That evil spirit

How can Qi ran have such an effect?

Or is it that after being possessed by this evil spirit, Yao Guang fairy's strength has been relatively rapid growth, so that she has the ability that she did not have before?

Feng to a moment can not have an accurate answer.

After carefully examining the Yao Guang fairy covered with black air, Feng Zhi said, "look at you. Now you have become this ghost. What's the matter? Have you decided to become a disgusting foreign evil spirit?"

When Yao Guang fairy heard this, his whole body's black gas suddenly rose: "that's the Shenzu!"

Feng to smell speech hook hook lip corner.

It seems that she was right.

Once upon a time, how could Yao Guang fairies get angry because someone said the words "foreign demons"?

The reason why she is angry at Feng Zhi's words is obviously that she has become a member of the foreign demons, so she can't bear to be spoken by others.

As for Feng, she said with a smile: "it seems that in order to survive, you really don't hesitate to give up your status as an immortal. Tut Tut, our Yaoguang fairy is not the most proud and beautiful one. How can you be so cruel and become a member of such disgusting foreign demons? Tut Tut, this is really a heartbreaking thing... "

Although it was said with a pitiful tone of voice, but listen to clearly have a little do not hide the schadenfreude.

The black air of Yaoguang fairy was even worse.

Her sacrifice this time was not small, and she could understand that since she voluntarily let the evil Qi into her body, she would never be able to get rid of the evil Qi and become an immortal again.

Thinking about this, Yao Guang fairy is even more hate Phoenix to desire madness.

If she had not just merged with the evil spirit, and her strength had not been enhanced much, she would have been unable to help but seize Feng Zhi and strangle her directly!


It doesn't matter. There are still opportunities in the future.

Yao Guang fairy took a deep breath, and then calmed down again.

"Fengzhi..." Fengzhi's name was brewed in the lips and teeth of Yaoguang fairy for a long time before she said it. If it wasn't for the unforgettable hatred in Yaoguang fairy's eyes, others might have heard some attachment from it. "We'll see you again, and we'll be there I will make you the same as me... "

Speaking of this, it seems to have seen the scene in the imagination, the Yaoguang fairy looked up to the sky and emitted a series of terrible laughter.

After a long time, the laughter finally stopped again.

"But before that, I'll take a step first." Yao Guang fairy's face covered with black gas showed a strange smile.

Feng couldn't help but pick her eyebrows.

"Want to go?" She said, "it depends on whether you have the ability."

In this regard, Yaoguang fairy laughed but did not speak.

At the next moment, Feng Zhi saw that the body of Yao Guang fairy wrapped in black gas was suddenly integrated with her black body.

And then

The black gas began to disappear, and it looked as if it had evaporated without a sound.

It's just that the shadow of the black fairy disappeared completely.

Feng Zhi originally wanted to pursue, but she realized that the six emperors didn't mean to pursue at all. She thought about it and gave up the plan.

At this point, because of the Yao Guang fairy and set off this big drama, it is finally the curtain.

Feng Zhi looks at the place where Yao Guang fairy disappears, and her eyes are full of thoughts.

She had always wondered why the six emperors were so eager that they didn't even have the patience to wait for her and Longyan to grow up naturally. She did not hesitate to take Fenglai's safety as a gamble, forcing her and Longyan to break through the realm of emperor with the fastest speed.

You know, Fenglai was tortured by Yaoguang fairy. Even if Yaoguang fairy didn't want to let Feng Lai die, he had a sense of propriety. But at that time, even if his body could hold up, but whether his spirit would collapse before his body, it was a matter that nobody could give an answer.

The reason why Feng Zhi is so angry is because of this.

But now

Feng Zhi thought that maybe she understood.

Obviously, there must be something in Yaoguang fairy that made the six emperors see the crisis. Therefore, the six emperors would never allow her and Longyan to grow up slowly, just want them to break through the realm of emperor with the fastest speed.


Understand to understand, but this does not mean that Fengzhi can forgive them for what they did.

Anyone, as long as take the life of the people around her as a bet, Feng Zhi will never forgive.

After Yao Guang fairy disappeared, the pillars of light which had projected the situation here to all parts of the fairyland gradually disappeared. Finally, all the pillars of light were recovered from the emperor's orders, and the emperor's orders of the size of palm floated to Fengzhi's hand spontaneously.Feng Zhi picked her eyebrows.

It seems that her previous guess was not at all wrong.

Emperor's order, this is the emperor's breakthrough, take extremely precious, and only the emperor can use Jun jade made, there are many only emperor can play out of the special power.

Even if the emperor returns to the emperor's side, even if the emperor's hand is lost, the emperor's will come out spontaneously.

But now

After Yao Guang fairy left, the emperor's order, which originally belonged to Yaoguang fairy, did not follow him, but stayed here, even directly to Fengzhi's hand.

This shows that Yao Guang fairy is no longer a human being.

To be more accurate, Yaoguang fairy is no longer the emperor recognized by the law of fairyland.

In order to survive, Yaoguang fairy is really cruel.

Feng couldn't help but whistle.

With the disappearance of the pillar of light ordered by the emperor, the fairies around the fairyland can no longer see the scene over there.

Maybe, now it can't be called the snow city any more.

Without blizzard, of course, this is no longer a snowstorm city.

Fengzhi didn't think about what new name should be called here now. While playing with the emperor's order in her hand, she casually said, "several elders, you should come out."

After a period of silence, the six emperors appeared in front of Feng Zhi and Long Yan.

Six emperors appear together, not far away from Fengming and others can not help quiet, and then all stare at this side.

The original six emperors, together with Fengzhi and Longyan, who just broke through soon, now this is the gathering of eight emperors!

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