The voice sounds very loud, but when people want to follow the voice to find out where the speaker is, they find that it is useless, as if the voice is ringing in the ears of people.

Obviously, this person has an ulterior motive.

However, this person's words immediately attracted numerous approval.

For a moment, these immortals are like the boiling water, and they are going to make trouble at any time.

In this regard, Feng to the face can not have any anxious color, she even smile extremely happy.

Seeing Feng Zhi's smile, I don't know why. All of a sudden, those immortals who are about to make a fuss seem to have been thrown a basin of cold water on their heads. They felt a chill in their hearts.

They don't know what happened.

Of course, the next moment, they will know.

Feng to smile after, suddenly put up a smile, two beautiful apricot eyes showed a chill: "yes, I just look down on you!"

The words said, the space was silent for a moment.

All people did not expect Feng Zhi to say such a sentence.

Whether it is the immortals who want to force Feng Zhi to change her mind, or the high-level of various major sects, they all think that in order not to make the opening ceremony a complete joke, Fengzhi will not let things continue to make a big deal. They should pacify these excited immortals.


Who can think of such a different way of doing things?

After a short silence, the whole space was full of excitement. All the immortals looked excited. The eyes of Fengzhi were the same as those of the enemies who killed their father. They just wanted to rush up and drown Fengzhi.

The logic of these people is very touching. In their opinion, they have the idea of getting something for nothing. But Fengzhi not only does not want to include them in the five element sect, but also shows such contempt directly. This is not right.

Therefore, when Fengzhi says "despise" in such an occasion, these talents will feel particularly angry. In addition, seeing that there are too many people who are the same as themselves, they feel inexplicably that they are too many. If they make trouble together, Fengzhi will certainly not be able to do anything to them, so they will make a scene like this.


Will Fengzhi meet their wishes? Of course, it is impossible.

All of them still want to look at the fairy's face before the ceremony.

When the immortals finally quieted down, Feng Zhi said again: "what's the matter? You are at least thousands of years old. Isn't Chengdu weaned yet? Even if you are not weaned, then I am not your father, not your mother, there is no reason to be used to you! If you follow your logic, I am much younger than you. You should be used to me. Who is not a baby? "


The sound of such laughter and spurt rang out one after another in the space.

The number of immortals who came from all over the world to participate in the opening ceremony of the five element sect has exceeded one hundred million. Among them, there are only a few small ideas. Many people want to use this method to send Fengzhi to receive wuxingzong. However, there are also a lot of intelligent immortals who do not follow people's coax.

From the very beginning, these intelligent immortals felt that with the strength of Feng Zhi from the beginning to the present, she could not be so easily influenced by others. Even if the people around her couldn't help but coax and try to share a share of the soup, these people still kept their sense, and did not speak a word, just quietly Wait.

Hearing this, these people can't help laughing anymore.

And those immortals, listen to Feng to say so, one by one angry eyes red.

However, did not wait for them to have the movement again, the Phoenix to speak again.

"Eh?" Feng Zhi was very surprised to look at the following, a pair of found the appearance of the new world, "what's the matter? Your eyes are so red, don't be too ashamed by me, so cry? If so, at least you can be saved... "

Puff, puff

Next came a dull laugh.

Those immortals who have reason to choose to watch are very glad that they have foresight. Otherwise, the people who have been satirized by Fengzhi should be them now. If Yifeng Zhi's mouth is so sarcastic, it would be very hard for her.

At this time, those immortals who tried to make trouble, were satirized by Feng Zhi. They had already begun to breathe.

At this time, Feng Zhi's face was cold, her eyes narrowed slightly, and her voice seemed to freeze people stiff Or, do you think that the strength of the five element sect that I demonstrated earlier is not enough to make you have a clear understanding of the five element sect, so you decided to personally try whether the strength of the five element sect is as strong as that shown? "The cold voice was like the Wanli ice field in the far south of the fairyland, and instantly spread to every immortal's heart. Those immortals who had not made a wrong idea naturally had no other feelings. However, those immortal people who tried to make trouble and were just about to break out felt cold in their hearts, just as if they had been noticed by some fierce beast.

This makes these immortals can't help but some can't believe it.


How could she have such a terrible momentum?

But, this also can't help them not believe.

On the platform, one hand of Fengzhi is still held by Longyan, and the other hand is gently lifted up, and then the five fingers slowly form a group. With her movements, those immortals who want to make trouble feel that their heart is like being pinched by Fengzhi. As Fengzhi's five fingers are getting tighter and tighter, their hearts are also tightly twisted, as if their next moment The heart will be pinched and burst in Feng Zhi's hand.

It's ok if one person is like this, but all those who are trying to make trouble are like this

It is the high-level of each clan, as well as those intelligent immortals who did not interrupt the trouble, but also could not help taking a breath.

A big Luo Jinxian, how can you do this?

You know, just now the number of these immortals has been more than ten million!

For a while, the immortals who chose to look on coldly could not help but look at each other, especially those ordinary immortals. At this time, they were even more glad that they did not make trouble with others.

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