On the contrary, their rare curiosity, or the heart of gossip, can not be satisfied. How can it not make people feel itchy?

As a matter of fact, not only the high-ranking officials of the ancestral clan, but also the master of Fengzhi, are still in a fog for the arrival of the sword elder.

The elder sword arrived at the time when the opening ceremony was about to be held.

The old sword master Ben was not a good tempered man. When he arrived at yinxianfeng, he didn't even identify himself. Without saying a word, he would go straight inside. With his straight face, he looked like he was looking for revenge, but he scared the outer disciple who was guarding the mountain gate. If it wasn't for the start of the mountain ceremony at that time, there was no room for any trouble I'm afraid it's going to sound a dangerous whistle.

Fortunately, at this time, Lian Hongyu pulled the Phoenix to arrive at the Yinxian peak immediately, and then the sword elder received the Yinxian peak.

Later, the opening ceremony began. Fengzhi only had time to arrange the sword elder and began to preside over the ceremony.

When the senior officials of the clan were discussing why the sword elder association appeared here, Fengzhi was also taking time to bite her ear with practicing Hongyu.

"Hongyu, you haven't told me well. Why did the sword elder suddenly come to my little temple?" Feng Zhi was really surprised.

Qi Wang Zong is one of the few super sects in the fairyland. Although he is not the leader of the Qiwang clan, to some extent, he is a big man who is equal to the leader of the king of the ware clan.

What's more, the sword elders of this generation are extremely isolated. Let alone the new five element sect held the opening ceremony. It's just that the Lord of the Qiwang sect has something important to ask him to discuss with him. He also has to see whether he is refining weapons. Even if he is not, it depends on his mood!

Feng Zhi, of course, has heard of such a character.

She did write an invitation in person and sent them to several super sects. However, in addition to confirming that xianhelai and Chu Xuanji would come, Fengzhi never thought that anyone would come, let alone any heavyweight.

After all, in front of these super sects, the five element sect is not enough to see.

Let alone that the wuxingzong is just beginning to develop. Even if Fengzhi is confident that the future wuxingzong will develop rapidly in her hands, it will take a very long time to reach the level of being comparable with several super sects.

In such a case, where can she expect a few super clan people to appreciate it?

Feng Zhi knows that face is not given by others, but earned by herself.

The current five element sect has not yet reached the level that these super sects can appreciate.

Because of this, Feng Zhi was so surprised when he knew that the sword elder of Qiwang clan had arrived.

But then she guessed that, among them, it must be something that Lian Hongyu did.

After all, if you want to say that you can have something to do with Qi Wang Zong, it is only Lian Hongyu, a disciple of Qiwang Zong.

For Feng Zhi's question, she smiles back.

After a long time, she spoke quietly: "Feng Zhi..."

Feng Zhi blinked and looked at the red jade.

Lian Hongyu couldn't help but smile. Now Feng Zhi looks at it. It's really cute. She can't help but want to reach out and pinch it.

However, practicing ruby is just thinking about it.

She paused and said, "you said that we have known and been together for such a long time. Besides knowing that I am a disciple of the Qiwang clan, what else do you know?"

Feng to a Leng.

The reason why I knew and practiced ruby was through xianbao'er.

At that time, the four of them were just in need of refining their own immortal utensils. Xianbao'er recommended practicing Hongyu to them, saying that although they were young, the level of weapon refining was one of the best among the younger generation of the king clan.

Then, in a branch of Wang Zong, Fengzhi got to know Lian Hongyu.

Speaking of it, Fengzhi did not really want to explore the situation of practicing ruby in the Wang clan.


Feng Zhi blinked: "so, in fact, what kind of relationship do you have with the legendary sword old man who is so isolated that he is not interested in anything except refining weapons?"

Lian Hongyu couldn't help laughing.

There was an undisguised pleasure in her smile, which seemed to overflow from her eyes at any time.

Then she said, "the sword elder you mentioned That's my master. "

Feng Zhi slightly opened her eyes.

Before practicing Hongyu, she had already had some conjectures, but even so, when she listened to her own words, she was inevitably surprised.

It turns out that Lian Hongyu is the disciple of the sword elder of Qiwang clan!

In this way, it's no wonder that ruby is so young and has such a refining level.Dan spent a lot of materials. It's just like that there is no talent in refining. If you don't have a talent, you'll have to waste a lot of materials.

With the same talent, one has rich resources behind it, and the other does not. Undoubtedly, there will be a sharp contrast between the two people's achievements in the end.

This is not to say that we can't succeed without the help of others, but we have to say that if we don't rely on others, we have to pay more efforts and hardships to achieve the same level of success.

And practice ruby

At her age, she didn't feel like a person who had paid so much hard work.

However, it is not surprising to know that there is a sword elder behind her.

Feng Zhi nodded clearly, "so it is I said that you are really deep enough to hide. I haven't heard anything from me for such a long time. If it wasn't for the opening ceremony, would you never have said it? "

Practice red jade hears the speech white phoenix to one eye, "you are OK to say, I have no intention to conceal the meaning, who told you from the beginning to the end have not asked once?"

The Phoenix suddenly jammed.

In her opinion, the most important thing to make friends is to see the right person, what kind of background and what kind of teacher has no relationship with that person.

For example, if she didn't have the right eye with her at the beginning, no matter how high her level of refining tools was, Feng Zhi could pay a price to ask her to customize her own immortal utensils, but she would never have any contact with her later.

Hearing Feng Zhi say this, she can't help laughing.

Her heart is actually warm.

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