The southern emperor nodded, and there was a look of regret and sigh: "maybe it's the so-called heaven envies talents. Yaoguang fairy had already cultivated to the emperor's stage at a young age. Besides, he had higher attainments than the supreme elder at that time. Therefore, he directly took over the position of the Supreme Master and became the youngest supreme elder in the history of Tianji sect 。”

Everyone thought that with the talent of Yaoguang fairy, he would break through the realm of emperor and become the most shining star in the fairyland.

But what people didn't expect was that after becoming the emperor and practicing at a very fast speed to the peak of the emperor, Yaoguang fairy met the bottleneck and began to stay in the peak period of Xianjun for a long time without any sign of breaking through.

And then

Yao Guang fairy, who had become the most dazzling color in the fairyland, became a meteor that could only bloom in an instant. After leaving a heavy ink in the fairyland, it disappeared from the memory of people.

There are also immortals who firmly believe that Yaoguang fairy will not become a meteor.

However, this part of the immortal has been waiting for tens of thousands of years, but has not been able to wait for the Yaoguang fairy to be promoted to Emperor.

"Until Ben Jun broke through and became the emperor, there was no news from Yaoguang fairy. After tens of thousands of years, I got the news. Yaoguang fairy was blocked by the bottleneck, and failed to break through until the end of Shou yuan, and fell in tianjizong." The South emperor sighed softly.

Such a man who regarded him as an idol since he ascended to the fairyland unexpectedly fell. The southern emperor still remembers his loss at that time.

However, there is no way.

Although immortals have a long life, they always come to the end of their life.

At most, he would have lived a hundred or ten thousand years when he was in the realm of the emperor. It is no surprise that the Yao Guang fairy stayed in the realm of the emperor for more than ten thousand years.

Feng was a little curious at this time.

According to the southern emperor, the talent of this Yao Guang fairy is extremely amazing. In the eyes of the southern emperor, she is no less inferior than Fengzhi. What is the bottleneck that keeps her out of the realm of the emperor?

However, with the fall of Yaoguang fairy, no one can answer this question.

Seeing the appearance of the southern emperor, Feng couldn't help laughing and said, "I can't see that you have idols in your heart, elder."

After Fengzhi's mixing, now the fairyland has appeared the entertainment circle. Where can the southern emperor not know what is called idol.

However, he did not refute.

According to the definition of idols, Yaoguang fairy was indeed the idol of the southern emperor who first entered the fairyland at that time.

Even, because the original impression is too deep, in the Yaoguang fairy has fallen for tens of thousands of years now, the southern emperor Jun has always been some can not let go of Yao Guang fairy's fall.

Thinking of this, the southern emperor sighed: "if Yaoguang fairy had not fallen, but had been promoted to the emperor, it can be imagined that she would have made great contributions to the whole fairyland. At that time, there was a generally accepted view that Yao Guang's death was a great loss to the whole immortal world."

To be able to get such evaluation, and even such evaluation can be recognized by all, it can be seen that the Yao Guang fairy is really outstanding to the extreme.

For a while, Feng Zhi became interested in the Yao Guang fairy.

If Yao Guang fairy is still alive, Feng Zhi thinks that there should be something between her and this Yao Guang fairy.

It's a pity

She had fallen tens of thousands of years earlier.

Feng to think of here, shook her head: "since this Yao light fairy has fallen, then she can not be the" adult. "

At this time, the South emperor's eyes were wide open. There was a sense that his family's love beans had been insulted, and the fans complained about it unfairly: "what do you say, Yao Guang fairy's characters who are full of glory and full of moon, how can they be confused with those who take the whole fairyland as a matter of no importance? Even if Yao Guang fairy doesn't fall down now, but also breaks through the realm of emperor, she can't be the "adult"

Feng couldn't help laughing.

The appearance of the southern emperor is no different from that of the cat whose tail has been trampled on.

Can let the emperor do so, visible that Yao Guang fairy's charm.

Want to come

That must be a fabulous fairy.

Feng Zhi felt a little sorry again.

However, it is only here that she is not the southern emperor, nor is she a fan of the Yao Guang fairy. Even, Feng Zhi knows the name of Yao Guang fairy from Nan Dijun. Of course, she will not have more feelings for Yao Guang fairy.

Fengzhi didn't want to stimulate the southern emperor any more, so he said, "well, good, it's the younger generation who said the wrong thing. You are right. Yao Guang fairy, such a man with bright wind and full moon, can't be confused with that" adult. "

The southern emperor regained his calm.Speaking of Tianji sect, Feng Zhidao is somewhat curious.

Tianji sect belongs to the most low-key and introverted one among the several super sects. Fengzhi is in the fairyland, and is also in the high-level of the fairyland. But if she hadn't known Chu Xuanji, she would not have heard the name of Tianji sect from other people's mouths.

So, what happened after Yao Guang fairy's fall?

Fengzhi then asked, "master, what happened to Jizong after Yaoguang fairy that day?"

The southern emperor was curious about the Yaoguang fairy, so he said: "after the fall of Yaoguang fairy, tianjizong's actions have become more and more low-key. Even some new immortals who have lived in the fairyland for many years have not heard the name of Tianji sect. Even so, Tianji sect still stands firmly in several super sects For one thing, the details of this kind of super clan are not comparable to those of ordinary sects. "

Feng Zhifeng nodded.

It seems that tianjizong was frustrated by Yaoguang fairy, so he changed his style directly.

It has to be said that the fall of Yaoguang fairy is an unbearable pain for the whole Tianji sect.

Fengzhi was also curious about tianjizong. After being answered by the southern emperor, she did not ask about tianjizong any more. Instead, she asked about the female immortals suspected by several emperors to be the "adult".

"Master, then, which one of your lists is most disliked?" Feng Zhi asked.

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