Then, looking back to see seven is staring at their Phoenix, six emperors will feel some headache.

Who believes it?

They are six emperors, but in front of Feng Zhi, they have become this appearance one by one.

This is really

It's hard to say!

It's also a pity that no one can see their advice except the five element sect.

Several emperors even felt relieved.

I have to say, they are really degenerate.

While thinking like this, several emperors walked slowly to the Phoenix side.

Feng to Yang Yang eyebrows: "a few elders, you this is suddenly even to walk to have to learn again?"

Six emperors

With such a silent mood, six people bite their teeth, no longer dally, anyway, there is only such a little road, even if it is how to linger, and how long can it drag?

That is, in an instant, six people came to Fengzhi.

Phoenix to the eyes with cold.

Now, it's time to calculate the general ledger.

"Some elders, now, why don't we calculate this account?" Phoenix to pick eyebrows.

Six emperors

If they can, they really want to turn around and leave.

Before Fengzhi and Longyan had not broken through to the realm of emperor, it was easy for them to subdue Fengzhi. After all, there was a big gap in strength. But now, Fengzhi and Longyan are on the same level as them. They can't really follow Fengzhi and Longyan. Can't they take Fengzhi and Longyan?

Feng Zhi looked at the six emperors like this.

The six emperors were helpless.

They know that this time they can't satisfy Feng. They can't get it.

What's more, the six emperors are also clear that if they want to make Fengzhi really calm down, the things they take out should be beneficial to Fenglai, not beneficial to Fengzhi.

After all

Feng to because of concern for Feng, will be so angry about this matter.

In fact, the six emperors also knew that this time Fengzhi really suffered a great sin, and all this was out of their selfish intentions. Therefore, when offering their own conditions, the six emperors had no sense of reluctance.

After listening to the compensation made by the six emperors to Feng Lai, Feng was silent for a while and then said, "from now on, until Feng Lai breaks through to the realm of emperor, all the resources he needs will be provided by you."

I have absolute confidence in Fenglai, but I have never thought that Fenglai is not a monarch.

The six emperors nodded.

Each of them had a lot of treasures in their hands. Even if Fenglai wanted to break through to the emperor's realm, it would take a long time, but they only needed each person to take out some things to support the expenses of Fenglai, which was not difficult for them.

"When Feng comes to wake up, apologize to him." Feng Zhi Dao.

The six emperors nodded again.

In this matter, they did send Feng to say sorry.

Originally, Feng Lai didn't have to bear the pain.

Seeing the six emperors nodding so simply, Feng Zhi's anger finally calmed down a little.

And then

Feng Zhi originally wanted to put forward more requirements to the six emperors for Feng, but when she remembered that Feng wanted to be a useful person for her, she suddenly didn't want to ask for anything.

That's it.

Feng Zhi sighed in her heart.

"That's the end of the matter." To the surprise of the six emperors, Fengzhi let them go like this. The next moment, Fengzhi looked at the six emperors, and his eyes were serious again. However, "now, I want to hear the reason why you do this."


The six emperors suddenly fell silent.

Of course, there is a reason why they took the risk of being Fenglai to settle accounts after autumn.

And that's why

South emperor Jun looked at not far away is looking at this side of the five elements of the people, said: "let's find a quiet place."

Feng Zhi also has no opinion.

She told them a few words, and then with a flick of her sleeve, she took them to a quiet valley far away from Fengxue city.

After putting down all the five elements sect, Feng Zhi and Long Yan went to the deep valley hand in hand.

There, six emperors have been waiting for a while.

"Now, say it." Feng Zhi Dao.

Several emperors looked at each other.

Then, it was the southern emperor who spoke.

At the very beginning, they were discovered by the Yao Guang fairy.

At that time, Yaoguang fairy had been blackened and was stung by her plans for tens of thousands of years later, and she was also accumulating her own strength.For the Yaoguang fairy at that time, as long as she could achieve her goal, the strength was regardless of good or bad.

There is no doubt that the foreign devils are such a force.

At that time, the foreign evil spirits were still primitive, and their cultivation methods were extremely simple. The only thing that Yaoguang fairy could like was that they were able to take possession of them.

However, because the overall strength of the foreign demons at that time was weak, even if they had this characteristic, they were still not valued too much by Yaoguang fairies.

Of course, in order to hold on to all the forces that are beneficial to her, Yaoguang fairy did not give up the foreign evil spirits, and even left a set of cultivation methods which are of great benefit to the foreign evil spirits.

For Yao Guang fairy, this is just a skill. Leave this skill and let this strange alien race develop. Maybe some day in the future, these alien people will surprise her?

And in fact, it is.

Who could have thought that a little alien, who was not seen by Yao Guang fairy at the beginning, could finally develop to such a degree?

After getting the skill given by Yaoguang fairy, there are tens of thousands of years of development time. The overall strength of the foreign demons is developing at a very fast speed. Up to now, even a common foreign evil devil can take over ordinary fairyland immortals.

As long as these foreign evil hands are under control

Yao Guang fairy thought it was really wonderful.

Therefore, when preparing for the action, Yaoguang fairy would put the foreign demons into the rift valley.

It is because of the skills left by the Yaoguang fairy that the foreign demons have a chance to develop. Because of this, all the foreign demons regard Yaoguang fairies as their Savior, and naturally listen to what they say.

What's more

At this time, the development of foreign demons had reached a bottleneck. They could not have such an opportunity to invade the fairyland.

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