Therefore, with Yao Guang fairy's order, the foreign evil spirits did not have any hesitation. They immediately invaded the fairyland.

After that, this is what happened in fairyland in recent years.

In the eyes of these foreign demons, their "adults" want to lead them to occupy the whole fairyland and turn the fairyland into their paradise. This is what they want to do. Of course, they can't be happier.

That's why the massacres happened later.

Speaking of this, the southern emperor sneered: "Yaoguang fairy thought that it was she who released these foreign demons, and that she gave the overseas evil spirits a chance to rise. Therefore, those foreign demons will be grateful to her no matter what kind of decision she makes, they will not hesitate to listen to her and follow her, but she does not think that even if she has made any decision, she will follow her The Exorcist is a chess piece in her hand, and this chess piece may also give birth to her own consciousness, let alone such an evil race... "

There is no doubt that today's foreign demons have their own consciousness.

If, at the beginning, those foreign demons really treated Yao Guang fairies as gods, then when Yao Guang fairies released them from the rift valley, when these foreign demons had seen the beauty of the fairyland, and when they could easily take away the fairyland fairies, there would be no one or anything to stop this The ambition and desire of some foreign demons.

Yaoguang fairy thought that only by her deterrence to the foreign demons, the foreign demons could always listen to her. I have to say that she would have such an idea, which is really naive.


While Yao Guang fairy was still thinking about how to capture Fengzhi so that she could seize her body, she thought that some changes had quietly taken place in the foreign demons who had been honest and honest.

For example, there was no powerful monarch class of foreign demons, quietly appeared a strong emperor.

For example, under the leadership of this powerful emperor, these foreign demons did a lot of things in the fairyland without the eyes of Yaoguang fairy.

And these, Yao Guang fairy did not know, but the six emperors were aware of something wrong at the first time.

When they realized that the immortal world did not know when such an undercurrent had emerged, the six emperors of course immediately started to track down. However, those foreign demons did not act as cautiously as Yao Guang fairies. In addition, it was the six emperors who pursued this matter. Therefore, without much effort, the six emperors made clear the trend of the foreign evil spirits.

This undoubtedly let a few emperors take a breath.

Before she made up her mind to give up her status as an immortal, although Yaoguang fairy instructed these foreign demons to make several massacres, she still had some restrictions on the behavior of these foreign demons.

However, without the knowledge of the Yaoguang fairy, these foreign demons have done far more than those.

As far as the six emperors know, after being released by the Yaoguang fairy, the foreign demons have grown much stronger than before, which is also due to the special reproduction mode of the foreign demons.

In fact, there is no noumenon of the foreign evil spirits. They look like they are formed by the condensation of evil Qi. Of course, they can not reproduce like immortals.

In fact, it is very simple for foreign demons to reproduce. Every time they take away one person, their own demonic Qi will be enhanced. If the extraterritorial evil spirits are extremely powerful, they can use such enhancement to enhance their own strength. However, those foreign demons with ordinary qualifications can not use all their strength to enhance themselves. After reaching a certain degree, they can only be forced to use their own strength Dynamic selection splits into a completely different individual.

This is the way of reproduction of foreign evil spirits.

Therefore, as long as the foreign demons continue to seize the property, they can be divided into two parts, two parts and four parts, and then become endless.

This is undoubtedly extremely terrible.

Listening to the description of the six emperors, Feng Zhi suddenly thought of the math problem on the earth. There were 64 squares, one grain of rice in the first grid, two grains of rice in the second grid, and four grains in the third grid

Compared with this mathematical problem, the speed of these foreign demons is undoubtedly too fast.

Think about it, how many people have they taken away since they were released by Yaoguang fairy?

Now, many of them have been able to breed out of the fairyland.

This is undoubtedly a vicious circle.

These foreign demons

Feng Zhi felt that the Yao Guang fairy, who had put these foreign demons into the fairyland, had undoubtedly opened a Pandora's box.

"Hoo!" Feng Zhi sighed softly.

The southern emperor's words have not been finished.

"If there is no emperor level strong, these foreign demons, even if the number is large, but it is not a big problem. After all, now we know that the power of thunder attribute has certain restraint on them. At least those ordinary foreign demons can't escape the screening of thunder attribute power..." The southern emperor's brow was not relieved by such words, but was tightened more and more tightly. "But now, because of the recent expansion of the foreign demons, they have the first emperor level strong. Since they have the first, then there will be a second, a third..."Feng to the heart also followed a Lin.

If there is a third, there will be a fourth

You know, in addition to Yao Guang fairies, there are only eight emperors in the fairyland.

Although it seems that the number is more than that of Yao Guang fairies and foreign demons, it is very difficult for the fairyland to become a powerful emperor. On the contrary, it is not very easy for these foreign demons to create an emperor, but they only need to constantly deprive the immortal of the immortal world, and then there will be a chance of a second emperor.

In this way

If we let the foreign demons continue to expand like this, who can know when there will be eight foreign demons at the emperor level?

Feng Zhi and Long Yan looked at each other.

Hearing this, they can probably understand why the six emperors were so eager to force Fengzhi and Longyan to grow up.

In fact, they really don't have time for Fengzhi and Longyan.


Or that sentence, Feng to understand, but did not agree with them, so took the Phoenix as a bet.

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