingying's existence can offset the whole fairyland.

Feng Zhi nodded at the arrow and said, "thank you very much."

The arrow roared and did not say anything more. His body flashed slightly and disappeared from the front of all the immortals.

And after the arrow roared away, everyone was quiet again in this space.

Today is the day of the opening ceremony of wuxingzong. Most of the hundreds of millions of immortals come here because they are willing to join the wuxingzong, or they are very interested in the high-profile wuxingzong in the past ten years and want to see the excitement.

But there are also a small number of people who come here to make an assessment.

Evaluate what?

Of course, it is to evaluate the strength of the five element sect.

If the strength of the five elements sect is worthy of the high-profile of the past ten years, of course, there is nothing to say. If the strength of the five elements sect is not so strong

Then, these people, as well as the forces behind them, will surely swarm to try to bite a piece of fat from the five element sect, or even completely swallow up the five element sect.

Among them, the high-level of zhongzongmen is especially high.

However, these people did not expect that the roar of arrows would really appear on this grand ceremony, and they also shot such a terrible arrow.

After this arrow, even if there are more ideas before, how dare you think more at this time?

Therefore, Fengzhi arranged to sit in the front of those high-level people, at this time you look at me, I look at you, and finally all agree to sit up.Fortunately, they haven't done anything yet.

All the immortals think so.

Feng Zhi, as if she had not noticed anything, still held hands with Long Yan.

After standing still for a while, when everyone's eyes re focused on himself and Long Yan, Feng Zhi's face just showed a smile. She said, "it seems that the performance of the master Jianxiao is amazing to everyone..."

The immortals pursed their lips.

It's not just amazing. It's just fright, OK?

Fengzhi didn't care about the difference between surprise and fright, and continued: "well, it's very difficult for me to master Jianxiao like this. With such an opening, would the program I carefully prepare be dim?"

Hearing this, all the immortals, especially those who had malice to the five elements sect, could not help but scold Feng secretly, and even sold them well.

It is a good thing that other people can't ask for such a big man as the divine arrow and the heavenly king to do this opening ceremony. OK, Fengzhi dare to say such disgusted words!

They, they

Well, they were scared by the roaring arrow. They didn't dare to bring Feng to any extent.

This is really, people are more angry than people!

All the immortals couldn't help wringing their wrists.

Fengzhi probably felt the complaints of the immortals, and didn't say anything more that made people feel that they should be beaten. Instead, the story changed: "however, the program is ready, and it has cost me and other friends a lot of hard work. Even if there are pearls in front of me, I have to show them. So, next, please enjoy me again, and I will be very careful for you Let's prepare the program... "

After saying this, Feng Zhi reached out and made a gesture of "please". Then he took Long Yan and disappeared from the sight of the immortals again.

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