For the whole fairyland, this is definitely a great event.

However, this grand event is only seen by them.

Such a thought, Fengming and others have a kind of pride that they are witnessing the legend.

What they are most proud of is that in addition to kaiyao Guangxian, there are now eight emperors in the fairyland, and two of them belong to the five element sect!

Fengming and others originally thought that the appearance of the six emperors would start a story of eight emperors gathering together and discussing the great events in the fairyland, but what they didn't expect was that the six emperors

Why does it look like it's a little bit of a counsellor?

This makes Fengming and others can't help but rub their eyes.

But when Feng Ming and others rubbed their eyes, Feng Zhi looked at the six emperors opposite with a smile. "Six elders, I thought that this time you had to push three obstacles to get out."

South emperor Jun six people are a pair of helpless expression.

"Fengzhi, we can explain..." The South emperor tried to speak.

"Ah..." Feng Zhi only said such a word, but her attitude was expressed incisively and vividly by this simple word.

South emperor then shut up.

They all know that, this time, they really made Feng angry.

Fengzhi did not rush to settle accounts with the six emperors, but extended his hand to the six Emperors: "give me the Phoenix."

South emperor Jun hurriedly and carefully will be the Phoenix to the hand of the Phoenix.

First of all, there was a pill given by Fengzhi, and then six emperors helped to heal the wound. The wound on Fenglai's body has been completely cured. However, although the physical injury has been cured, the mental injury can not be completely improved in a short time.

After all, no matter who suffered the pain beyond his own tolerance for such a long period of time, the mental trauma was definitely not able to recover in a short time.


Sometimes pain is a force to move forward.

Through this experience, it can be predicted that the strength of Fenglai will certainly have a small improvement.

But if you can, Fengzhi doesn't want Feng to get such a return.

Seeing Feng Zhi's worry and anger, Feng Lai smiles and shakes her head: "Feng Zhi, don't worry, I'm ok."

At the beginning, Fenglai and Fengming were held in the hands of Yaoguang fairy. Yaoguang fairy also decided to force Feng to show up by torturing the people of the five elements sect. At that time, Fenglai received the message from the southern emperor and informed Fenglai of their plans.

But Feng Lai, at that time, he nodded his head and agreed to the plan of the six southern emperors.

Therefore, for what they will encounter and what kind of pain they will experience, from the beginning, Fenglai is very clear.

In this case, of course, he will not blame others.

He smiles at Feng Zhi and pats on Long Yan's shoulder. Although Feng Lai is still suffering from the mental torture that hasn't been stopped, Feng Lai's eyes are more peaceful.

"Fengzhi, Longyan, don't be angry with some emperors just because of this. I agree with you. You go so fast that I can't catch up with you. For me, it's a very happy thing to be able to contribute to your progress. You don't have to worry about it so much." Feng Lai said.

At the beginning, he knew that if he didn't nod his head, the six emperors would not force him.

But even so, Feng Lai still nodded her head firmly.

He wants to do something for Fengzhi and Longyan.

Under such circumstances, if Fengzhi and Longyan can't break through quickly, they will surely suffer a lot in the hands of Yaoguang fairy, even if there are six emperors.

It's just a catalyst for the breakthrough of Fengzhi and Longyan. Even if we have to suffer a little, what is Fenglai unwilling to do?

Therefore, what Feng Lai said at the moment was entirely in his heart.

It is also because of knowing that this is the heart of Feng Lai, Feng Zhi's heart feels more uncomfortable.

If her progress, her growth, is the need for people around her to pay such a price, then she would rather not!

Listening to Feng Lai's words, Feng was not angry at all. She stretched out her finger and was about to poke Feng Lai's head. However, when she was about to touch Feng Lai's forehead, she thought about his suffering these days and took back her finger.

"Try to be brave Phoenix to stare at the Phoenix to come to one eye, "this time even if, later if such a thing happens again, do not need others, I will clean up you first!"

Although staring at Feng, Feng Zhi's eyes are clearly soft.

Feng Lai nodded with a smile.

Two people look at each other with a smile, this matter also is to expose the past in this way.

And South emperor six people, this time also followed with a sigh of relief.

They think that since Feng Zhi is not angry with Feng, it should not be angry with them?But soon, the six southern emperors knew they were wrong.

In Fengzhi, they are not treated like Fenglai.

I have to say, this is really a very sad thing.

"All right, all right. Go back and have a good rest." Feng Zhi waved her hand to Feng as if she was driving away flies. "Don't come out to see me if you don't recover your state."

Feng to smile should, and then turned to Fengming and others there.

He was previously sent to the six emperors by Feng's intimate friend. Even though he knew that the six emperors were absolutely safe, and no one could hurt him through the blockade of the six emperors, Fenglai's spirit was no matter how tired he was, and always kept his mind.

But now, just back in the middle of Fengming and others, just smile at Fengming and others, Feng Lai's heart is filled with unparalleled sense of security, and mental fatigue also surged up in this moment.

Then he closed his eyes and fell to the ground.

At the same time, Fengxian and Baofeng almost reached out.

When xianbao'er holds the Phoenix well, Fengming takes back her hand.

"Sleep." He said.

Then all the people of the five element sect became quiet.

Of course, the six southern emperors saw this scene, and because of this, their hearts felt especially touched.

There were six of them before, but Fenglai didn't dare to sleep peacefully. Now he just returns to the five elements sect. Even if there is no other emperor in the five elements sect, Fenglai can fall asleep instantly. From this, we can see the sense of belonging and security brought by the five element sect to Fenglai.


This is also the reason why Fenglai should come down without any hesitation after knowing their plan.

The six emperors could not help but sigh in their hearts.

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