Because he was accepted as an apprentice by the sword elder. Even in the qiwangzong, the position of practicing ruby was somewhat detached. Usually, he received envy, jealousy and flattery from his peers

Wait in the eyes.

As long as anyone knows that she is a disciple of the Qiwang clan, those people will also turn around to ask who she has learned from.

It is just because of impatience that Ruby will learn from the sword elder and spend most of his time refining tools.

The encounter with Feng Zhi and his party was actually an accident.

At that time, I saw that xianbao'er and Fengzhi were getting along so happily. Suddenly, she was envious. For a long time, she was only obsessed with refining weapons. Because her talent was far superior to that of her peers and she had a master like jianlao, she did not have much contact with her peers. Even if someone approached her actively, she mostly wanted to communicate with her The elder swordsman has a relationship.

Such people, such things encountered more, practice ruby, and peers are not interested in.

Before meeting Feng Zhi and his party, xianbao'er is the only one who can count as a friend to practice Hongyu.

Because xianbao'er was born out of the ordinary family, and was favored by xianhelai and Chu Xuanji. She was not only simple in nature, but also did not deliberately make friends with her because she wanted to get something from practicing Hongyu.

Because of this, seeing that xianbao'er, who is similar to himself, can get along with Feng Zhi and his party without any task preparation, she is moved to practice Hongyu.

She knew that although xianbao'er had no heart, she had the keenest intuition about whether a person had malice towards her.

After that, there was the matter of training ruby to join the team of Feng Zhi and others.

It's been so many years since then.

When she joined Feng Zhi's party, she didn't want to hide that she had such a powerful master. She even planned to do it. As long as Fengzhi and others asked about it, she would tell the truth.

Where can you imagine that Fengzhi and others have never asked this question for so many years.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help laughing and shaking her head.

"Well, let's not talk about anyone. Anyway, it doesn't matter to me who my master is, and to you, it's enough." Practice the path of ruby.

Feng Zhi smiles.

Although they have not said it, they always think so.

Just at this time, the immortals had just returned to their senses from the performance of the dragon and Phoenix. Then Fengzhi and Lian Hongyu got serious and did not speak any more.

It's time for Feng to appear again.

Pull Long Yan, Feng to a flash, then appeared on the high platform.

"Are you satisfied with the little show before?"

Feng to face smile, this smile let people see, want to beat her.

Just think of the strength of the five elements sect and Fengzhi just now, and the idea of beating Feng to a meal in the hearts of all the immortals will fade unconsciously.

Forget it. They'd better hold on.

Feng didn't get any response from the immortals. She continued to smile and say, "well, since everyone doesn't speak, I'll take it as you are very satisfied with my little program. Of course, I can accept different opinions and criticisms. If you feel dissatisfied, you can say it directly, and I will certainly convey your opinions to Longfeng If you want to come to Longfeng and Longfeng, you will accept your opinions with an open mind... "

All the immortals have a face.

That's what it says!

Did Feng Zhi think that she said these words with a smile on her face, and they could not understand the threat hidden in the words?

Ha ha ha!

All will say this step, does anyone dare not long eye to say "not satisfied" such words?

Feng to can no matter how the immortals think, anyway, no one expressed opposition, she was in public immortals are tacit.

It seems that I have made a great success in this ceremony!

Feng Zhi thought happily.

If her idea is known by all the immortals, she will be thrown the word "shameless" to her.

With a slight cough, Feng Zhi said again, "well, since you are very satisfied with the program in front of you, then it's time for us to finish the program of five elements."

The spirits of all the immortals waiting for him to hear the speech were all in a state of shock.

They came here from all over the fairyland. Some immortals just went on their way for several years. They just wanted to join the five element sect. Now that the five element sect has demonstrated its strength, they are looking forward to joining it. Don't you cheer up when you hear Feng Zhi's words.

Fengzhi stopped until it attracted everyone's attention, and then he said: "the purpose of the opening ceremony of the five element sect is to select disciples to strengthen the big school. So after today, the five element sect will recruit students. However, although the five element sect is just a new school, the standard of recruiting disciples is not low, and it also needs to accept the five element sect You can only become a disciple of the five element sect if you pass the test. If any of you take the five element sect with you, it is just a new sect. Therefore, no matter who wants this idea, you can stop it. "This successfully attracted the comments of the immortals.

At this time, the space can accommodate hundreds of millions of immortals, so many immortals are whispering because of the Phoenix, and immediately make the original quiet space become a noisy.

With so many people, even if everyone is talking in a very low voice, it is enough to lift the roof of the house together. Thanks to Feng, there is no roof in this space.

In their opinion, there are only two or three kittens in the five element sect, and they are eager to recruit disciples. Under such circumstances, the standard will naturally be lowered. These immortals who are not up to the standard can also take the opportunity to squeeze into the five element sect Yes.

But I don't think about it. Now there are so many people who come to the five elements sect. Even if the proportion of immortals who can meet the standard is very small, but the base is large, and the number of people who meet the standard will not be less.

With these people around, how can Fengzhi take a fancy to these people who are trying to make up their numbers?

What's more, they didn't expect that Feng Zhi would directly point out their thoughts without leaving any room here, so at this time they were more or less angry.

For such a situation, Fengzhi had long predicted.

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