
These sensible fairies have a look at them now. If they make trouble like these people, it will be their end.

However, those immortals who tried to make trouble found that no matter how much they wanted to move, the whole person was frozen to death, not to mention trying to move. They couldn't even blink their eyes. However, they all knew that they didn't have any ice on them!

What's going on?

If there is only one person like this, it can also be explained by accident, but if tens of millions of people are like this, there is only one answer.


The only active eyes of all the immortals could not help turning, and looked at the Phoenix on the high platform. Because of their different postures, everyone's eyes were moving in the same direction. Looking at others' eyes, they both felt funny and inexplicably strange.

All of these are caused by Feng Zhi's own strength.

For a moment, these immortals looked at Feng Zhi with more awe.

Feng Zhi, how can she do this?

This is the question in the minds of the immortals.

In fact, it's not something that can't be understood.

The space in which people are now living is originally opened up by Fengzhi herself. In addition, when she opens up the space, she also integrates some characteristics of absolute domain into it. Under such circumstances, it is exaggeration to say that Fengzhi is the God of this space, but it is enough for her to do many things that she can't do outside and deal with many things she can't do outside Against the enemy.

It can be said that in this space, even if the emperor is strong, Fengzhi also dares to meet it.

With the control of this space, coupled with Fengzhi's powerful divine consciousness, it is not impossible for such a person to deal with tens of millions of immortals.

At the beginning, Mo Zhenke did not rely on any external force to divide the divine consciousness into tens of millions of pieces, and each of them could fight against people normally.

Feng to now of course is to clap the horse also can't catch up with Mo Zhen such an emperor, but with the help of the space law, she did a little bit to lose, but it is not difficult.

Of course, Feng Zhi can't explain it to others.

Hand more and more tight, eyes to see Fengzhi's hands will be completely together, those who are completely manipulated by Feng Zhi between the hands of the immortal people are almost crying, OK?

They are like the ice stick now. If Feng Zhi's hand is pinched like this, who knows if they will break into ice powder? They don't want it!

At this time, these immortals are really regret.

If they had not been so greedy and had not followed the coax, they would not have been in such a situation now.


It's hard to buy a thousand dollars.

Just looking at the cold look of Fengzhi, the immortals will know that they are definitely not good this time. As for the specific end, it depends on Fengzhi's mood.

However, if someone dares to make trouble in their own ceremony, they will not easily give up.

At such a thought, the immortals became more desperate.

When the five fingers of Fengzhi wanted to be fully tightened, and the immortals were desperate, Fengzhi suddenly stopped, looked in a certain direction, and then said, "hmm?"

No matter what Fengzhi stops for, it is enough for those immortal people who are about to taste the taste of despair to thank the gods and Buddhas in their hearts.

Thank God!

All the immortals think so.

Then, they couldn't help but be curious. Looking at Feng Zhi's appearance, it was clearly forbidden to spare them. So, what made Feng Zhi stop temporarily?

The next moment, they'll know.

I saw that Feng Zhi's hand, which had almost been held together, gently waved to the side. Those immortals who were almost frozen to death were all soft and fell to the ground like this.

And Feng Zhi, she did not look at these people at all. With a flick of her long sleeves, the immortals found that a huge water mirror appeared right in front of them.

In the water mirror, it is showing the scene under the Yinxian peak.

Outside, it's a man.

Although there is only one person, many immortals can't help but take a breath when they see this person.

"Bloody hands kill the sky!" There was a cry of surprise.

Blood hands kill the sky.

Just listen to these words, you can feel the blood color in the sky.

Obviously, this man, who is called "blood hand Tu Tian", is definitely not a good man, let alone an ordinary person.

Feng Zhi raised her eyebrows gently.

Bloody hand Tu Tian had heard of this man when Fengzhi decided to hold the opening ceremony. The reason why he had to hear his name was that he always liked to find a new clan.At first, Tu Tian didn't have such a nickname with blood color in the sky. This title was bought by him again and again with blood.

Until now, no one in the fairyland can understand the origin of Tu Tian, but from his actions, it seems that Tu Tian can't see any new sect. Once he knows where a new sect has been established, he will surely hold a ceremony in the sect. If the new sect general cancels the ceremony, it will be fine Then, Tu Tian will always kill people, and then wipe out the resources of the newly established clan, and then make good use of them.

All the sects, even the several super sects in the fairyland, can develop to the present level, but also has a gradual process. It is impossible to have such a scale once established. Who is not from a small sect?

Therefore, it can be imagined that the strength of the newly established clan will be forced by Tu Tian, who has the power of the emperor, to cancel the grand ceremony of opening the mountain, or choose to fight against Tu Tian, and finally be destroyed by Tu Tian.

Because of too much blood in his hands, Tu genius gradually got the title of "blood hand Tu Tian".

Later, Tu Tian did not have to use his own blood to find his way. Many people even dare not to hold a grand ceremony when they intend to establish a clan, so they choose to set up quietly.

It has to be said that although this can avoid being visited by the bloody hand Tu Tian, a clan even refuses to hold the opening ceremony because of the fear of one person. It can be imagined that what kind of achievements can be made in the future for such a clan which is scared to death?

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