It is not surprising that Fengzhi and wuxingzong will be visited by bloody hand Tu Tian.

Although wuxingzong was not just established, it was no different from CAIJIAN. In addition, in the past ten years, Fengzhi spared no effort to publicize the opening ceremony of wuxingzong on various occasions, not to mention Tu Tian, the villain who specially targeted at others. Even ordinary immortals can find this secret Come down from Xianfeng.

These thoughts quickly flashed through the minds of the immortals. Then, some immortals began to worry about Fengzhi and wuxingzong, while others became gloating.

Of course, some people are full of confidence in Fengzhi and wuxingzong. They think that it is impossible to defeat Fengzhi and wuxingzong even if the bloody hand slaughters heaven.

Sitting in the front row of those high-rise door, this time the face is also with a slight awe inspiring.

Although they did not have direct contact with the bloody hand Tu Tian, they were all characters of the same level in the same fairyland. They knew each other somewhat.

Even if you only see the shadow of bloody hand Tu Tian through the water mirror, the senior leaders of the clan will have such a cognition. They may not be the opponents of this bloody hand Tu Tian.

It's certainly very frustrating.

However, if you think about it, it seems that the bloody hand Tu Tian has made so many newly built clans disappear and robbed so many resources. In addition, with his own talent, he will have the strength to lead them. It seems that it is not a great thing.

"You say..." Someone said, "Phoenix to this time, can you stand it?"

There was a slight schadenfreude in his voice as he spoke.

Obviously, for the arrival of bloody hand Tu Tian, this man is happy to see his success.

This is not surprising. The appearance of the five elements sect is undoubtedly a threat to these old-fashioned sects. After all, Fengzhi is so high-profile. Before that, the wuxingzong showed its strength. If no one comes to attack, it can be imagined that laifengzhi and wuxingzong will certainly have some impact on these old clan doors.

They are afraid of all kinds of things. Of course, they dare not do anything at this time, but the bloody hand Tu Tian dares!

So, they just need to watch the excitement.

It's obvious that people who think like this are not just talking people.

Therefore, this person's words just fell to the ground, someone answered: "can we hold up, we just need to look down?"

The high-level of the clan gate then all looked at each other, and then laughed tacitly.

Xuanzong and his disciples are on the other side of the sword, but the one with the other is on the other side.

"Tu Tian..." Sword elder's voice with cold meaning, "he unexpectedly also came?"

Chu Xuanji was worried. She looked at the crane and said, "my husband, I don't know if Fengzhi can solve this crisis. Otherwise, we..."

Before she had finished her words, she stopped when she saw the crane shaking her head.

The crane said, "this is the crisis that Fengzhi and wuxingzong are going to face. In the opening ceremony of wuxingzong, if we finally appear to relieve the crisis, then the original intention of Fengzhi to hold the ceremony will not be achieved. That is, the wuxingzong will only become a joke in the fairyland in the future."

Yes, he was found by the bloody hand Tu Tian at the opening ceremony of his family's clan, but he managed to get through the crisis only by relying on others. If such a thing was seen in the eyes of so many immortals and spread by word of mouth, then the five element sect would indeed become a laughing stock among the local population.

“…… Feng Zhi, I'm afraid she can't accept such a result. " The crane came slowly.

Although he did not have much contact with Fengzhi, only from how xianbao'er worshipped Fengzhi, the crane could know what kind of temperament Fengzhi was.

Such a person will never want to hide behind others.

Even though, she has to face people like bloody hand Tu Tian.

After hearing this, Chu Xuanji could only shake his head helplessly.

She and xianhelai are the famous heavenly kings in the fairyland for a long time, and their strength is also ahead of them. However, she also knows that their strength is still lower than that of blood hand Tu Tian. Maybe they can work together to suppress the bloody hand Tu Tian, but as xianhelai said, if that is the case, the five element sect after today will never be able to do so Can really stand up in the fairyland.

Thinking of this, Chu Xuanji couldn't help getting angry. "Isn't it that Tu Tian hasn't appeared for a long time? Why is it so coincidental that it happens to appear at the opening ceremony of the five element sect? Among them Is there anyone else standing in the way? "

The crane did not speak, but his meaning was clearly the same.

Blood hand Tu Tian appeared ten thousand years ago. He was also a rising star in the fairyland. After he was promoted to the realm of Xianjun, he decided to set up his own clan. After a long time of preparation, he prepared for the establishment of the clan and held a very high-profile ceremony.As a result, at the most critical time, blood hand Tu Tian appeared.

Canceling the grand ceremony of opening the mountain, or meeting with bloody hand Tu Tian, the rising star chose the latter.

The final result is that the rising star who was originally favored by many people was almost maimed by the bloody hand Tu Tian. Naturally, the mountain ceremony ended. Not only that, but also all the resources collected because of the preparations for the establishment of the clan were wiped out by Tu Tian.

He did not kill the rising star directly, but the consequences were more serious than killing people.

The rising star originally had a very bright future. Even some immortals felt that with his qualifications, as long as he kept practicing, even if he could not become an emperor, it would be very easy to become the leader among the heavenly kings.

It's a pity

After that, he was deprived of his mental health, but his mental health was not improved.

This is probably the most unacceptable thing that the rising star can't accept.

Later, some people speculated that the ruthlessness of butchering the sky with his bloody hand left a life for the rising star. Was it the idea of destroying people's self-confidence that people were completely abandoned.

Of course, no one can answer this question.

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