Even if these immortals quarrel like this, they may break out at any time. Feng Zhi has never thought of compromise.

This is the opening ceremony of the five elements sect. It is absolutely crucial for Fengzhi himself and for the whole five elements sect. Fengzhi does not allow his family to recruit people who only know how to play tricks, let alone those people who mix up the ceremony.

She did not speak in a hurry, but looked coldly at the noisy immortals below.

And Feng to such attitude, also gave those who make the most vigorous immortal a wrong signal.

At the beginning, these immortals just wanted to vent their dissatisfaction. They were not satisfied with the fact that a small sect like the five element sect, which had only a few disciples, was not willing to accept them. They wanted to know that the five element sect had nine hundred million immortal stones and had so many resources The wishful thinking of the five element sect was defeated.

There are a lot of fairies with such ideas.

After all, although there is no shortage of genius in the fairyland, the number of mediocrity is always thousands of times that of genius no matter where it is.

These people will not reflect on why Fengzhi would not want them. They will only think that this is Fengzhi's contempt for them.

In fact, it is.

In a word, when there are more people like this, and they all get together, they have more crooked minds, and naturally they start to make a lot of noise.

What's more, when they saw Feng for so long, they didn't say anything and didn't mean to be angry.

Even though Fengzhi has already climbed the ladder, Fengzhi is still a young immortal who is only over 1000 years old. What's more, the five elements sect, which had no sense of existence in the past, is still in such a crucial situation for the five elements sect. Even if it is to prevent the opening ceremony from being spoiled, Fengzhi is sure I don't dare to do anything about them.

In this way

If they make a scene, they may be able to send Feng to Songkou and send them all to the five element sect?

Even, some deep-seated immortals still want to go further.

If Fengzhi is relaxed this time, does it mean that the patriarch of Fengzhi is not strong at all, and even easily influenced by others. In this case, when they reach the five element sect, can they repeat what happened today and force Feng Zhi to make concessions step by step?


Can also take advantage of Fengzhi to this patriarch to the sky, oneself in the back as the master of the five elements!

The more they think about it, the more they feel that their ideas may really come true, so they are more and more excited. Later, they start to incite the spirits of the surrounding immortals intentionally or unintentionally, so as to achieve their own goals.

In fact, Fengzhi, as well as the people of the five element sect, have seen it in their eyes.

Fengming and others want to give a word to these people.

The brain is a good thing. I hope these people take it with them when they go out.

These people don't think about it. With the hard power and soft power of the five element sect that Fengzhi showed before, the five element sect will never be a weak sect.

As for the Lord Fengzhi

How stupid are these people to think that a person who can be recognized by so many people, such as Shenjian Tianjun, Longfeng and so on, will be a person who can easily be left and right by them?

Looking at these people hopping happily, Fengming took Fengyue's hand and whispered to Fengyue: "how could these people be so stupid? Feng Zhizheng was worried that no one would let her stand up, so they jumped out on their own initiative."

While talking, Fengming can't help being happy.

In the nearly 200 years since he came to the fairyland, he and Fenglai were given dog food by Fengzhi and Longyan. Later, Fenglai was surrounded by xianbao'er, who was suffering double damage from Fengzhi Longyan and Fenglai xianbao'er, which made him feel tired and did not love, OK?

Now, his little Yue Yue also flew to the fairyland. If anyone dares to say that he is a single dog, he will be anxious with others!

Although Fengyue didn't know what Fengming was thinking about, he only saw his sultry expression. After hearing his speech, Fengming said, "I think you're stupid. Why don't you think it's the master who deliberately gave this opportunity to let these people jump out?"

Fengyue felt that she was a sincere person. Even if she and Fengming were the closest lovers, she would spare no effort to fight against Fengming.

Well, she also learned from her master.

Receive from Fengyue disdain, Fengming almost to cover the heart and cry pain.

His little Yueyue has not been seen for more than 100 years. How did it become like this?

Seeing that Fengming still wanted to play tricks, Fengyue quickly pinched him, "I warn you, I still want to see how the master is so powerful. If you disturb me, hum..."

Feng Ming felt bitter.It's OK to have a sister like Fengzhi, but even his little Yueyue is also learning from Fengzhi now. Can't people live?

However, how can he take Fengyue, who has been waiting for so many years?

Forgive her, of course!

At the moment when the two people were talking, the spirits of the immortals below were getting more and more excited under the instigation of those who had a heart. They even felt that since Fengzhi held the opening ceremony of the mountain, they would look down on them if they were not included in the five element sect!

So, from the beginning, it was just a little discontent, to now, these people one by one look excited, there is a trend to burst out.

The object of the explosion

Of course, it is Fengzhi and the five elements sect.

At this time, there has been no response to Feng, suddenly stretched out his hand to gently press down.

I don't know why, all the immortals just felt that there was a sudden pressure from their hearts that they had to shut their mouths. They couldn't say a word any more.

Did not wait for them to understand why they would be like this, heard the Phoenix to that clear and bright in the voice with some smile.

"Do you think..." Feng to slightly Yang red lips, way, "I this is in despise you?"

At the same time, the pressure of all the immortals disappeared in a moment. They all roared along with Fengzhi's words.

"Since we hold the grand opening ceremony, we should certainly recruit more disciples. Now that you five element sect takes Joe so seriously, what are we?" A very loud Tao.

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