Then he went on to say: "xianshizong came from Xianhe and his wife Chu Xuanji..."

The crowd then couldn't help but round their eyes.

Although they can be regarded as the high-level of each sect, they are at most senior level. However, no sect has come in person, and Xianshi sect is one of the several super sects. Originally, they thought that the Xianshi sect was just an elder ranking at the bottom of the sect. How could they think that it was Xianhe and Chu Xuanji who came by themselves!


This shows how much they value the five element sect and Fengzhi.

The high-level official who told this story was originally good at asking for information, so he noticed something that so many people didn't notice. Seeing that everyone looked unbelievable, he laughed and said, "do you think this is over? The reason why the immortal patriarch and his wife attach so much importance to the five elements sect is also related to their only daughter, xianbao'er. According to reliable information, xianbao'er may be close to Fengzhi's brother... "

Therefore, the high-level members of the clan all felt a bit sour.

Many people in the whole fairyland know how difficult it is for xianhelai and Chu Xuanji to come here alone, and how they love xianbao'er. In the past, there was even such a joke in the fairyland that if anyone has the ability to win xianbao'er's favor, he can at least fight for 30000 years in the future!

Although this is just a joke, it is enough to show how much xianhelai and Chu Xuanji love xianbao'er.

However, if Xianhe and Chu Xuanji are so precious Xianbao, all the immortals in the fairyland can only make a joke about it. If anyone dares to really attack xianbao'er, they are still afraid that Xianhe and Chu Xuanji will chase and kill them.

How can you think, this is only how long, Xianbao Er is only 300 years old, unexpectedly suddenly came out such a person, want to pick this kaolin flower?

More importantly

With the sincere virtue of xianhelai and Chu Xuanji, they didn't strangle the boy named Fenglai to death?

Although no one has said for sure that they have agreed to this matter, their attitude can be known only by seeing that they have come to wuxingzong in person this time.

After all, Fenglai is the elder brother of Fengzhi.

In this way, the five elements sect and the Xianshi sect will become relatives. Even in the face of xianbao'er, if there is something wrong with the five element sect, xianhelai and Chu Xuanji will never stand by.

You know, the people of xianshizong are not only foodies, but also top-notch experts. They are not reasonable at all

Thinking about what xianshizong will do because of the five elements sect in the future, all the senior officials just feel more sour.

How could they, or their younger generation, not have the ability to take the flower xianbao'er?

The five elements sect

Good luck!

These people can't help but sigh in their hearts.

Of course, some of them don't think it's good luck.

Xianbao'er was spoiled by xianhelai and Chu Xuanji when she was a child. Even if she is simple, she has a lot of knowledge. To be able to win her favor, she has not only one face, but also beautiful words. Since she is devoted to Fenglai, and even wants to be an immortal partner, Fenglai must have been overtaken by others People's place.

However, if you think that Fenglai is Fengzhi's brother, and Fengzhi is a demon level figure who can climb the ladder over 1000 years old, the senior officials will be relieved.

Just when all the high-level people thought it out, the one who said the news opened his mouth and laughed.

Seeing this look on his face, all the senior officials could not help but feel numb.

One of them wrung his brow and asked, "I said, what do you mean by showing this look? There won't be any big news?"

The man didn't betray the truth. He told all the news he got: "I don't know Not only the master and wife of Xianshi sect, but also the sword elder of Qiwang clan

Elder sword!

Hearing these words, even though I had experienced the shock before, I still couldn't help but hiss again.

The Qiwang clan is famous for refining weapons. The immortal weapons and immortal soldiers from the Qiwang clan will make all the immortals in the fairyland steal their heads. In the Qiwang clan, there are 18 elders named after the eighteen weapons in each generation. These are the elders of the Qiwang clan, representing the highest level of weapon refining in the Qiwang clan.

And the sword elder has always been the first of these 18 elders!

The master of the sword is the first one in the fairyland!

It is said that the sword elder of this generation is not only extremely powerful, but also has the highest level of refining immortal sword. It is said that the Zhenzong immortal sword of qiwangzong was made by this sword elder.

In direct proportion to the level of weapon refining, the sword elder's solitary temper is directly proportional to his sword refining skills. It is said that the sword elder is addicted to refining immortal swords and can't extricate himself from it. He stays in the refining room for many years. If there is nothing important, he will never make a step forward.So

Here comes the question.

Although the opening ceremony held by wuxingzong is a great event for those immortals who like to join in the fun, it is no doubt that the sword elder of qiwangzong can't beat eight poles.

In this case, why did the sword elder appear in the five element sect this time?

For a while, the high-level of all the zongmen were entangled.

This whole, they can't help but ask in their hearts again and again, what kind of magic power does the five element sect have that can attract the sword elder to leave his weapon refining room?

There is no solution.

At the end of the day, all the senior officials couldn't help scratching their ears.

Then, thinking that the news was just said by the immortal, maybe he would know the answer, so all the senior officials looked at the immortal with some expectant eyes, hoping to know some inside information from his mouth.


The immortal spread out his hand to the crowd and said, "don't look at me. I was lucky to have met this sword elder once. This time, it happened that the sword elder saw that when he arrived at yinxianfeng. I was puzzled that I didn't know anything about other things."

So they all suffered.

They are not the people who can get to the bottom of the matter, but that's because those things don't arouse their curiosity. The sword elder of the Qiwang clan is a big man that they can't reach at ordinary times. I don't know how many great talents are holding all kinds of rare treasures. They just ask this sword elder to do something. Besides, they respect him, It's normal to be curious about him.

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