Because, even if they become emperors, the legendary realm is too far away from them, far away to the South emperor and others do not have any confidence that they can achieve that realm in their lifetime.

It's not surprising that the southern emperor Jun and others have no ambition, but there are some things that only those of them can have a clear feeling.

They became emperors, but from the day they became emperors, they felt that in front of them, there was a mountain that they could not cross.

That mountain is too high, even if they have the strength of the emperor, they dare not climb.

For example, Fengzhi and Longyan just heard the word "Shenjun", and they felt almost killed.

"I have been an emperor for tens of thousands of years. However, no matter how diligent I have been, I can only keep my strength above the same level, and I can't make any progress. That's all. However, if there is any slack, I can clearly feel the trend of retrogression in strength..."

Speaking of this, the southern emperor sighed again, "not only this gentleman, but other emperors also have the same feeling."

After the southern emperor finished, he took a look at Feng Zhi and Long Yan.

The implication of this is obvious.

It is extremely difficult for them to maintain their current strength, not to mention the fact that their strength has gone further, or even further many steps to become the God King.

Fengzhi and Longyan are also silent.

They have the confidence to become emperors, but they have no confidence in the realm of God and monarch that the southern emperor and others can only think about.

Seeing their silence, the southern emperor seemed to feel that he had beaten their confidence, and said with some consolation: "you don't need to be depressed. Although there has always been such a legendary realm as the God King, as far as I know, even if millions of years ago, there has never been any God King. There is even a saying among the emperors, which may be fundamental There is no such realm as the God King. This is really just an illusory legend without any basis... "

Feng Zhi and Long Yan can't help but take a breath.

Millions of years ago, there has been no king.

It's no wonder that there will be a God King. It's just a legend that exists.


Feng Zhi and Long Yan look at each other.

They all feel that the realm of God King really exists.

The most powerful evidence is that when they heard the word "God King", they almost killed them.

If there is no such realm at all, where does this pressure come from?

Of course, no matter whether there is a God King or not, Fengzhi and Longyan will not regard the emperor as the end of their practice. There is no end to learning. It is also the same with practice. If they have identified what kind of state is the end point early, it is equivalent to setting up a ceiling board for themselves, which is more equivalent to reaching such a state at most in the future.

Therefore, Fengzhi and Longyan then suppressed this reverie about the God King for the time being.

As the South emperor said, the God King is too far away from them, and it is useless to think about it now.

At this time, the southern emperor waved his hand to Fengzhi and Longyan: "I'm also talkative. I've told you so much now, but you should know how to restrain yourself. At this stage, the most important thing for you is to move forward towards the emperor, instead of putting more energy into the illusory realm of the divine king, or you will delay yourself..."

Feng Zhi and Long Yan nodded.

Then, Fengzhi asked the southern emperor about the foreign Demons: "master, how did you discuss with the other elders? How should you deal with these foreign demons?"

Speaking of this, the southern emperor's face is not very good-looking.

The news from Fengzhi before let several emperors know how severe the situation is now. Not only the foreign race of the protoss is covetous, but also the people from the fairyland collude with these gods.

The most hateful thing is that if it was not for the emperor of the fairyland, he would not have threatened the fairyland with the strength of the Protoss.

"The female emperor..." Feng Zhi asked.

The southern emperor's face was more dignified.

"After I got the news, I conducted a screening together with several other emperors, and listed all female immortals who had made a certain reputation in the fairyland for nearly a million years, and then excluded them. Finally, there were not many candidates left. In the next period of time, I took the seat in the Shatian gorge to prevent being exploited by foreign demons Some other emperors will go to the list of female immortals one by one to see if they can find out the person! " The southern emperor looked at some gnashing teeth.

As emperors, they were afraid of suffering in the fairyland, thus affecting themselves.

But the emperor, who was already an emperor, even colluded with the evil alien race of the protoss, intending to point the butcher's knife at the whole fairyland. The reason was that he wanted to take Fengzhi's house!It's just unbearable!


She had some other purpose.

After his anger was over, the southern emperor regained his composure. He thought about it and suddenly felt a little sigh: "in fact, to say that the most famous female immortal in the fairyland, in fact, is a supreme elder of Tianji sect."


Feng to some curiosity.

The southern Emperor didn't mean to betray the truth, and then he said: "speaking of all, when I first flew to the fairyland, the reputation of the supreme elder had been standing in the fairyland for tens of thousands of years."

As a super sect like Tianji sect, all the disciples in Tianji sect were selected only by one in a thousand. Her strength and talent are not bad. And the supreme elder can stand out among the numerous disciples of Tianji sect, which shows how amazing her talent is.

"The elder Taishang was named after Yaoguang, one of the seven big dipper stars, and was called Yaoguang fairy by the immortals." Speaking of this, the southern Emperor gave a vague look at Feng Zhi: "Fengzhi, if you want to say that among all the people you have met, who has the talent and training speed comparable to you, it is probably the only Yao Guang fairy."

Feng raised her eyebrows.

Nan Dijun's words are undoubtedly very high on her and that Yao Guang fairy.

"Well, has this Yao Guang fairy become an emperor?" Feng Zhi asked.

She thought that the answer to this question was yes, but to her surprise, the southern emperor shook his head.

"No?" The ending of Fengzhi rises.

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