See their own words caused the attention of many companions, the emperor slightly a meal, and then went on with the previous words.

"In the words left by the patriarch, the dragon and Phoenix have always maintained a very close relationship. There is nothing wrong with saying that the two clans are like one family. In the event of major events, the two clans always advance and retreat together." The king of heaven.

Hearing this, all the high-level people can't help nodding.

They also had some understanding of the two nationalities, and naturally knew that the emperor was right.

Dragon and Phoenix are not only extremely powerful, but also combined with each other. Because of this, the original dragon and Phoenix will bring so much pressure to the immortal.

If it was not for the fertility rate, which was as low as the finger, the fairyland was afraid that it would not be ruled by the immortal.

"According to the ancestor, although the dragon and Phoenix are arrogant by nature, as long as they are regarded as friends by the two races, they will give great enthusiasm..." Speaking of this, the emperor looked up, looked at the direction of the disappearance of the dragons and phoenixes just now, and said in a low voice, "the highest level way of expressing their closeness to their friends is a kind of dragon and phoenix dance related to the legendary sacrifice of dragon and Phoenix."

Speaking of later, the emperor's eyes flashed slightly.

The high-level of other zongmen was stunned to hear this.

They are all high-level officials of various major sects. Of course, there is no need to explain too clearly many words. Therefore, only half of the emperor's words are enough to let the high-level officials of Zhongzong clan understand the meaning of his words.


"What these dragon and Phoenix people performed before was dragon and phoenix dance?" Someone asked.

The answer to this question is already obvious.

"According to the records of the ancestors, if there is no accident, it should be."


The high-level of all zongmen can't help but take a breath.

Before that, the reason why they appeared here was actually an recognition of the strength of Fengzhi and her five element sect, but it was only here.

With the new five element sect, even though it has made a lot of noise in the past ten years, it does not pose any threat to these old-fashioned big doors.

But now

If Fengzhi and her wuxingzong have such an unimaginable close relationship with Longfeng, they should also make a good assessment of whether their estimation of Fengzhi and wuxingzong is too low.

What's more, what kind of intersection does Fengzhi have with the dragon and Phoenix? Can these proud and famous Dragon and Phoenix people be willing to perform such a dragon and phoenix dance for her grand opening ceremony?

You know, for this dragon and phoenix dance, the definition of Fengzhi is "a small program to boost the fun".

Under such circumstances, the two ethnic groups still performed dragon and phoenix dance, which is obviously a recognition of Fengzhi's words, which is quite unimaginable.

At this time, one of the high-rise door of the "Oh" sound.

When others looked at it, he explained: "it suddenly occurred to me that what kind of intersection can be found between Fengzhi and Longfeng, it should be in Luofeng Valley..."

Hearing the three words "luofenggu", the high-level officials were stunned at first, and then they were all thinking.

At the beginning, there was a change in the Luofeng valley. All the major sects got the news and sent people to Luofeng valley. Although none of them succeeded in entering Luofeng Valley, they had some impressions of what happened at the beginning.

The story of luofenggu finally seems to be the appearance of the Phoenix family?

Of course, because the dragon and Phoenix did not let outsiders see them at all, so this statement has not been affirmed by anyone.

"I remember that when I went to investigate the past of Fengzhi and Longyan, someone once saw them outside Luofeng valley." The high-level people who spoke earlier said so.

So it is!

All the high-level people suddenly realized.

What happened in Luofeng Valley is unknown to all the immortals. However, Fengzhi and Longyan have been flying up for less than 200 years. Now their tracks after their ascent have been investigated. As long as they intersect with Longfeng after their ascent, they can only be counted as Luofeng valley It's possible.

Therefore, for that high-level statement, all the immortals agreed.


What happened in Luofeng Valley and what did Fengzhi do in it? How could they be recognized by the proud Longfeng and Fengzhi, and let the Longfeng and Fengzu lay down their pride and take the lead for Feng?

What makes the high-level of these sects pay more attention to is that since the two families of dragon and Phoenix appear in front of the immortal this time, then, will they come to this world?The dragon clan and the Phoenix clan are both extremely difficult bones to chew. Even though the number of these two clans is not large, their respective strengths are extremely strong. Once they are born in the fairyland, they are absolutely competitors.

The resources of fairyland are limited, but now there are so many competitors, how can the high-level of these sects be free from dental acid?

However, no matter how acid the teeth, the high-level of the clan can only endure.

In fact, they also tend to the old saying in the fairyland. The reason why the dragon and Phoenix have not appeared for so many thousands of years is mostly due to the big problems of the two groups themselves, otherwise, even if they don't want to appear in front of people, there will be more than ten thousand of them No trace of their existence has been found since 1997.

Now, with the appearance of the two ethnic groups in public, it naturally shows that even if there was a huge crisis between the two ethnic groups, the crisis has been solved.


The reason why the crisis has been solved has something to do with Fengzhi.

Otherwise, the senior officials of zhongzongmen can't figure out why a Phoenix can get the green eyes of the dragon and Phoenix.

It has to be said that these high-ranking clan leaders are quick at thinking. With such clues, they can guess the truth of the matter.

If Feng Zhi were here, they would have to applaud for their excellent speculation.

And the high-level of the zongmen because of such speculation, can not help but silence down at the same time.

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