They all felt that they must have a higher evaluation and recognition of Fengzhi and her five element sect.

Now, Fengzhi has not only maintained an excellent relationship with Shenjian Tianjun, but also gained the green eyes of Longfeng and Fengzu. For the grand ceremony of Fengzhi, Fengzhi did not hesitate to appear in person. You can imagine how good the relationship is.

So, what about the ones that didn't show up?


Phoenix to the dark still hidden what big move did not send?

From Fengzhi's way of doing things, this is really a matter of chance.

For a while, the high-level people of the clan clan were looking at me and I was looking at you. They were not happy that they should gather together to study a younger generation like this.

However, they have to admit that the strength of Feng so far has been enough for them to attach importance to.

After a long time, the high-level of the clan can't help but look at each other and sigh.

One generation is better than the other. Now they understand the helplessness.

This means that fairyland will be better than before, which they are certainly happy to see, but when they become the front waves that are beaten to death on the beach by the back waves, it's really not so good.

After a while of silence, one of them suddenly said, "I don't know if you find out. Just ten years ago, when Fengzhi first took over the five element sect, Xinglin Zhang also came to the Wuxing sect in person. It is said that he had made friends with the founder of the five element sect, and stayed in the five element sect for a long time."

Another person followed: "there is Xiao Xu. Now he is staying in the five element sect every day. He completely regards himself as a person of the five element sect."

"The God arrow king, his immortal companion Qingying, and Xiao Xu are the honorary elders of the five element sect. So, it is not wrong to say that Xiao Xu is a person of the five element sect..."

Hearing this, the crowd could not help silence.

God's arrow.

Hearing these words, I think of the arrow that roared before, and the feeling of being pointed at the center of the eyebrow by the tip of the arrow. The whole person felt cold from the depths of his soul, and everyone was awed again.

At the previous moment, they had no doubt that if arrow roar really intended to kill them, every one of them would never escape.

This makes the high-level of the clan both fear and frustration.

They used to think that even if they were the emperor, even if they had the title of "the first person under the emperor", these were just the exaggeration of his fans' fanatical worship of him. In fact, although their strength was not comparable to that of arrow roar, they would not be far behind.

At least, it won't be so big that they can't make up for it.

But with today's arrow, they are completely unable to maintain the previous idea.

With that arrow, the high-level officials of the clan realized clearly that there was a gap between them and arrow roaring that they could not cross. The gap was so deep and wide that they even had a sense of despair that they could not catch up with.

They don't understand that it's clear that we are all heavenly kings, and that they should all be at the same level. But why is this assignment so big?

In other words, they all want to ask Jianxiao, what did he eat and grow up with? How can he show so much?

After a long time of silence, one of them sighed: "well, in fact, we should have realized that when we saw the divine arrow, the emperor was willing to show his unique arrow for Fengzhi. If Fengzhi and her five element sect were not so excellent, we would not be able to get the help of the God arrow emperor It is. "

Everyone else nodded.

No matter what the God arrow emperor is willing to do for Fengzhi, it shows that the God arrow emperor highly approves of Fengzhi's ability and others.

People who can be recognized by the God arrow King

How can we tolerate their suspicion?

With such a recognition in their hearts, they felt a little ashamed of their previous doubts and the slight that Fengzhi was a descendant.

"Fengzhi, as well as this five element sect, is amazing..." An old emperor sighed.

This time, no one refuted it.

Isn't it?

The strength that Fengzhi is willing to show now is enough to show that the five elements sect is extraordinary. With such a patriarch as Fengzhi, what is the future of the five elements sect? It is simply unnecessary to think about it.

At this time, another high-level man, who had been silent and did not speak, suddenly raised his chin to swing in another direction and said, "I said, have you not found that the people from xianshizong and Qiwang Zong have not sat with us this time?"

All the high-level officials were slightly stunned.

If this person did not mention it, they would not have noticed it.In the fairyland, both xianshizong and qiwangzong belong to the super sect. Naturally, they have been invited by the Wuxing sect. They have not found the visitors of xianshizong and qiwangzong before. Most of these high-level people think that this is because the super sects like xianshizong and qiwangzong are totally indifferent to Fengzhi and her new wuxingzong, so they don't send anyone to come Participate.

But now

Hearing this, these people suddenly realized that they were probably wrong.

Sure enough, the next moment I heard the man continue: "xianshizong and Qiwang Zong are not nobody, but they are not sitting with us. They are arranged to the other side by the people of the five element sect. All the people sitting there are disciples of the five element sect."

The implication is that in the eyes of the five elements sect, the people of Xianshi sect and Qiwang sect are undoubtedly very close.

"And The man's words are not finished yet, "do you know who these two people come from?"

All the high-level people shook their heads.

Although they had been in the five element sect for a few days, they mostly stayed in their own places to practice out of their disdain for the small sect of the five elements sect or other emotions, but they did not wander around the five element sect.

Therefore, even if the people of xianshizong and Qiwang Zong did not hide after they came, they did not see it.

Then the man sighed.

From the reaction of these people, we can see how much they despise Fengzhi and wuxingzong. They have already come to the wuxingzong, but they still don't take others seriously. It's no wonder that Fengzhi will choose such a method to show his strength this time.

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